Chapter 7: A Violent Way Of Doing Things

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♥𝗟𝘂𝘇'𝘀 POV༄

Amity had been missing for three weeks. Everyone thinks she's dead. Pretty upsetting right? I heard that the cops were going to declare her officially dead in a week and two days, meaning nine days. I haven't heard from anything of her family members.

Everyone in school seems sad too. Some cried and mourned for her loss. How unfortunate. To be honest, I'm surprised she didn't manage to defend herself off from them. Like if I remember clearly, she had taken Taekwondo when she was younger. She probably forgotten about it.

I also heard that Willow and Agustus were going to investigate where Amity was. She was working with Boscha too. I mean, they seemed to be getting along. But I don't understand why they would all hate me and Boscha when we didn't do anything. All I know is that Amity wanted to help me and Boscha since we were new that time. But for that ass of a boyfriend Amity calls to think we hurt Willow? Yeah what a bitch. He wouldn't even let me explain myself to him that he threw a punch at me.


I was walking down the hallway and into homeroom which I usually have with Amity. The seat next to me was empty. I hate to admit it but it felt quiet without her clicking on her pen when she gets stressed or the sounds of paper shuffling when she was writing notes and doing work. Guess that's why she's top student. She always comes first in all of the classes she's in. Me? I'm just the basic C+ or B- student. I sighed. "I'm gonna get you back soon, Amity. I promise," I whispered under my breath. "But first I have a little talk with certain people." The teacher came in for homeroom so we started.

By the times lunch came, I rushed out of class to meet with a specific someone. I walked and squeezed in between students in the corridors and spotted the person I'm looking for. "Willow!" I called out. She turned her head to me and stopped in her tracks. I saw Agustus and Boscha beside and behind her. Boscha gave me a smile, Willow raised her eyebrow at me but Agustus gave me a glare. Like man, I will poke your damn eyes if you don't stop looking at me like that. "Can I help you?" Willow asked when I reached her. "Hey, can I speak to you?" I looked at the other two behind her. "Alone?" I continued. She looked at Agustus and he gave her a nod. Geez what was this? Are they dating or something?

I brought her a few feet away from them and spoke. "I heard you're looking for Amity." She looked at me with a questioning expression. "Yeah. Why?" I rolled my eyes. "I wanna help." She looked at me again but this time expressionless. "Look, Luz, we aren't that close after what happened but I know that was just a misunderstanding. I mean, I wouldn't mind but Gus doesn't really trust you nor does he trust Boscha much. I'm scared that it'll make things even harder between us. Gus isn't too fond of the idea of me looking for Amity but she's my friend too." I sighed. "Fine, I'll look for her myself." Well that was just a waste. I was about to walk away but Willow pulled on my shirt. I looked back at her. "I don't know much or if this could help but I last saw her with Koby. Maybe you can ask him." I thanked her walked off into the empty classroom I'm always in during lunch.

Now that I got my answer, I have a few more people to talk to.

The bell had rung and everyone poured out of their classes, bumping into each other. I got out of my Geometry class and when I saw Koby, I pulled him by his hood. I felt him trying to escape but I dragged him to the back of the school and into an alleyway and slammed him into the wall. He yelled in pain and looked at me. "What the fuck man! What the hell was that for?" He yelled. He was got up and I kicked his balls. He let out a painful yelp and fell to the ground clutching where I kicked him. I took out a cigarette from my back pocket and lit it. I took a puff and looked at him. He was still on the ground. There was tears in his eyes but he was trying not to let them fall. I walked closer to him and knelt down. I blew the smoke in his face and he coughed. "What the fuck do you want?" He said. I scoffed and pushed him to lay on his back using my foot. I did so and stepped on his chest.

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