Anti woke up groaning in annoyance as the morning light hit his face. He sat up and stretched a bit. He completely forgot that he was in the Iplier manor. It was still a weird feeling to him waking up in the manor. He brushed away the feeling and got out of bed feeling energized. He was glad it was morning now he could head back home he won't lie he did sleep pretty good the bed was more comfortable then his couch back home. He got out of bed and made his way toward the door, but once he opened it he jumped, seeing Dark on the other side.

"You bastard! Give me a warning next time! You scared the shit out of me! What do you even want anyways?! If you're wondering when I'm leaving you don't have to worry I am leaving now!" Anti said, growling deeply.

"That's not why I came up here. I came here to ask you if you'd like to join us for breakfast." Dark said, looking at the demon with the same neutral expression.

Anti looked at Dark confused. Why was he suddenly being so nice to him? Was this a trick or something? It has to be a prank. There's no way Dark would be this nice to Anti. Anti crossed his arms and scoffed at Dark.

"Is this some kind of prank?! Why the fuck are you being so nice to me?!" Anti asked, glaring at Dark.

"I assure you, Anti. This is no prank. I'm simply offering breakfast. If you do not want breakfast I won't force you." Dark replied, before walking away.

Anti was a bit skeptical at first; he didn't know if Dark was planning something or was actually offering him breakfast. Anti didn't wanna risk anything so he decided to just head back home. He glitched home without any hesitation and sat down on his couch with a groan.

"That was something else. Why in the fuck would Dark offer me to spend the night at his place then offer breakfast?!"

Anti sighed softly and looked out his window. It was a sunny day today which was good. He wanted to go out, but didn't wanna risk being seen by Jackie again. Anti groaned in annoyance frustrated that he might be stuck inside for the day when he realized today was Saturday. Jackie never goes out to patrol on Saturdays because that's when Chase's kids normally stayed the night. If Anti knew Jackie more than anything he knew Jackie would want to take a day off just to spend time with his nephew and niece. Anti won't lie he missed his niece and nephew very much he loved the games they played together. Anti sighed softly, running his fingers through his hair frustrated at the thought of never seeing his niece and nephew ever again. Anti decided a walk on the town would be good to clear his thoughts. He got up off the couch and made his way to his room, walking past his kitchen. He decided when he was out walking he could stop at the nearest store and get some food. He entered his room grabbing some fresh clothes from in his closet. He changed out of the clothes he was wearing and quickly changed into some fresh clothes. When he was ready he grabbed his things and walked out of his apartment, locking the door behind him like always. He made his way out of the apartment building, putting up his hood. He knew if he got caught with the owner that runs this place he was going to get his ass chewed out for missing out on rent. He was close to exiting the building until he was suddenly stopped. He looked up at the person who stopped him and groaned. It was the owner and he didn't look too happy with Anti.

"You're late on rent again, Anti. You better have my money by tomorrow or your ass is out on the streets!" The man said, giving Anti a serious glare.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'll have it by tomorrow, Rick. Don't get your dick in a twist!" Anti said, rolling his eyes.

Rick glared at Anti, "You better! I shouldn't have to keep reminding you, you should know it's every month. I'll be expecting it tomorrow afternoon."

Anti watched as Rick walked away behind the desk. Anti exited the apartment building groaning in annoyance.

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