Chapter 8: Without Citrus

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The morning after the night of full pouring rain was making the smell on the air refreshing, yet calming. By the second day of going to school, it's starting quite well, and wildless. Like an usual student begin the day, Y/N prepare herself for the school, taking some moment to grab her tiny bag that is have only one shoulder strap before hop on her trip to The Parfeadia Academy which also known as the school that is open for anyone who have a strong willing to learn about how magic works.

Nevertheless, on her quick trip into some streets of city, there would be rather few citizens pass aside her, leaving her wonder about it, but she tried to dodge from caught up in deep thought. After all, she won't be in like to be snapped out by someone.

When she started to hear some loud gatherings of youthful students, she shift her gaze up towards the sight, catching plenty of students outside the school with minding their own businesses.

Without losing another time spending with other students that she barely know, she walk into the school, facing The Main Hall once more before depart into the hallways which are connected with it.

There was something she have evident planning with Citrus today for some studies from subject that she ended up confused for it, but she would realize that Citrus is nowhere to be found, perhaps she just coming late to class. However, judging by her mysterious disappearance, Y/N couldn't stand and wonder there, as she decided to get in search of Citrus.

"Y/N!" Some incredibly familiar voice called out her very name cheerfully which make her jolt up her own body in surprise, as she didn't used to loud tone near around her, even though she have some moments to exclaim out, often.

When she looked up at the person who called her name that satisfactory, the person would be already arrived in front of her, forming an exact same smile across the face, as it was the one toppest student, Prune Juice, sligtly leaning down to reach her height which make her disappointed, somehow.

"Hey, Prune Juice. Did yesterday's cake was tasty?" Y/N questioned, making a tiny smile on her face with fading her confusion and slight disappointed way.

"The cake? Hm, I say it was tasty...! But, it's a shame that Citrus happened to find some stomach ache from it." He uttered with still on his confident expression, as his unexpected announcement catch her surprise, making her to look up at his face.

"Citrus won't come today?" Y/N sound concerned about Citrus' sickness, but her shockness didn't last long on her face, as she remembered how down Citrus have been yesterday after they leave the school.

"Well..." He points out, letting a sigh escape from his mouth before continuing. "Probably, she won't shown up for today." With saying that, Y/N motion her head in understand, lowering her gaze at the fancy floor of hallway in quite worried way, hoping that her sickness get cured as soon as possible, or else; She'll be stuck in the school with someone who think himself the toppest one.

In his point of view, while she was having her time, he would realize that she is becoming very narrowing about the fact that she will go to those classes alone, forgetting or didn't perceiving that he would be clinging around her as a nice accompany himself for her. After all, she told him took things more seriously as it is supposed to be, like his potion sellings.

But, speaking of that, he grew a smile at his sudden idea in his mind, thought it would snap her out from the overwhelmed guesses.

"Nevertheless, care to buy some potions?" He questioned in unusual excited tone, yet along with vivacious, seems to be slightly trying to persuade her from buying his most skilled creation.

With narrowing her eyes in disbelief of what he offered her during in her 'having moment', Y/N looked up at him with slight annoyance and down, realizing that she also forgotten how almost everybody talk about him as a great seller of potions.

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