A Posthumous Monologue

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My poem got rejected again.

It was the thirteenth time, I

Was near the river watching the water

Flowing like Vivaldi or Beethovan

Tchaikovsky perhaps but all those

Famous quotes of unknown poets

They remind me how to die with

Potential and unavailable fame

Unknowingly you close your eyes

Parrot, you're a bird, you mimic

My words and i mimic your love

For love I never had, what I had

I lost. My fame? It's an unadorned jewel

In the mahogany box that was lost

In the tsunami. My marimba played

Debussy, and enchanted- I wrote

Another dying poem about gasping bird

Who tried to catch some rain under the Cruel sun.

It never had water still it begged for it.

I killed the bird. The corpse reside in me.

Pages after pages were tattooed with ink

Tears, blood... did anyone listen?

Maybe they will. Like they did to Van

Or other painters. Their art too killed them

And we think art gave them life! Huh!

The autopsy says otherwise.

So I'll go on the same way, I'll

Write a Posthumous poem

To earn a penny to buy some food

Or drink water inside the pool

I'll be on mountain top, bird,

my poems won't be orphan anymore.

I'll give them a parent, a name of their own.

They will be celebrated after I leave, for the world cherish the autopsy cause it cost lessly more.

Come parrot, let's write again, I'll teach you the words , and you be my publisher

As I close my eyes you throw the words

To suburbia, to mountain top, to all the people

Who rejected me. Bombard them with my thoughts, cruel , cruel one. 

Tell them I wrote a bird, a dead poem and summoned its soul on earth.

 You're a minister of mimicry, you copy my words! How dare? They always take my manuscript and run it with their name.

How foolish... I shall die first so that my fame arise.

 For the world cherish the dying heart rather when it's alive.

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