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"Idiot, we can't do that" I sneered as I snapped the card out of her hands.
I wasn't gonna use the card of a random sausage stealing dude.
"Oh c'mon you did much worse" Kara rolled her eyes. I did much worse in the past, which I wasn't proud of.
"The past is the past" I shrugged it off. I didn't want to think about that anymore.
I wasn't proud of my past, but I did what I did to survive.
I was here to make a new start and stealing definitely wasn't in my plans anymore.


"There's a cute guy asking for Amy, I suppose its you?" My coworker Josh said as soon as I walked in.
Cute guy, calling me Amy. It's the sausage thief from yesterday.
I walked to the registers and saw the guy standing there.
He wasn't wearing a backwards cap today, but he was wearing sunglasses who were covering his eyes.
"Hi Amy, did I leave my credit card here yesterday?" He had a British accent so I wasn't surprised he couldn't pronounce my name. I decided to ignore it, he could call me Amy.
"Yes you did" I said as I grabbed the card out of my pocket and put it in his hands.
"I assume you didn't steal any of my money?" He smirked as he looked at the card.
The nerves on this guy, I returned his card and he still dared to ask if I used his money?
Fair enough, Kara kinda wanted to do that, but I don't think she was actually serious about it.
"No I didn't, so you can buy all the sausages in the world" I rolled my eyes, as I scanned my pass to log myself in.
"The sausage joke is getting old, Amy" he said as he was putting his card away. "My name is Aimée" I said with a sigh but he was already leaving the store, once again.
Could this guy be more annoying?

"Who's the guy?" Josh leaned against the register as he looked at me with his eyebrow raised.
"He forgot his card yesterday" I quickly said as I helped the next customer. "And he's cute" Josh pointed out once again.
I think he worked here just to look at the cute guys around here, there were a lot of cute faces in Monaco, but a lot were holding a big ego.
"He's cute yeah but arrogant as well" I smiled at the customer as he payed for his stuff and walked out. My attention went back to Josh who just shrugged his shoulders.
"You don't feel that, Amy" he laughed as he winked at me and walked away.
He was right about that, but I don't think I could deal with his snarky comments before and after sex.

After another uneventful day, I logged out and walked to Josh. "I am going home" I said as I grabbed my stuff.
"Already?" He looked at the clock, it was indeed pretty early. "I have a date" I mumbled. I wasn't really excited about it, but he seemed nice when I swiped right on him.
"Oh, have fun Aimée, don't forget to use protection" he laughed.
I wasn't planning on having sex with him already, but you never know what could happen.

I could definitely use some distraction from working at the store and my marketing education.
It was a lot of balls to juggle at the same time and it definitely had an impact on my sex life as well.
My non existent sex life.

Today was my first date in a while, I was kinda excited about it, even if it was just to put on a dress and put on some makeup.
I missed getting dolled up, hopefully the date was going to be fine as well.

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