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Leo in the Media★

Loyalty's POV★

It's been three days.
Only three and I'm already losing it.
I miss her.
I been going to the hospital every day and staying with her for hours.
And for the past two nights I keep having weird dreams and daydreams.
And I keep waking up crying.
I want them to go away bc I don't want anything in them to be real.
The only thing keeping me sane is my baby boy.
Just feeling him kick made me feel better.
I just wished Rico could feel it.
I wanna see her so bad, just to kiss her, hug her and stay in her arms.
I looked around and I looked at the door.
She was there.
Me- Rico?
Rico- Hi mama.
I started to cry bc I knew it wasn't real.
But I really wanted to hear her voice, I miss it so much.
Rico- Don't cry mama, I'm ok I promise.
Me- Yk I don't like being lied too.
Rico- I know, I'm sorry ma, but I want you to know that I'm okay, I'm just-
Me- In a long ass coma.
Rico- I'll wake up soon, so I can be with you and our baby boy. I love you.
I looked up and was about to say it back but she wasn't there anymore.
I got up and put my shoes and jacket on before grabbing my keys.
She has 4 more days until her birthday and she's in a Coma.
I went to my car and wiped my tears before driving off.
As I pulled into the hospital I seen a familiar face in front of the door.
It was Rico ex. Shay.
I got out my car and locked it and she just had to stop me.
Me- Please don't start anything with me rn I'm already stressed as it is.
Shay- No no I just wanted to talk to you, about Rico.
Me- What about her.
Shay- I know who did this to her.
Me- Who??
My heart dropped.
Why the fuck would he do some shit like this???
Me- Thank you.
She nodded and I walked in going to my wife's room.
Both my dad and Leo were there already.
Me- Why?
Leo- What?
Me- Don't act dumb Leo, why you do it?
"I knew I couldn't hide it forever" Leo thought to himself.
Me- *cries* Do you know how much fucking stress I've been in?! NO YOU DON'T BC YOU DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER! I DO AND BC OF YOU SHE'S IN A FUCKING COMA LEO!
Leo- Loyalty stop yelling.
Me- NO!
Dad- Loyal calm down.
Me- Why the fuck you telling me to calm down?! I wouldn't be in the state that I'm in if it wasn't for yo bitch ass son!
Leo- Aye bro stfu!
Dad- AYE!
Dad- Both of y'all stfu.
Me- Get out.
Leo- No.
He looked at me and I stared at him with anger and discust in my eyes.
He left and my Dad did too.
Leo's done a lot of fun shit and I always forgave him.
But this.
I just can't forgive him.
I sat next to Rico and looked at her with tears falling down my face.
Me- Baby I really really need you to wake up, I don't know how much longer I can take seeing you like this.
I grabbed her hand and started to cry.

In Rico's head★

I don't know where the fuck I am but ion like it.
I keep hearing Loyalty's voice and her crying and I can't take it anymore.
I hate when she's sad bc I always feel like it's my fault.
And most of the time it is.
I'm just in a white room and it's bright asl.
???- Rico.
I turned around and seen my pops.
James- Wassup Rico, I been watching you.
I didn't say anything bc really I don't know if this is real or I'm just tripping.
James- You scared of yo father now?
Me- Nah it's just-
James- Youn know if you really seeing me or not.
I nodded and he looked at me.
James- You know who did it?
Me- No it all happened to quick.
James- Who do you trust the most.
Me- Loyalty.
James- Besides her.
Me- Leo?
James- He did it bc he found out what your true intentions were, to make Loyalty fall for you so you could get closer to Jackson and take him out.
Me- That was my intention but I couldn't do it, I actually love her and I don't want her being hurt.
James- Are you sure? Or are you just saying that bc she's having you child?
What he said was half true.
James- I know you wanna get back at him for what he did to me, but I want you to know that I deserved it, and that young lady that has been crying about you, is already hurting, and if your intentions are really true, your just gonna break her even more.
James- Look.
I looked up and seen Loyalty beside me crying.
Loyal- Baby I really really need you to wake up, I don't know how much longer I can take seeing you like this.
James- She's already stressing, in a Coma there's a 50% chance of death, and she knows that, she's stressing out bc there might be a chance you never wake up.
James- She'd have to be a single parent, and when she actually finds out your true intentions, she'll forget all about you, you don't want that to happen right?
I shook my head as I watched her start crying.
It hurts me just to see her like this.
Me- Why can't I wake up? So I can be with her.
James- I don't know, but if you really want to, you have to try.
James- You know she can't take it, try for her, try for your son.
Loyal- Baby hopefully you wake up before your birthday, I already have all your presents even tho you told me not to get you anything, yk I'm hardheaded*smiles*
Hopefully I do.

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