Yèxīng Comes Homes.

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Note: this story is posted on ao3 and yes, it's mine. This is the link to my other works https://archiveofourown.org/users/yatogami I also put it on my bio. Thanks for reading!! Btw, English is not my first language.


The sun shone brightly in the sky, the clouds looked as white as a marble and the sky was a beautiful blue. The day had started normal for Yèxīng [Stars of the dark night sky], a young teenager with long hair that was black as an abyss, except the eneds of the hair that was white. and eyes silver. His robes were simple, black and some dark blue in them. The teen had decided to visit Caiyi Town after a long exhausting trip to the West, where ' savages ' clans remained. While the trip itself was a wonder for him, because he learned new techniques and culture, coming back was exhausting.

A local merchant saw the boy and recognized him, smiling brightly when doing so. The merchant, who was a man in his mid thirties lifted his one of his hands to wave it and Yèxīng noticed, his lips curling upwards. The black haired teen walked towards him when he was in front of the merchant ge talked;

"Master Diqiu, it's such a pleasure meeting you again" Yèxīng said, his hands falling into a salute, but Diqiu stopped him, smiling ear to ear at the sight of the young man.

"Young Master Yèxīng there is no need for you to salute me! I've told you a lot of times that you only-" Diqiu was cut off by Yèxīng who had a good natured smile.

"-when it's someone important. Yes, I know. But for me, you are very important-"

"Ha! No need to praise this mast- uhum! -merchant" Diqiu said, rubbing his nose and making Yèxīng sigh exasperated, smile in his lips.

"-you are very important because then where would I stay for free if you were not?" Silence reigned the conversation and Diqiu juts sighed, an expression similar to Yèxīng but kind of angrier.

"Brat! You treat me as if I am a free inn! You-"

"I mean, I brought some herbs from the West, and they are said to be sold to pieces of gold. But if you don't want them the I'll-" Yèxīng took out a bag that contained herbs making Diqiu shut his mouth and took the small bag harshly, his pupils looking as if there was a gold symbol on them at the sight of precious herbs.

"Fine, you can stay. But don't sleep with my niece again!" Yèxīng laughed at the words, alredy retreating to Diqiu's residence. Diqiu sighed and smiled, he could never stay mad at the kid, not after the help he always receives from him.

Meanwhile Yèxīng stopped at a food shop. He sat down and waited to be attended, and when he was attended, the ordered one of everything in the menu. The shop employee, already knowing him, had them prepared beforehand and served them rapidly. Yèxīng thanked him and ate all the food fast, as if he was starving. Which he was.

Before Yèxīng had left Caiyi Town again two years ago, he had given an exact date on which he would return, to not surprise the people living there, and for Gusu Lan to not know.

Yèxīng story is complicates, and not even he knows the details of how his mother found him. All he knows is that the person he calls mother found him in Yunping City as a baby and traveled to Caiyi Town, where they lived as beggars until he turned three. That was when he met his teacher, Lan Yùntài (Sun of the clouds) a person with Hight Cultivation, who taught him the basics of martial arts, telling him and his mom that he would pay handsomely of he was allowed to teach him, and when Yèxīng was five, when the teen's mother died, he decided to follow his own path, and ran away from Gusu, coming back every three or four years.

Suddenly, a commotion was heard and Yèxīng stood up, feeling the hairs on his neck stand up at the feeling of a deep resentful energy. The teen left a bag of money on the table and ran outside, towards where the resentful energy was coming. He came across the river of Caiyi Town, where a bunch of cultivators where circling a whirlpool in the water. Yèxīng felt complicated; should he go save the disciples and be discovered by his former teacher? Or should he just ignore them?

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