𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝟏𝟐

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𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:

Ever since Kinley started getting made fun of, I felt like I had to protect her for some reason. So when I saw those mean tweets about her, I felt this rage I've never felt before. Yeah, I've been mad, but I've never really gotten that mad because no one ever tries to get me that mad. Why? Because they're scared of me.

We're still at the beach, and I'm still looking at those infuriating tweets. There's one tweet that's attached to a picture of Kinley, completely naked. I click on their profile, seething with anger, to see who they are and where they're located. I want to have a little chat with them, confront them about why they would do such a despicable thing. Fuming, I forcefully put my phone down, trying to calm myself down so I don't cause a scene right here on the beach. Glancing to my right, I see Kinley tanning. Her face looks visibly stressed out. Poor girl, honestly. And it's not often that I feel sorry for anyone.

Kinley is in the lobby lounge with her sister, her sister's boyfriend, and me. We're all on our phones, and I'm still trying to figure out who tweeted that photo of her. Because when I find out, I swear it's not going to be good for them. "Kids, go get ready. We're going on a drive to see what we can do," Kinley's dad says. They all get up to go to their rooms, but before Kinley leaves completely, I grab her arm. "Hey, I saw that there was a photo of you."

Kinley looks startled as I turn to face her. Her eyes widen with a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and distress. "You saw it too?" she asks, her voice trembling slightly.

I can see the hurt in her eyes, and I know I need to be strong for her. "Yeah, I did. But listen, Kinley, we won't let them get away with this. I promise you, I'll find out who did it, and they're going to regret ever crossing you."

Kinley's expression softens, and I can sense her gratitude for my support, even though she's upset. "I... I don't know what to do," she admits, her voice quivering.

I place a firm hand on her shoulder, offering reassurance. "I get it, Kinley. It's not easy. But trust me, we'll handle this together. We won't let them win. Stay strong, and we'll put an end to this."

Kinley nods, her eyes welling up with tears. "Thank you," she whispers, a mix of vulnerability and determination in her voice.

Taking a moment to compose ourselves, we head towards our rooms, leaving her sister and her sister's boyfriend oblivious to the situation. The weight of the task ahead hangs heavy, but I'm determined to be there for Kinley and protect her from any further harm.

As we settled into the plush seats of the car, a sense of anticipation hung in the air like a delicate breeze. Sunlight filtered through the tinted windows, casting a soft glow on our contemplative faces. Kinley's hand found refuge in mine, her touch seeking solace amidst the turmoil that had shaken her spirit.

The engine purred with a gentle hum, accompanying us on this journey towards tranquility. The car glided along the scenic coastal road, offering glimpses of the azure sea stretching out as far as the eye could see. It felt as if nature itself had conspired to create a picturesque backdrop for our escape.

Kinley sat beside me, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions—vulnerability, apprehension, but also a glimmer of hope. Her serenity had been disrupted by the storms of social media, and I vowed to be her anchor, her guiding light through the uncertainty.

Silence enveloped us, broken only by the rhythmic sound of the waves lapping against the shore. The weight of recent events bore heavy on our minds, but we sought solace in the promise of respite aboard the awaiting yacht.

I tightened my grip on Kinley's hand, offering a silent reassurance. The road stretched ahead, the scenic views passing by like fleeting moments, allowing us time to process the emotions that surged within. The car became our sanctuary, shielding us from the world's chaos, if only for a while.

Our conversations were tender, our words chosen with care as we navigated the delicate terrain of Kinley's emotions. I longed to provide comfort, to help her rediscover the joy that had been overshadowed. In that confined space, we sought solace in each other's presence, finding solace in the depths of our connection.

As we approached the yacht, its sleek lines and gleaming exterior beckoned like a beacon of escape. Kinley's eyes, once burdened with worry, brightened with a glimmer of excitement. My heart swelled, knowing that we were on the cusp of leaving the troubles behind, embracing a world of serenity and tranquility.

I opened the car door for Kinley, offering her a hand as she stepped out onto the dock. Her eyes met mine, and in that moment, our shared determination burned brightly. We walked side by side, approaching the yacht with a renewed sense of hope, leaving behind the chaos to embark on a voyage of healing and renewal.

The deck welcomed us, its expanse stretching out like a canvas of possibilities. Hand in hand, we boarded the yacht, ready to immerse ourselves in a world where the only agenda was to find solace in each other's presence and create cherished memories.

As we stepped onto the luxurious yacht, an air of sophistication enveloped us, blending seamlessly with the emotions swirling within my heart. Kinley looked at me, her eyes filled with curiosity, unaware of the tangled web of feelings I had recently discovered.

Finding a secluded corner on the deck, where the gentle sea breeze whispered secrets, I mustered the courage to share my newfound truth. I turned to Kinley, my voice laced with vulnerability. "Kinley, I need to talk to you about something that has been weighing heavily on my heart. It hasn't been long, but in this short time, something has shifted within me."

Kinley's brow furrowed, a mixture of surprise and confusion painted across her face. "Easton, I'm not sure I understand. What do you mean?"

Taking a deep breath, I searched for the right words to convey the depth of my feelings. "I know that I haven't always been kind to you in the past, and for that, I am deeply sorry. But as time passed and circumstances changed, I started to see you in a different light. Your strength, your kindness, and your unwavering spirit—it all began to resonate within me."

Kinley's eyes widened, her voice a mixture of curiosity and caution. "But Easton, why now? Why this sudden change?"

A gentle smile graced my lips as I reached out to cup her cheek, my thumb caressing her soft skin. "It wasn't sudden, Kinley. It was a gradual awakening, a realization of what I had failed to see before. You've shown me a depth of character and beauty that I couldn't ignore. And it's made me realize how much I truly care about you."

Kinley's breath caught, her gaze meeting mine with a blend of hope and uncertainty. "Is this real, Easton? Can we move beyond our past and embrace something genuine?"

With unwavering sincerity, I nodded, my hand firmly holding hers. "Yes, Kinley. I want nothing more than to move forward with you. I can't change the past, but I can promise you my sincere intentions, my commitment to making things right, and building a future that we both deserve."

As the yacht glided through the shimmering waters, carrying us into a realm of newfound possibilities, a sense of hope and anticipation filled the air. Together, we embarked on this uncharted voyage of love, leaving behind the past to create a story that would be uniquely ours.

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