You life is now a dating sim!!

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Luka POV:

Ughhhh I just wanna go homeee!! I dying out in this Freaking May heat!

Is what I thought. Seriously though, today was HOT!! Too hot for Canadian weather. Plus I was dying to get home because I was in the mood for a dating sim.

So I got home and went up to my room and flopped on my bed. I instantly went to the App Store. Only, there was a new one that I'd never seen before. That's weird...? Oh well, guess I'd better check it out!

So I downloaded it, right? And I thought it was gonna be normal... but no. Oh, ho ho I was SO wrong! When I clicked open, it was a low quality short cut. I thought

💭 hey! Maybe this is just a joke?

So I clicked play. And that's when a little wizard that looked like a jelly bean struggled their way through my phone screen.

"ARGG!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I screamed terrified of what just happened. I mean how was this possible?!

"I'm Riri! Your personal Wizard here to grant you a dating sim life experience!" The little jelly bean said I'm a high pitched squeaky ass voice.


"I can't! Remember when you hit "play" a couple seconds ago? You're locked in buddy! You can't escape this now~" Riri teased poking their wand in my face.

"Ughhhh. Why ME?!" I whined.

"Well I'm here because you're a sad lonely boy with now romance! So I've created this game called 'romantic Thriller' to help people like you! Seems like you don't mind if the games meant for boys, or girls! So that means you don't mind messing around with your own gender huhhhh??" Riri teased again pretending to kiss the air.

"N- no.." I blushed. And it was true. What Riri said about me being attracted to the opposite sex as well as my own. But that wasn't something to be ashamed of right? I think Riri was just being a dick.

"Soon enough hot guys are gonna come swarming around you! Aswell as cutie girlssss~~" Riri said all dream like.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"Aaaaand you won't be able to have your three greatest disires! Ruby. Ramen. Aaaaand your phone!" Riri said. And at that moment my phone popped out of my hands and all of the ramen in my room turned into plain sause packets.

"WHAAAAAATTT??" I screamed.

"They distract you too much from a romantic life! So I've confiscated them until further notice! But I get that it's unsafe for a teenage boy who walks to and from school to not have a way on connection. So I'm giving youuuu~~ an iPhone 6! It's got just enough room on it for your phone number. A texting app. And photos! Any other additional apps that you want you can't have because there isn't enough room."

"I CANT LIVE WITH THIS SHITTY PHONE!.." I whined. And how were they gonna expect me to?! No games?! No Socail media?! What was I supposed to do all day??

"At least you can text your friends!" Riri said. Handing me the phone.

"Yeah but it's got 5 freaking GB what am I supposed to do with it?" I reasoned taking it sourly.

—  ♡ —

The next day I was walking out of the convenient store with some rice packets. Because if I can't have Ramen I might as well just have the next best thing, right? But as I opened the store door I bumped into a cute boy and accidentally knocked his phone out of his hand.

"Oh my god- I'm SO sorry!! Let me pick it up for you." I picked up the boys home and handed it to him, visibly blushing.

Ugh. Why was this guy so HOT?! I know it's probably just one of those little Bratty Wizard Devils pawns in the dating sim life game or whatever. But seriously, how could anyone NOT look at this guy and blush? He had orange hair and hazel brown eyes and nice pale perfect skin. He's totally hot yet I can't let that Devil win for taking away Ruby My phone and Ramen! So I won't give in to the hotness!!

"Thanks." He said taking the phone.

"W- well ummm.. byee!!" I ran off not knowing what to do next. He's hot, but someone like me doesn't have anything decent to say to him anyway.

So I ran home and cooked some ramen for myself. My parents had to go away on business and left me home alone for 2 years. Probably another scheme of that Devils...

They also took Ruby with them somehow. So now I was compleat lay alone here, in this house. But as I was making my Rice I saw something... A ROACH!!

It had to be at LEAST an inch. It was GIANT!! So I freaked and ran out of the house as fast as I could running to the park. Unfortunately I forgot my wallet and my shitty phone that Riri 'gave' me. So now I was compleat my alone with nobody I could call because there was no way in HELL I was gonna go back into that house with that roach there..

And even more unlucky for me it started to rain. So I hid under the play structure in the park trying to stay dry so I wouldn't get sick.

It must've been about ten minutes before I heard someone walk up the the little dome I was under. So I looked up from it and guess who it was...?

The hot guy.

- thank you SOO much for reading the first chapter of If I was in Romantic Killer!! I'm going a little based off of the actual story line but not exactly since it's Luka's version. But I hoped you liked it!! I'm very excited about this and will most definitely write more very soon!! - love Mr Bread ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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