Red Light

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When our kiss finally ended, I looked Shawn in the eye, and for once I didn't want to look away.
"Maddie, I need to tell you something"
" I...." "MADDIE WAKE UP!!!"
Matt screamed and walked in, but soon after realizing I wasn't alone he stopped in his tracks."oh Shawn there you are, umm did I interrupt something?" He asked
" not really Matt , what's up?"
"Well the boys were wanting to go out to lunch and we wanted you to come with"
"Okay let me get ready" I said, then Matt left, and I turned to Shawn, i put my hand on his cheek and said," I'm sorry Shawn can you tell me a little later, I have to get ready."
"Yea it can wait" he said and pecked me on the cheek, and left.
I can't believe I just kissed Shawn mendes, and then I cut him off. I decided to stop thinking about that for a minute and take a shower.
I forgot all of my clothes in the laundry room.
On the other end of my house.
The room that just so happens to be next to the boys.
I have to go in a towel.
I finally got up the courage to leave my room and go get my clothes. I wasn't noticed at first, until carter decided to yell "Yo Looking good Maddie!" And then everyone was staring at me. So I ran to the laundry room and locked the door. I chose my clothes/ a mint green, short jumper with white sandals and matching white wallet. And of course my favorite coach sunglasses. I exited the room with my jumper on and the rest of my outfit in hand.
When I crossed the living room they were all watching tv, thank God. I went to my bathroom and applied my makeup/ eyeliner mascara and Baby lips lip color. It looked great.
I ran to the living room now fully dressed and yelled at the boys, they were glued to their phones. "WE ARE LEAVING IN 2 MINUTES."
They all jumped and I couldn't help but laugh and feel accomplished.
I had Bart bring the van over so we all could ride together. Matt was driving and I was sitting in the middle seat up front with Aaron to my right.
Matts hand touched my knee. My face light up, I knew it was as red as a tomato. Then his hand started to go higher and higher up my leg until he was almost to the hem of my jumper. I pushed his hand off and he looked at me like I was crazy! I wasn't going to let him touch me like that! I got really mad at him so I asked carter to change seats and the next red light, which thank god he accepted.
My life with 9 boys had just begun, and I was already sick of it.

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