The rain was pouring down and thunder could be heard in the distance. Anti sat in his apartment looking out the window. He didn't like thunderstorms all that much. The reason for this is because it affects his glitching which he heavily disliked. Everytime thunder struck his glitching would act up. It depends how the storms were though some of them were bad some of them weren't, but either way he still disliked them. He wanted to go out and do something, but he knew better to stay in doors until the storm passes over. He groaned in annoyance walking away from the window to go sit on the couch. He sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh. He hated staying cooped up inside; he didn't enjoy sitting in one spot for too long. He couldn't go on his phone since his glitching would fuck it up so he had nothing to do. He could watch something on the television, but he didn't really like what was on certain channels so decided to pass on that. He wishes the storm would pass already, but he knew that wouldn't happen anytime soon. Who knows how long this storm was going to last. He looked over to his window and growled deeply.

"Damn thunderstorm! Why'd it have to happen now, on all days?!"

Anti sat there listening to the thunder as the storm slowly grew near. He wasn't going to lie, he was a bit...scared. He didn't like using that word. It made him feel weak which was something he wasn't, but it was true he felt fear wash over him. All he could do was sit there and listen to the rain pour. It was somewhat calming to him despite the hatred of thunderstorms. The rain itself was calming, but the thunder in the distance was not. He sighed softly knowing he was going to be sitting there for a while. It aggravated him a lot when storms like his came around. He couldn't do anything so he decided in the meantime he would just take a nap and wait it out. He laid back on the couch and slowly closed his eyes allowing sleep to consume him.

Chase was looking out the kitchen window, admiring the rain as it poured down. He was currently preparing dinner for everyone in the septic house. He was a bit upset that it was going to rain these past three days. This Saturday his kids were supposed to come over and spend the night. He knew how Stacey would get if there was a storm going on meaning there was a possibility he wouldn't get to see them. He hated the rules set on the visitation rights. He would get them on weekends whereas Stacey would get them during weekdays. Chase sighed softly as the rain started to get heavy. He knew that it would probably be like this for the next three days. He continued cooking when suddenly Jackie came in to grab a drink after his workout.

"Everything alright, man? You seem down." Jackie asked, getting a cup from one of the cabinets.

Chase sighed and looked over at the hero sadly, "I'm just frustrated right now. This storm is probably going to last for the next three days. I know how Stacey is when it comes to storms like this. She won't bring the kids over this Saturday, I just know it."

"Don't believe everything said on the news, Chase. They sometimes don't predict the weather correctly." Jackie replied, walking over the sink, placing his cup under the faucet before turning the water on. 

"They're sometimes right, Jackie. Remember last week there was that bad storm that lasted all day? They predict some things right." Chase said, looking at the hero.

"Well, don't keep your hopes down. You'll be able to see your kids and we'll do whatever it takes. The fucking rules set on the visitation rights is fucking stupid. How come she gets them on weekdays and you only get them on weekends?" Jackie asked, taking a sip of his water.

Chase only shrugged in response, "I don't know I hate it too, but seeing them on the weekends is better than not seeing them at all. I worked so hard to get those visitation rights I'm not about to lose them. I love my kids, Jackie. I want to see them again."

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