Chapter One

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A.N.: If only I could just hand this in as my essay instead. *sigh*

Niall let out a huff, blowing his fringe off his forehead momentarily but immediately regretting the action as a stylist rushed over and adjusted the three or four hairs he had blown out of place. He glared at the woman before turning his angry eyes towards the white floor, crossing his arms over his bare chest. The woman moved away and he looked up at the occupied photographer. He cleared his throat, drawing attention to him. “Can we get started yet?” He grumbled, rubbing at the goose bumps rising on his arms.

He and the rest of the boys were at a photo shoot which required them to be dressed in the most minimal amount of clothes: tiny, flesh colored and skin-tight boy shorts. Niall did not, in the slightest, approve of these pants which were just barely cutting off the circulation to his thighs. He wanted to get started as soon as possible so that he would be finished as soon as possible and finally get changed back into his comfortable clothes.

The photographer brushed away the assistant who had disturbed him and moved back over to the camera. “Yes, of course. Now, everything else has been taken so would you like the candies or the present?” The photographer asked, adjusting the camera one last time before he stepped closer to Niall.

“Do I get to eat the candies after?” Niall cocked his head to the side as he actually considered the question.

“Well, judging by the fact that they’ll be on your crotch, I don’t think you’ll want to.” The man laughed but Niall was too grumpy to join in to the laughter. The photographer seemed to sense that Niall wasn’t amused and he looked away. “Err… right…”

“Yeah, I’ll take the candy. Whatever.” Niall rolled his eyes and glared at a nearby wall. He didn’t look down as the assistant came over to him and poured candy on his lap. He flushed slightly as she stared intently at his crotch, adjusting the candy for the perfect shot before she headed away.

“Alright, just a moment,” The photographer said, holding up a hand before his attention was drawn away by someone else.

Niall growled lowly, wanting to run hands over his face or through his hair, frustrated, but he didn’t want to have to go through makeup and hair again. He settled for clenching and unclenching his fists as he glanced around the room. No one was really paying him any attention, the lighting people tweaking the lights just a bit and the hair and makeup people chatting amongst themselves. The photographer was chatting to this new person while his assistant stood dutifully at his side.

He began tapping his feet restlessly before he suddenly remembered what was on his lap and he looked down to see if anything had fallen askew. It hadn’t and he slouched down, relieved but he was still bored. Niall eyed the candies in his lap, the gumdrops, jelly beans, gummy bears, and M&M’s. He spotted a bunch of lollypops, feeling one of their sticks poking his thigh uncomfortably. He pulled it free and opened it, dropping the wrapper behind himself as he stuck it in his mouth. The taste of cherry invaded his mouth and Niall let out a satisfied moan, letting his eyes shut lightly.

“That’s good! That’s good!” He heard the photographer say before there was the sound of a flurry of photos. Niall’s eyes burst open and he saw that the photographer was pointing at him from behind the camera and gesturing to the lollypop.

Niall plucked the stick from his lips, staring wide-eyed at the man. “I just… I didn’t… I mean, I just… I just wanted it…” Niall shrugged jerkily but the photographer just waved his hand.

“It’s good! Put it back in your mouth.”

Niall obeyed, trying to hold back the embarrassed flush that he could just feel spreading across the bridge of his nose. Niall didn’t look at the camera or the others staring at him. Instead, he stared off at the ceiling as if there was something unfathomably interesting about it. Just then, Niall heard a door open and then he heard four familiar voices chatting idly.

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