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Kali felt a surge of resentment whenever she saw Jacob with Bella

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Kali felt a surge of resentment whenever she saw Jacob with Bella. She knew that Bella was not interested in Jacob, only using him as a shoulder to cry on after her messy breakup. Jacob, on the other hand, did not appear to understand Bella's intentions and began to spend more time with her, neglecting his sister in the process. Bella was going through a difficult time, and Kali recognised that, but she also thought Bella was abusing Jacob's generosity and kindness. Kali wished Jacob would realise the truth and focus more on her, his very real sister, rather than the fictitious relationship he had with the paleface.

The more time passed, the more Kali realised that Jacob was spending with Bella rather than doing anything else. She had a feeling something was wrong and decided to confront him about it. After initially defending himself, Jacob eventually acknowledged that he had been assisting Bella with some motorcycle repairs.

It infuriated Kali. She knew Bella was only using Jacob for his skills and did not care about him at all. Jacob refused to stop assisting Bella, despite Kali's best efforts to persuade him. He said he enjoyed working on the bikes and that it was a good way for him to spend time with Bella.

Kali felt helpless. Jacob's decision was already made, and she was aware that she could do nothing to change it.

Consequently, the Quiluete girl was made to watch as her older brother wilfully disregarded Bella Swan's problems while idly sitting by.


Kali felt a knot in her stomach as she thought about Embry. He had been missing for a few days, and no one seemed to know where he was. She wondered if he was in trouble or if he had run away from home. The last time they had spoken, he blew up at her, blamed her, and left her alone on the beach for her to make her way back.

She wished she could talk to Jacob about it because Embry was his friend too. Jacob, however, was too preoccupied with his time with Bella Swan to pay attention to what Kali had to say. Kali felt hurt and angry that Jacob would ignore her and his friends for a girl who didn't care about him. She wished she could make him see how wrong Bella was for him and how much she and Embry needed him.

Frustrated and hurt, Kali felt that Jacob had abandoned him and his friends in favour of a girl who did not care about him. Although she was aware that Bella was exploiting him, she was unsure of how to get him to realise it.


Sam-Fucking-Uley. He had swooped in and grabbed Embry when he was vulnerable, and now he is following him around like a fucking duckling. Words could hardly describe how mad Kali was to notice Embry hanging out with 'the cult'. She was scared. Embry had never liked those boys, but no, they were the only people he had time for. If Embry could be taken, who's to say that Quil or her brother wouldn't be taken too?


Kali squirms in discomfort as she sits between Jacob and Bella in the red truck.

"If I told you I couldn't fix these bikes, what would you have said?" Jacob asks.

Bella looks over at the long-haired boy. "Are you doubting your mad skills?"

Kali grimaces at Bella's attempt at humour and looks over at Jacob, who cracks a grin on his face.

What a weirdo.

"No. Definitely. I mean, they'll run fine." But the smile soon vanished as he continued, "I just, uh, maybe if I was smart, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit."

Bella then responds with clear hesitation in her voice, "Hey, if you told me you couldn't rebuild these bikes, I would've said that's really too bad, but that we're just going to have to find something else to do."

"I could've probably done it myself," Kali mutters, crossing her arms over her chest. She was ignored, as Jake was happy that Bella wanted to spend time with him, and Bella was far too oblivious to notice anything outside of her bubble of self-centred pettiness.

"Is that Sam Uley?" Bella points at the familiar cliffs.

Kali looks up to see a group of boys, all shirtless, at the top of the cliffs.

Do they even own shirts?

I hope they get really bad bug bites.

It's the type that is so itchy you can't focus, and then it bleeds, so if you itch it again, it will just hurt, but it's still ridiculously itchy.

Actually, no.

That's not nearly annoying enough for them.

Jacob's head shoots in that direction as well, "Yeah. Him and his cult."

Jared gets shoved off the edge, and the rest of them laugh boisterously.

"Oh my god," Bella gasps, pulling over the red truck and sending Kali hurling to the left into Jacob's side. Bella hurries out of the vehicle in a rush, but Jacobs and Kali both take their time, seeing as there isn't an actual problem. "Did you guys see that?" She asks the two, running over to the opposite side of the road.

"They're not really fighting, Bella," Kali says, rolling her eyes. "They're cliff diving."

"Scary as hell," Jacob agrees, leaning on the fencing. "But a total rush."

Kali looks over at the cliff again, frowning at the group of boys.

"A rush?" Bella asks.

"Most of us jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples," Jacob responds.

"What, you have beef with them or something?" Bella pries.

"I don't know. They just think they run the place. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now, look at him." Jacob sighs.

"That's Embry?"

Kali pushes off the fence, storming back to the truck and slamming the door shut behind her.

Bella looks back, looking confused at the young girl's outburst. Jacob continues staring at the cliffs, not wanting to look at his upset sibling.

"She's not taking it too well. He's been avoiding her like the plague."

"I thought they were close? Embry and Kali," Bella says, raising her eyebrow. When she first met Embry, he was quickly swept away by Kali, and Quil soon followed. It was clear to anyone that they cared about her.

"Very. But then something happened. He yelled at her out of nowhere, took a few weeks off school, and hasn't spoken to her since. Now he just follows Sam around like a little puppy."

"That must suck," Bella says, her voice lacking any emotion or inclination that she cared.

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