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"Casey!" Izzie yelled before running full speed down the airport and jumping into my arms. I held her close to me, no words had to be spoken, the feeling of her smile in the crook of my neck was enough communication for the two of us in that moment.

"I missed you so much." I finally said, setting her down but still holding both her hands.
"Me too. That was the hardest two weeks of my life." She let out a small chuckle and I smiled, placing our foreheads together.

Izzie had been at her aunts in Florida for two weeks. It was some trip her grandma wanted to take her and her siblings on for family bonding. However that meant she had to leave me. Which is my worst nightmare.

"I'm so excited to just be with you again." She sighed.
"Don't you want to go home? As much as I love you I understand if you wanna be at home." I didn't want my girlfriend to feel pressured. Of course I wanted her with me, but more than anything, I wanted her to be comfortable.

She gave me a sweet smile.
"You are my home, Casey Gardner." She spoke softly. That was enough to make me want to start crying on the spot, but instead, I just kissed her softly. I had missed the sweet taste of her apple chapstick, or feeling her smile against my lips whenever I kissed her. I missed all of it. I missed my happiness.

"Come on, pretty girl. Let's get you home." I smiled down at her and gave her one last soft kiss before walking her to my car.

"Did you have a nice time, princess?" I spoke, after only a few short minutes of driving in silence. My hand was resting on her thigh, I craved any contact I could possibly get from Izzie since we'd been separated.

"It was alright, pretty much the same as last time." She smiled at me before turning to face the window once again. Izzie had gone to her aunts before, after slurpee night. Only this time was a little different, I can kiss her, hug her and hold her when she got home, just like I wanted to back then.

We sat in a comfortable silence, I massaged izzies thigh the whole journey and she watched the scenery pass outside the window. Once we pulled up at my house, I flung an arm around izzie and held her as close as I could as we advanced to my front door.

As soon as we got in the house, Elsas face lit up. "Izzie! How are you, sweetie? Fun trip?" Elsa hugged izzie, forcing me to detach from her. This was the first time we hadn't been in physical contact since she'd gotten home. It was suddenly very cold in my body.

As soon as Elsa pulled away from the hug, I reclaimed Izzie with my arm around her-holding her as close to me as physically possible- causing her to giggle at my clinginess and my mom to crack a smile.

"It was fine, thank you." Izzie smiled at Elsa, which made her look like she was going to explode in that very moment. I swear sometimes she loves Izzie more than she loves me, but I don't mind. Izzie deserves every bit of love she receives.

I was eager to take Izzie upstairs and talk to her about everything I've wanted to tell her in the past two weeks. But Elsa had other plans I suppose.

"You hungry, Izzie? Want coffee of anything?"  My mom looked excited which may have etched Izzie to accept this offer, however, she must've felt the sigh I gave out at the question, because she let out a small sweet giggle and said "no thank you Mrs Gardner."

Elsas excitement faded but her smile didn't.
"Alright, sweetie. Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you."

I tried not to seem to eager but I think I practically shot upstairs, pulling izzie along with me. "Slow down, Newton!" She laughed. That sound soothes my soul makes my brain go slower, and calm. But makes my heart rate a whole lot faster at the same time.

I pulled her in the room and shut the door behind us. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me. "Hey." I spoke, her smile had faded a little. She was giving those eyes, that one way she looks at me that makes my stomach go in knots.

"Hi." She smiled once again, which was enough to make me melt. I seriously missed those romantic eyes. The eyes that tell me exactly what the love of my life is feeling. The eyes I could stare into forever.

"I missed you." I spoke so softly it was almost a whisper, I saw izzies dimples become more prominent before she let out a small giggle.
"You've said." She laughed a little.
"I know. I just need you to know truly how much I missed you." I smiled as I looked down at her, I swear I spend so much time studying her beauty I could memorise the placement of every freckle on her perfect little face.

"Well I missed you more than there's stars in the sky." She smiled, Izzie loves stars. She's always loved stars and all things astronomy related. I think it's one of the cutest things about her, her passion when she talks about the things she loves.

I finally kiss her, softly but it's so full of love, I can feel that feeling of her lips on mine at last. It's reviving.

One we had pulled away I just held Izzie close to me. I'd missed the feeling of her body on mine more than words can describe. The smell of her coconut shampoo in her silky brown hair, the tight grasp of her hugs and the warmth I feel in me as soon as we touch.

"Wanna watch tangled?" I finally said, tangled was the only movie Izzie could sit through without falling asleep. It's her absolute favourite. I held her face in my hands and a smile cast across her face, making the dimples I adore with all my heart, appear on her beautiful face.

She simply nodded before elevating herself off the ground and jumping onto me with enough force to make me fall on the bed.

"Izzie!" I laughed before flipping us over and tickling her waist. She laughed hysterically as my fingers danced across her.
"Stop!" She laughed. "I'm serious, Casey!"Eventually, I fell to the side of her and she turned on to her side to face me, I followed suit.

"I hate you." She said, completely out of breath.
"No you don't." I smiled and she rolled her eyes before returning them back to mine.

"No I don't." She admitted in defeat. "You're annoying as shit though." She muttered.
"Sure I am. But you know you love it."
"That's a matter of opinion." Izzie teased.
"Is it now?" I teased back before grabbing her hand.

"I do love it." She spoke quietly.
"I know."

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