6: Embracing Connections

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Becky's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself wrapped in the comfort of Freen's bed. The room was filled with the soft morning light, casting a warm glow on everything around her. She stretched lazily, relishing in the peacefulness of the moment.

As she sat up, Becky caught a whiff of Freen's lingering scent on the pillow. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and her heart skipped a beat. It was as if Freen's presence was still there, even when she wasn't physically present. Becky couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within her, tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"Freen, I don't know why I'm feeling like this," Becky whispered to herself, her voice barely audible in the quiet room. "Everything is happening so quickly, but I can't deny the way my heart leaps when I'm around her. Is it too fast? Am I being too vulnerable?"

Lost in her thoughts, Becky didn't notice Freen leaning against the doorframe, a soft smile playing on her lips. She watched as Becky spoke to herself, sensing the mix of emotions swirling within her. Freen's heart warmed at the sight of Becky's vulnerability, realizing that she, too, was feeling the same way.

"Good morning, beautiful," Freen chimed in, her voice a gentle melody that filled the room. "Are you ready for breakfast?"

Becky's cheeks flushed pink as she turned towards Freen, her eyes shining with a mix of shyness and affection. "I... I guess so," she stammered, trying to hide her overwhelming excitement.

Freen walked over to Becky and gently brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Take your time, Becky. There's no rush."

Becky's heart skipped a beat at Freen's comforting words. She realized that she didn't have to figure everything out on her own, that Freen was there by her side, willing to support and guide her through any uncertainties. The thought brought her a sense of solace and reassurance.

As they made their way to the kitchen, Becky couldn't help but steal glances at Freen, her heart fluttering with every glance. They prepared breakfast together, their laughter filling the air, creating a harmonious melody that spoke of their growing connection.

Sitting across from each other at the breakfast table, their eyes locked, and their hearts danced in silent harmony. It was a moment of understanding, of unspoken words and shared affection.

As they savored their breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, Becky mustered the courage to broach the topic that had been lingering in her mind since yesterday. She took a deep breath and looked into Freen's eyes, her voice filled with vulnerability.

"Freen, I wanted to talk to you about something," Becky began, her voice soft yet resolute. "Yesterday, when we were caught in the rain, memories resurfaced. I've always known about the incident my parents mentioned, being left alone in the rain as a child. But there's more to it, something deeper that I can't fully grasp. I had a dream about it, I don't know if it's true or what but I felt that it's part of my memories in the past that keeps on bugging me."

Freen listened attentively, her hand reaching out to hold Becky's, offering a comforting squeeze. She knew that this was a sensitive and important conversation, and she wanted Becky to know she was there to support her.

Becky continued, her voice slightly trembling. "In my memories, I see a little girl crying for help, as if she's about to die. Both of us were screaming and holding on the rail of a ship. The water below us is so deep, it's raining and I could say that there's a storm. I'm trying to think about it, but my head aches, and I can't shake off this feeling that there's more to the this. I just don't know how to unravel it. I want to know that girl. Maybe she's the one that could help me."

Freen's gaze softened, her thumb caressing the back of Becky's hand. "Becky, it's okay. You don't have to force it. Whenever you're ready to share more, I'll be here to listen and support you. And maybe if you can remember more then we can search up for that girl."

Becky's eyes welled up with tears, overwhelmed by Freen's understanding and compassion. She nodded, feeling a sense of relief in knowing she didn't have to face her past alone.


Freen and Becky stood on the doorstep of Becky's house, the air filled with a mix of bittersweet emotions.

Freen cupped Becky's cheek, her thumb caressing her soft skin. "Becky, I wish I could stay longer, but there's an emergency at the company that I need to attend to. I promise, as soon as things settle down, I'll be right back by your side."

Becky nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and longing. "I know, Freen. Your responsibilities come first, and I want you to take care of them. Just remember that I'll be eagerly waiting for your return."

Leaning in, Freen placed a tender kiss on Becky's forehead, a silent promise of her commitment and affection. "You mean the world to me, Becky. I'll be thinking of you every moment I'm away."

Becky's hand found its way to Freen's, their fingers intertwining in a silent display of their bond. "And you mean the world to me, Freen. Take care, too."

They exchanged one final glance, each holding the other's presence in their hearts, before Freen turned and made her way back to her car. As she drove away, Becky stood at her doorstep, watching her until she disappeared from view.

While Becky entered her home's door, she turned around and saw her father standing there, staring at her with a gentle smile.

"Pa, I thought you were busy and staying at the company," Becky said, making her way towards her father and kissing his cheeks.

"I am, but I also need to put some time into our family," her father replied, his smile growing sheepish.

Becky nodded like an eager child, appreciating her father's presence.

"So, I see that you and Saronchana are getting closer to each other," her father remarked, a knowing twinkle in his eyes as he ruffled Becky's hair.

"Well, I feel safe around her, Pa. Who wouldn't? She's caring and... I don't know how to explain it exactly," Becky pouted, recalling the moments she had shared with Freen.

"Hmm, I noticed it earlier. The way you and Freen look at each other, and the way she kissed your forehead. I don't want to pry into your personal life, my dear, because it's time for you to be independent. But are you really sure about this?" her father asked, concern lacing his words.

"Pa, I don't see anything wrong about it. I was also confused if all of this is true, but I don't know... I'm just going with the flow," Becky replied, her voice filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty.

"Shhh, I won't disagree or stop you from doing what you feel is right. I know what's best for you, but you know yourself better and what will make you happier. Liking or loving someone of the same gender doesn't make you any less of an individual. As long as you're not doing anything wrong, my support is with you," Mr. Armstrong reassured, gently caressing his daughter's head.

Becky was on the verge of tears, overwhelmed by her father's acceptance and love. "So, you're not mad at me because of this?"

"Why would I be? I'm your father, and I'm not someone who is closed-minded about this matter. I can't speak for your mom, though," her father said, making Becky face him directly.

"Don't tell Ma about this, Pa. I'll tell her personally," Becky whispered, a hint of fear in her voice.

"About what, my dear?" Mrs. Armstrong's voice suddenly echoed through the hallway, as she appeared, curious about the conversation.

Becky froze, her heart pounding in her chest, unsure of how to proceed.

Becky's heart raced as she turned to see her mother standing at the doorway, looking at them curiously. She hadn't expected her mother to appear at that moment, especially when she was in the middle of discussing her feelings for Freen.

"Ma!" Becky tried to hide her nervousness, giving her mother a tight smile.

Mrs. Armstrong stepped closer, eyeing her husband and daughter with a mix of concern and curiosity. "What were you two talking about? Is there something you're not telling me?"

Becky exchanged a quick glance with her father, who offered her a reassuring nod. Taking a deep breath, she decided it was time to open up to her mother about her feelings.

"I... um, we were talking about someone special, someone I've grown close to," Becky stammered, her cheeks turning pink. "Her name is Freen, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Chankimha, and she's amazing, Ma. I've never felt like this before."

Her mother's eyes softened, and she placed a gentle hand on Becky's shoulder. "Her family is our business partners. Go on, tell me about her."

Encouraged by her mother's response, Becky proceeded to share her feelings and experiences with Freen, from the day they first met at the gathering to their rooftop conversations and the way Freen made her feel safe and loved.

Mrs. Armstrong listened attentively, her expression changing from curiosity to understanding. "It sounds like you've found someone really special, someone who cares about you deeply," she said with a warm smile.

Becky nodded, relief washing over her. "Yes, Ma. I care about her too, more than I can put into words."

Her father chimed in, "We trust you, Becky. Your happiness matters the most to us. As long as you're with someone who treats you right and makes you happy, that's all that matters."

Mrs. Armstrong nodded in agreement. "Your Pa is right. Love is a beautiful thing, regardless of gender. If Freen makes you happy, then we support you wholeheartedly."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Becky embraced her parents, feeling grateful for their acceptance and love. "Thank you both for understanding and not judging me. I love you both so much."

"We love you too, darling," her mother said, kissing her forehead. "Just remember, communication is key in any relationship. If there's anything you want to share with us, we're here for you."

Becky nodded, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. With her parents' support, she felt more confident in her feelings for Freen and the path she was on.


Freen's mind raced with possibilities as she waited for Becky to join her at the cafe. She couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness that had settled in her stomach. What could be so important that Becky wanted to meet in person?

She woke up on her thoughts when Becky snapped her fingers.

"Your minds flying." Becky was trying to suppress her laugh but she can't.

Freen blinked, her focus returning to the present moment. She glanced at the table and noticed their order had arrived, a delicious spread of food waiting to be savored. She couldn't help but smile at Becky's comment, appreciating her light-heartedness in such a moment.

"You caught me," Freen admitted with a playful grin. "I was lost in thought, but it seems like you've got my attention now."

Freen couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Becky, what's on your mind? You seemed quite serious on the phone earlier. Is something bothering you?"

"Freen," Becky began, her voice filled with a mixture of hesitation and determination. "I... I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Freen leaned forward, her eyes locked on Becky's, conveying both curiosity and concern. "Of course, Beck-Beck. You know you can talk to me about anything. What's on your mind?"

"Oh, a nickname. What if I keep saying it like Beck-Beck? It's adorable," Becky responded, blushing slightly.

Freen was still nervous and unsure of what to say. "Rebecca Patricia, come on, tell me already. I can't wait any longer."

"Yeah, come on, you don't have to hold back. You even used my full name," Becky said, trying to contain her laughter.

Freen felt completely captivated by the woman before her, unable to resist her charm.

"I know your laughter is precious, but please, tell me now," Freen playfully ruffled Becky's hair.

"Alright, alright. Hmmm," Becky paused and took a sip of her chocolate milkshake.

"My parents are aware," Becky said, beaming with an adorable smile.

Freen looked puzzled. "Huh? Aware of what?"

"Oh, that I have feelings for you," Becky confessed, her smirk turning bashful.

"You're actually confessing to me right now?" Freen's mouth hung open in shock.

Becky's face turned as red as a tomato. "Oh, I forgot to tell you about it."

Becky wanted to smack herself for her stupidity. "I thought you already knew."

Now it was Freen's turn to smirk. "Well, I didn't expect you to be so smooth about it."

Becky side-eyed Freen like a mischievous child. "Oh, stop it. I acted that way to confess without feeling too embarrassed."

"Oh, look at you, sassy Beck-Beck. So, what did Aunt and Uncle say?" Freen teased, purposefully trying to rile up Becky.

"I'm not telling you, hmph," Becky pouted, resembling a sulking child.

"Come on, I fell for you first, but I secretly hoped you would feel the same way," Freen teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

Becky rolled her eyes with an attitude. "It's so satisfying to hear that."

"I know, who would have thought that amidst those moments, we were both developing feelings for each other," Freen chuckled, intertwining her hands with Becky's.

"I was confused at first too because everything happened so quickly," Becky admitted, taking another sip of her chocolate milkshake.

"I understand that. If I were in your shoes, it would be overwhelming, especially if it's your first time experiencing something like this," Freen replied, looking at Becky with a worried expression.

Becky nodded. "But Mom and Dad assured me that everything is fine. They even supported me- us. They said I know what's best for myself. So, please don't be upset if I do something you don't like- "

Freen cut her off gently. "Hey, hey, why would I be upset? We can take this step by step. Loving someone means understanding them too."

Becky blushed at Freen's words. "You're right, communication is key."

"Come here, my Becky." Freen scooted over, making space for Becky on the small sofa.

Becky moved closer to Freen, and they snuggled together. "People are looking at us," Becky whispered, noticing the passersby outside the cafe glancing their way.

"Let them look. I'm enjoying huggies with my girl," Freen said, pulling Becky even closer.

"I can't handle you, Sarocha," Becky chuckled, hiding her face in Freen's shoulder.

Freen smiled, her heart swelling with joy and affection. She gently placed a kiss on Becky's forehead, their embrace becoming a symbol of their newfound connection.

"Becky, my beautiful Beck-Beck," Freen whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You bring so much light and love into my world."

As Freen and Becky basked in the warmth of each other's embrace, the world around them seemed to fade away. The passing glances from strangers didn't bother them because they were wrapped up in their own little cocoon of love and acceptance.

"You know," Freen said softly, "I don't care what anyone else thinks. All that matters is that you make me happy, and I hope I can do the same for you."

Becky looked up at Freen, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You do, Freen. You make me so happy, and I can't believe I'm finally opening up my heart to someone like this."

Freen smiled tenderly, brushing a strand of hair away from Becky's face. "I'm honored to be that someone, Beck-Beck. And remember, we can take things at our own pace. There's no rush."

Becky nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you for understanding, Freen. I'm still trying to figure things out, but I'm glad I have you by my side."

Freen leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Becky's forehead. "Always, Becky. I'll be right here, supporting you every step of the way."

As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, the weight of the world seemed to lift off Becky's shoulders. She felt safe and loved, and she knew that with Freen by her side, she could face anything that life threw her way.

And so, in that small cafe, amidst the curious glances and whispered comments from passersby, Freen and Becky found solace in each other's embrace. They had taken a significant step in their relationship, and they were excited to see where this journey of love and discovery would lead them.

Little snippet for the chapter 7:

Freen felt her world shatter in an instant. ears welled up in her eyes, and she struggled to find her voice. "Why would you say that?" she cried, her voice laced with pain and confusion.



Anyways, I'm actually gonna write oneshots again and maybe you guys can recommend some ideas and loveteams so I could make one for them. Thanks!! You can also reach me out here in IG: jelianshii

Raindrops and Resilience : FreenBeckyWhere stories live. Discover now