Stand Tall, Stand Proud

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"Hey, guys!" (Y/N) exclaimed, his smile radiant.

Jiro let out a relieved sigh. "That was too close," she muttered.

"We need to re-group with the others. There don't seem to be any more villains in this area," (Y/N) suggested to the two of them.

Nodding in agreement, they began to make their way forward. However, their progress was interrupted by an unexpected noise.

They turned around and saw Kaminari sprawled on the ground, giving them a thumbs-up.

"Oh, right," (Y/N) chuckled and walked over to Kaminari, lifting him effortlessly over his shoulder.

"Let's get moving now," (Y/N) urged, and they resumed their journey, now with Kaminari in tow.


The group of four had been running for a good ten minutes, with Kaminari now capable of keeping up on his own.

Suddenly, (Y/N) came to a halt while the others continued running. Yaoyorozu was the first to notice and turned back to (Y/N), concerned. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

(Y/N) gazed off into the distance, seemingly captivated by something. Kaminari and Jiro, now aware of the pause, also stopped running.

They found themselves in a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees. Kaminari broke the silence, asking, "What's up?"

In a swift motion, (Y/N) jolted towards Jiro and forcefully pushed her to the ground. As she landed, confused and bewildered, she looked up at (Y/N). "What was that—!"

Before she could finish her sentence, a purple blast struck the exact spot where Jiro had been standing just moments ago, causing the grass to turn black. Jiro realized the imminent danger she narrowly avoided. "That was close... I was almost...," she trailed off, comprehending the severity of the situation.

(Y/N) pondered, 'That blast wouldn't have killed her, just injured. What was their intention?' His gaze shifted from the ground to the distance, in the general direction where Aizawa's confrontation was unfolding.

Yaoyorozu rushed to help Jiro to her feet, while Kaminari approached (Y/N). Placing a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, he asked with concern, "Hey, dude, are you alright?"

Shaken from his trance, (Y/N) replied, "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine."

Jiro interjected, "Let's keep moving then. There's no time for daydreaming."

Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro resumed their sprint, leaving (Y/N) to his thoughts as he continued to peer in the direction of Aizawa's battle.

"You guys go ahead! I'm going to help Aizawa," (Y/N) declared before speeding off.

"What? You could get yourself killed!" Kaminari exclaimed, desperately trying to reason with his friend. But it was too late; (Y/N) had already made up his mind and was resolute in his objective.

Yaoyorozu, recognizing (Y/N)'s unwavering determination, said, "Let's follow him, guys."

Kaminari protested, displaying a rare moment of logic, replied, "What, you want us all to risk our lives?"

Jiro ran passed Kaminari , "Strength in numbers." she said following Yaoyorozu closely.

Kaminari let out a sigh, realizing he had no choice but to join them, unaware of the perilous challenges they would soon face.

A Few Minutes Earlier

Aizawa continued to take out the other villains as the mysterious man, who had hands covering his body, watched on with irritation.

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