Chapter 5: The Way of Chi

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Tofu: Well done!!! From now on, you inexperienced ones will call me Master Tofu! Otherwise, they'll get a bamboo smack on the hand and ass!

Dan Yu -{laughing}-  Pffpfpfpff, "Master Tofu", hahahah!



Hand slap:


Qing Yu: Oh my lord Tofu! Don't do that! AIAIAIAIA! SORRY! DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

Tofu: As for you! SU XIAOAN!?!

Su: ('○_○')...Nothing, Master Tofu.

Tofu: That's it! That's how I like it! Now let's get started!

First day:

Tofu: First of all, I need to explain my practical teaching method!

Qing Yu: But Master, didn't you show us in the theoretical exercises how the input and output of Chi works in a body activity?

Tofu: Yes, yes, yes...But I don't use any of them, I just made you study because that's the basics of teaching.

Su: So we spent three months studying all that stuff so we wouldn't use anything?

Qing Yu: No Su! Surely he did this because we're going to use some of what we've learned, isn't it Master?

Tofu: No, I lied to you.

The Three: (ಥ⌣ಥ)

Tofu: The body has natural patterns of Chi that circulate through channels called "meridians", masters of the past determined Chi as a material and immaterial thing at the same time, with the ability to manifest in different ways, depending only on its tendency to Yin and Yang. In this way, you will adapt your bodies according to food.

Dan Yu: Like, a diet?

Tofu: No, foods classified as "Yang" increase body heat by accelerating metabolism, while "Yin" foods decrease body heat by slowing down metabolism. In short, you will use Yang-friendly foods for your attack and Yin foods for your defense.

Su: How does this work in practice?

Tofu: Remember that day I took a deep breath and hit the tree? I channeled my Yang-type Chi through the meridians of my body and expelled it to target a single point without using more than necessary. In the same way, each of you will need to channel your Chi into an organ, tissue, muscle or sense to organize all the energy. My plumber is my lungs, you must find yours through food.

Tofu enters the hut and takes about two minutes to leave, bringing with him bowls and small books, which he gives to the three young people.

Su: What is this?

Tofu: It's all you'll need to eat and drink to raise your Chi.

Dan Yu: WHAT!?!

Su and Qing: (॓_॔)!!!


Tofu: Since you arrived here I noticed a lack of substances from these vegetables in your body, from now on, you will eat vegetables and legumes that are born upwards in the morning, which favors your Yang side, in the afternoon you you will eat different meats, and finally, during the night you will eat tubers and vegetables that grow downwards, which will help your Yin side.

Dan Yu: ∑(;°Д°).........

Su: Let me see what's in mine...ha! Plenty of fruits, dairy products and fish meat, wow, not even a sweetie?

Tofu: NO!


Qing Yu: That's right! In mine you put me to eat a lot of sweets, eggs and cereal!

Su and Dan: "UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE"


Su and Dan: (́◉◞౪◟◉‵)......Yes......Master.

Tofu: Great! Now, the first lesson of the first day! Put your feet apart from each other and stretch your arms out to the side and stand still!

The three do exactly as Tofu explains even with doubts.

Su: So, what now?

Tofu: And now? Stay there until I say you can stop!

Dan Yu: You want us to stay like this for the rest of the afternoon!?!

Tofu: No, of course not!

Dan Yu: Whew!

Tofu: I want them to stay like that until sunrise the next day.

The Three: WHAT!?!?!? щ(ಠ益ಠщ)

Tofu: Exactly! To start training for real, you need to warm up your meridians, this is the only way you will make it possible for their pathways to stop being atrophied.


Tofu picks up the piece of bamboo and glares at the boy.

Dan Yu: (ಠ_ರ)......On second thought, I'll continue the warm-up.

The trio continues with dedication over time, finishing the first warm-up at sunrise, having a good cup of coffee and starting the second, and so on.

Second day:

Warming up again.

Third day:

Another warm-up.

Fourth day:

Common physical exercises begin, at this moment being push-ups.

Fifth day:

Sit-ups and jumping rope begin.

Sixth day:

Stretching and reflex tests begin (like trying to catch the chicken, listening to different frequencies of sounds, smelling suspicious smells, among others).

Seventh day:

Climbing and racing begins.

Eighth day:

Strength tests begin (pulling a cart, weeding an entire field, throwing objects, among others).

Ninth Day:

Endurance test, such as going all day without eating, carrying a vase of water and not letting the book get wet in one hand while the other has a dance tape and if they stop moving it, they get spanked, withstand stones being thrown at the body (surely this part is revenge for their first meeting, hahaha!), hearing extremely high-pitched and irritating flute notes, among other sick activities of this old man's mind!

Tenth day:

Finally, the true teachings began, and during those ten days Xuan followed from afar, observing the trio training and even giving advice to Qing himself on how to do them correctly, asking him not to tell anyone.

Tofu: Congratulations! You survived the "Nine Days of Severe Judgment"!!!

The Three: *Su = ( ಥ_ಥ ) *Qing = ( ✖╭╮✖ ) *Dan = щ(ಥДಥщ)

Qing Yu: Why is the name "Nine Days of Severe Judgment"?

Tofu: Because those nine days are like a trial to see if you're capable and if you're going to survive, otherwise...die! HAAAA AHAHHAHHAAHA!!!

Dan Yu: -{mentaly}- (I hate this old man, and I really hate him, I just don't throw him off a cliff because my legs can't handle chasing chickens anymore or pulling him in a barrel across the valley, or being around all day from the embers of the fire roasting food for him that I can't even eat, I hope I get strong enough to pay him back!)

Tofu: Can you hear me Dan?

Dan Yu: YES MASTER! YES! (⊙‿⊙'')

Tofu: From now on, you will start a new type of training, "Body Strength Location". But first, let's sit down and meditate for a while.

Everyone sits.

Tofu: Now, empty your minds and...

Su: Can I drink water?


Total silence.

Tofu: Inhale and exhale...this...imagine you are on a mountain right at the top, where nothing can bother you, now imagine a circle around you, shining gracefully like crystal...

Su: Fiiiiii...foooo....fiiiiiii....foooo....

Around Su appears a yellow energy that levitates her briefly leaving her amazed and amazed.

Qing and Dan: ('O\0/O')

Su: This....this is....

Tofu: It's beautiful isn't it? This is the result of your training, this is what resides in all of us, what connects us to the past, present and future.

The energy ceases and Su cries with emotion, being hugged by the two brothers congratulating her on the conquest, and in the background, Xuan is impressed with what he saw.

Xuan: .........She did it............amazing. I doubted it at first, but after that, I even feel joy in seeing someone discovering their Chi for the first time, which reminds me of.........I already know what I have to do, I'm going to help you, I'm going to see how far they can go.

Meanwhile, during these ten days, in Dishan VII Village:

3rd Leader: Hello brother!

7th Leader: Well well! Nice to see you here brother!

The two embrace.

3rd Leader: So, how are the preparations going?

7th Leader: Ha! Everything is as planned! It's going to be a big feast! Party, dancing, "drinks"!?!

The Seventh nudges the Third.

3rd Leader: hahah (sarcasm)...very funny, you know I don't drink anymore after my wife...

Leader 7: Yes, I understand...and where is my niece!?!

3rd Leader: Decided to stay in the village and study dance.

7th Leader: DANCE!?! That is great! She will be fantastic...

3rd Leader: Let's cut to the chase.

The weather gets serious...

Leader 7: Yes, you know why I called you, right?

3rd Leader: I have my guesses, what would it be? Money? Food?

7th Leader: No my brother, it's something worse, something even our grandparents feared.

3rd Leader: What? Say it soon.

7th Leader: A week ago during a camp of our ore purifiers, an attack took place.

3rd leader: What kind of "attack"?

7th Leader: The kind that is not human.

3rd Leader:'s not what I'm thinking, is it? Tell me no, please.

7th Leader: I fear brother that we are in danger...and that "They" have returned.

3rd Leader: I can't believe it...

7th Leader: Yes...I think they are..."Guaiwus"......known as....."Monsters"...

Everything goes black.

To be continued...

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