02-A Warm Welcome(?)

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"This place is lovely!~" Himeko exclaimed as they entered Belobog.

"Sure is!~" March replied

"Eh!? Where did Stelle go!?" Pom-Pom exclaimed

"Not again..!" a gentle but stern voice mumbled

A man who had the appearance of a Silvermane Guard with blonde hair, fished the Trailblazer out of a trash can.

"No no no!" Stelle cried, as she tugged on her dear trash.

"Come on, Stelle! Leave the trash cans alone!" the man cried

"There's your answer, Pom-Pom... Oh hey!~ It's Gepard!!~" March 7th exclaimed as she ran up to him

"How are you doing, March, Dan Heng?" Gepard asked as he turned his head to greet Himeko and Pom-Pom

"We're good!~" March burst out "Not sure about Stelle" she said as she watched Gepard grab Stelle by the waist and try to ,gently, separate her from the trash cans.

"Now Stelle, that's not how we behave" Himeko chuckled

"Sorry Himeko" Stelle mumbled as she flopped onto the floor

"Stelle! You're gonna' get dirty!!" March cried as she went to scoop the "raccoon" from the floor

"Sorry about this, March" Gepard sighed as he took Stelle's right arm

"Huh? Why? How's this your fault!? I'm- We're sorry!" March said as she took the left arm

Passing citizens stopped to stare at the two struggling to lift up a "raccoon".

"Come with me, Himeko, Pom-Pom" Dan Heng said, not wanting to get involved in this mess.

"H-hey!! You get back here!!" March barked as Dan Heng took off

Dan Heng took Himeko to Serval's Workshop, thinking they'd get along pretty well. He was right.

"You must be Himeko!" 

"You must be Serval!" 

"March has been telling me all about you!" they both said

"Do you have coffee?"




Dan Heng silently escaped and took Pom-Pom to meet Bronya.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Conductor Pom-Pom" Bronya said with a warm and gentle smile

"Wow!~" Pom-Pom said to Dan Heng "She's pretty~"

"She has a girlfriend, Pom-Pom" Dan Heng said back

"I-I wasn't trying to-!!!" Pom-Pom cried, although he look pretty gloomy

[I have no idea where I'm going with this chapter (┬┬﹏┬┬)]

"Oh, Stelle!! Why are you like this!?" March cried, when the whole trash episode was over, as she sipped on a berry smoothie she bought

"Mmmmm..." Stelle shrugged as she slurped on her banana smoothie, she was lucky that March even considered buying her one

With the success of separating the "raccoon" with her trash, Gepard quickly rushed off to his duties, and the girls went over to a small shop to grab some smoothies.

The two best friends headed over to the museum.

"Hi Eris!" Stelle said, as the girls went over to a woman

"O-oh! H-hello!! Stelle! Hello, um..." Eris said

"Oh! I'm March, March 7th!!" March exclaimed

"What an odd name..." Eris mumbled to herself "U-um hello March 7th!!"

"Hehe!~ It's alright! You can call me March~!" March cried

"Oh, um, sorry,-" Eris said, looking at March, as the girls started to walk away "-no drinks in the museum, please!~ Sorry..." Eris stuttered 

"Oops!~ Sorry!~" March said "Stelle!~" March said as she handed her camera to Stelle "Can you go inside so long and takes some pics', while I finish my drink, please~!?" March pleaded

"Uh, sure" Stelle said "See you"

And Stelle got to work with taking pictures at every angle at iMpOrTaNt HiStOrIcAl items. March was taking rather long, and then Stelle had a growing suspicion that March was just having the fattest chat with Eris.

"oH hEhEhEhEhEeEeE!!!" march 7th said, but she was a trash can, with a poorly edited picture of her face on the trash can

"oH hAhAhAhAhAaAaA!!!" eris said, but she was also a trash can, with a poorly edited picture of her face on the trash can

While this "play" continued in Stelle's head, a young blue-haired girl, who had the appearance of a Silvermane guard, ran up to her.

"S-Stelle!! I-I'm so glad you're here!!" Pela cried, as she ran up to Stelle "I need to speak to you in private..." Pela said, as she took Stelle to an empty room

"Oh, hi Pela! How are you?" Stelle asked with a warm smile

"T-there's no time for that!! sorry... B-but I can't find Gepard!!" Pela cried

"Hmm? Isn't he doing, um, Silvermane guard stuff?" Stelle asked

"N-no! All the other guards said he isn't w-with them!!" Pela cried

Stelle looked at the girl's worried face.

"U-um... Cookie..?" Stelle asked

"W-what.!?" Pela asked

Stelle pulled a chocolate-chip cookie out of her jacket's pocket, and held it in front of Pela.

"H-hey! I-I'm not a child! And anyways! You shouldn't have that here! No food in the museum!!" Pela exclaimed

"Take it, or leave it, just saying, you'll need it" Stelle said firmly

"S-stop speaking in riddles!! It's ver-!!" Pela cried "..!"

And at that moment, Stelle shoved the cookie into Pela's mouth.

"Are you okay now..?" Stelle asked

Pela nodded with the cookie sticking out

"You sure..?"


"Are you now gonna' explain the situation calmly and without stutters..?"


"Now" Stelle said gently "What exactly happened?"


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