Chapter Two

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A.N.: Remember like five years ago when y'all said you wanted a part two? Well, here it is. Kinda dissatisfied with the ending but ah well. IT'S FINISHED. 

For weeks, nothing happened. Sure, Harry would mess around with Niall both while they were at home and while they were on stage, in front of thousands of fans who squealed at the display, but he did that will all the guys so Niall didn’t think himself special. Every day, Niall felt a little further from Harry but no more so than today. The whole gang had gone to play football in a nearby park and Niall and Louis had started to play fight, rolling around in the muck and mud while they argued over a goal and whether or not it counted. When they finally broke apart, Harry helped Louis up and they both instantly forgot about Niall, walking away as they took up a conversation.

Now, Zayn had came over to break up the fighting duo up just like Harry had but Niall still felt hurt and neglected as he brushed mud off his clothes and took Zayn’s hand gratefully, standing up and heading to his own edge of the pitch. He tagged out with Liam and sat down on the grass, unable to tear his eyes away from Harry as he ran around the field, chasing after the ball in every direction it went. After a while, Niall felt so gross with the mud caking on him and, when Zayn got near to stop the ball from going out, Niall walked over to him.

“Hey, I’m gonna go… head home… take a shower…” He said, gesturing to his clothes.

“Yeah? You want me to come with?” Zayn said and, as he stopped playing, the other boys did too and they looked over curiously.

“No, no,” Niall shook his head, taking steps back. “You have your fun.” Zayn watched him uncertainly but Niall nodded towards the game before he turned around and started walking away properly. He had nearly made it to the gate when the game still hadn’t started again and, looking behind, he saw the boys grouped up in the middle. He stopped at the fence as he watched them talk before Liam and Zayn started to head towards the right side of the field and Louis started tugging Harry towards the left side. Harry suddenly looked up and he met Niall’s eyes across the field and Niall’s heart sped up in his chest but he fought to keep his face stony and impassive until Harry looked away again and then he walked through the gate, starting on the long trek home.

He dropped his muddy clothes by the front door so as not to trek dirt through the whole house before he headed into the shower and, though he knew he was alone, he still flushed and covered himself once he dropped his boxers onto the floor. He stepped into the tub and turned on the shower to a soothing hot, tilting his head down into the shower spray. He waited until his head was drenched, his eyes were squeezed shut, and he was gasping around the stream before he ruffled his hair to shake excess water from it and he stood up straight again. Suddenly, Niall heard the bathroom door open – or at least he thought he did – and he froze, stiffening up.

“H-hello?” Niall called out, trying to see through the curtains but he couldn’t see anything through the fog and stream smoking up the curtain so he chalked the noise up to his imagination. He could have sworn that he heard the door click shut and the lock turn but again, as he looked towards the curtain, there was nothing.

Niall turned back to his shower and reached out for the soap slowly when he definitely heard the sound of clothes falling to the floor. He was going to find out what was the cause of the noises. He shifted the curtains aside only to be shoved back into the wall with a hand on his chest. He caught a flash of Harry’s dark green eyes and his curly mop of hair before Harry’s body pressed flush against him and Harry’s mouth roughly claimed his. Niall only had time to let out a muffled grunt of surprise before Harry’s fingers were running through his hair, tugging on it lightly as Harry ran his tongue along Niall’s bottom lip.

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