Ruins Enemies

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1. Frogdin (Froggit and Rudinn combination)

- Check: 9 ATK 3 DF "This frog's hat game is on point!"

- Act: Check, Compliment, Lecture, Spare

Their attacks are flies and gems.

The only way to spare them is to compliment it or lecture them twice until they fall asleep. Or, you can lower their health by attacking them twice.

They appear with Whimwalker, Vegethy, and other Frogdins.

2. Whimwalker (Whimsun and Starwalker bird combination)

- Check: 5 ATK 0 DF "Looks like this monster is feeling shy today."

- Act: Check, Console, Distract, Spare

Their attack consists of sparkles and feathers!

On the first turn, they are sparable, but if you console them, they will flee.

They appear with Vegethy, Frogdin, and Loond

3. Loond (Loox and C. Round combination)

- Check: 7 ATK 6 DF "This monster's illusions are mesmerizing! I feel like I'm in a funhouse."

- Act: Check, Compliment, Pick On, Spare

Loond's attacks consist of small swirly card clubs and a magician wand.

He is sparable once you compliment it after it does a magic trick. Alternatively, you can attack him for two turns and lower his health.

He appears with Whimwalker, Migsom, Molder and other loonds.

4. Vegethy (Vegetoid and Hathy combination)

- Check: 10 ATK 4 DF "I bet this monster's favorite food is a salad!"

-Act: Check, Gosip, Flatter, Spare

Her attacks consist of hearts and various salad related ingredients.

After flattering her or gossiping with her for three turns, she can be spared. or lower her health down via attacking 1 turn.

She'll appear with Whimwalker, Frogdin, and Migosms.

5. Migosm (Migosp and Ponman combination)

- Check: 6 ATK 5 DF "This monster has some killer teamwork skills!"

-Act: Check, Talk, Goodnight, Spare

has Attacks that are shaped like a path a pawn takes in chess and mushrooms that are tricky to dodge.

By boring it by talking or choosing goodnight, which has Asriel sing a lullaby, it becomes sparable. or lower its health down via attacking 3 turns.

it appears with Vegethy, Molder, and Loonds.

6. Molder (Moldsmal and Bloxer combination)

- Check: 7 ATK 2 DF "This monster can shape-shift better than a chameleon!"

-Act: Check, shift, Flirt, Imitate, Spare

Has slime blocks that bounce up and down for attacks.

If you want to get sparing conditions, you must shift their color until they are red, then flirt with it or imitate it until they are red. or lower their health down via attacking once.

it appears with Migosm, Loond, and themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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