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Rico in the Media*

Loyalty's POV★

It's been a week since I told Rico abt what Mason does to me.
She's the only person I told bc I knew if I told Leo he would've told my dad immediately.
But she helped me keep my mind off that.
She got me food, took me out, fucked me good, an now we just getting home from the mall.
Yea i needed some clothes for when I stay at her house so she went an got me some.
Rico- Loyalty keep playing wit me.
Me- Do something.
We walked in an I sat my bags down an she picked me up.
Me- Rico!
Rico- I should throw you.
She threw me on the couch and smiled at me.
Me- I'm tired of you.
Rico- I know mamas.
I love it when she calls me mama.
Rico- C'mere.
Me- No, you should've thought abt that before you threw me over here.
Rico- Get yo ass up or I'ma force yo lil fine ass.
I rolled my eyes and got up walking up to her.
Me- Yes Rico.
Rico- Girl don't try me.
Me- What?
She smiled and kissed my neck.
Me- Rico! *Laughs*
She grabbed my waist an stopped.
Me- You irritate me.
Rico- I know ma, you ready to go?
I nodded an she made me look at her.
Rico- Girl speak up.
Me- Yes nigga damn.
Rico- I ain't a nigga ma.
She kissed me then we went to the car.
We went to my dad's house an she had her hand on my thigh.
We got to the house an went in.
My dad, Leo and, Mason.
Was the first ppl we seen.
Leo- You alr?
Me- Yea I jus, need to talk to you.
Mason looked at me an tapped her side where his gun was.
I got scared an felt Rico grab my waist.
Dad- Abt what?
Me- Can we go to your office, just us four?
He nodded an me, Leo Rico an him went to his office.
Dad- What's wrong? She did something?
Rico- Why you assume I did something to her?
Dad- Cs ion trust you fully.
Me- It's not her.
Leo- Then what?
Me- It's, Mason..
Dad- What abt him?
I took a deep breath an felt Rico rub my thigh.
Me- Since the first time you left me alone when me an Leo was 11, I was always scared to be alone, at first I wasn't but I started to lock the door, put things in front of the door but none of it stop him, he'd always come in and, touch me, he raped me, an yk how you hide your guns from me bc I'm scared of them, he threatened me with one, everytime he came to my room he pointed it at me, and when Rico came to get me is bc i had called her bc he was tryna come in so i had to call somebody so he couldn't get in, i got scared when she hung up bc he had got in an she called back telling me she was coming to get me thats when he got mad an before he left he told me that she couldn't protect me or Leo bc he's your best friend an you didn't know and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was scared..
I was crying, Rico had me in her arms while I cried an my dad an Leo looked exactly pissed.
Dad- I'm sorry I didn't know what was happening here, Rico can you take her out please.
Rico nodded an we walked out his office.
I walked past Mason an he grabbed my arm.
Rico- Let her go.
He didn't an pulled me into him.
Rico was abt to shoot him but my Dad stopped her.
Dad- Let her go.
He did an me an Rico walked out.

Leo's POV★

You don't know how pissed I am right now.
Me- So you think it was ok to touch my fucking sister, FOR 8 YEARS?
Mason- Aye there's no reason to yell.
Me- Nigga yes it is.
Dad- Mason you really put yo fucking hands on my child?
Me- An thought we would let the shit slide?
Rico walked back in an she looked equally as pissed as me an dad was.
Mason- Wtf she gon do, I could beat her ass.
Dad- Mason jus bc you think you can beat her up, you can't.
Mason turned to Rico an tried to punch her but she dodged it an punched him knocking him out.
We got an idea on what we finna do to him.
We took him to her warehouse an tied him up.
We got his daughter an tied her up to.
Me, Rico, Dad, an two other beat him and his daughter.
He got it worse to where he was throwing up blood.
I really don't care.
He woke up an looked at us an his daughter.
Mason- She ain't got shit to do with this!
Dad- Loyalty didn't either.
Rico pulled out a blade an put it to Amelia's throat.
Mason- NO!
Rico- Nigga man up.
I laughed a little an my dad did to.
Ameila- Where the fuck am I?
Me & Rico- Hell.
We laughed an my dad shook his head.
Dad- So you got 1 minute, to explain to me why you thought it was ok to touch my fucking child.
Mason stayed quiet an Rico pressed the blade against Amelia almost cutting her.
Mason- Stop bitch!
Rico- You tied up, I'm not keep yelling I'ma kill her.
Mason- I said stop bitch.
Rico- Hunny yo father want you dead.
Ameila- Stfu an stop talking!
Rico- Listen to her.
I'm trying my best not to laugh rn.
Dad- Alr alr, Mason talk.
He stayed quiet so I punched him in his jaw and stomach.
Me- Talk nigga.
Mason- Alr damn! Idk why I did it.
Me & Rico- Nigga that's a lie.
Dad- Mason I will let her slit yo childs throat, then I will continuously beat your ass, don't lie to me.
Mason- Alr, I did the same thing to Jasmine, an when I found out she died Loyalty was a second option.
Me- You wanna die? Cs it seem to me like you do.
Mason- Ain't nobody talking to you.
I looked at Rico an nodded.
Mason- Wtf is she doing.
Rico stood behind Ameila an put the blade to her neck.
Ameila- NO PLEASE NO! *cries*
Rico- Girl be quiet.
Dad- Since you like touch ppl, touch yo dead child.
Rico slit her throat in front of him an he just sat there in shock.
Somebody came in an said something to Rico before leaving.
Dad- Grab him.
Derek an 3 others grabbed Mason an we went outside in the field by the warehouse.
They sat Ameila next to him an he sat there crying.
Dad- Get y'all anger out on him before Rico set his ass off.
Everybody ganged up on him beating him more.
We stopped an he looked at Rico.
Rico- Don't look at me like I'm finna spare yo ass.
She shot him a total of 10 times.
Then we lit him an Ameila on fire an left.
Me an Rico actually got along.
She left going back to Loyalty an I went to Yonnas house.

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