Giyuus off day

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Im bored and i love this au and will probably write many many more stories about this. 

sanemi: math teacher

giyuu: police officer


sanemi sat in his classroom eating his lunch with his beloved fiance everyday. giyuu worked in the police station down the street. on most days he was off work a bit before sanemis lunch hour, he would get lunch for him and sanemi before arriving, he knew all the staff and was friends with most as they frequently got together sanemi brought giyuu to most events. but today was different. 

giyuu sat practically asleep in sanemis chair at his desk. "giyuu, you cant go back to work like this. you already do overtime you really should go home" sanemi said gently nudging his cheek to keep him awake. "I..I know.. can i.. uh" giyuu looked at him his vision felt blurry. sanemi cupped his face brushing his long bangs from his eyes. "you can stay at my desk while i do lectures for the rest of the day if you'd like" sanemi suggests knowing that giyuu for one was in no state to drive and for second had some very bad separation anxiety especially when he fell asleep. the officer nodded tiredly before resting his head on his arms. he heard students enter the class noisely before being quieted down by sanemi "Youre all highschoolers i didnt sign up to teach kindergarteners so act like it" he barked at them. giyuu smiled to himself, his fiance was always on the bad tempered side of things, his anger hadn't changed since high school. 

once the bell rung sanemi stood at the front of the class and began reading off their agenda " so today were going to continue our unit from yesterday, ill go over the answers from the questions yesterday then we will continue the rest of them today" he explained walking to his desk he gently tapped giyuus arm that was on his paper " m'sorry" giyuu mumbled in response as he grabbed the paper "Its fine just sleep" he reassured him ruffling his hair before returning to the rest of the class and writing the answers on the board.

the entire class noticed how Mr. shinezugawa the scariest teacher, the teacher you didnt want to cross, the teacher who yelled. was uncharacteristically quieter as he spoke and much gentler when he corrected students. they also noticed how he treated the stranger to them at his desk that was in a police uniform. when sanemi announced a silent work time many in the class watched him approach the man at his desk. 

he carefully moved around him to access his other drawers and reach over the sleeping man to use his computers mouse as he looked through his email. it was during this that giyuu stirred awake lifting his head his tired eyes made their way to looking up at him. "sorry did i wake you?" he asked in a whisper trying not to have the students around them hear. "no" giyuu replied simply leaning on his arms and watched sanemi work before he walked away and began going over the math again on the more difficult problems. 

when the class finally ended and the halls filled with the word of somethingstrange going on with Mr shinezugawa and the police officer sat at his desk. 

the next day in school giyuu had opted to not sleep at his desk and head back to work much to sanemis displeasure. 

"what is it?" he asked calling on a girl who sat near the back of the classroom. "Mr. Shinezugawa who was that person at your desk yesterday and is he alright he seemed to be very tired" she asked sanemis brow furrowed "my fiance?" he asked confusion only growing as questions poured in most in disbelief "of course i have a fiance I wear a ring for a reason you idiots" he sighed disappointed in his students intellect. "well whatever yeah he's better he just needed rest" sanemi explained. 

his lack of yelling at everyone's outburst was noted by the class as another person raised their hand "is your fiance a police officer?" the student asked to which sanemi nodded "yeah he is, Im not sure of his exact position anymore but i think he was pretty high up last time i checked." sanemi replied genuinely. 

with this the class had a new weapon, 'Mr. Shinezugawa would go off topic for one and only one topic; his amazing fiance.' though soon after would notice and bring them all back to math, though now with the thought of giyuu he was much easier to be around. 


idek just enjoy police giyuu and math teacher sanemi

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words: 788  

date: 7/4/23

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