Mine | Chapter 6

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(imagine it was like a Sunday or something because I do remember that I put it bringing the end)

The next day I was late for school and I almost fell off a building on the to school

"Hey, Y/n! How did you sleep?" Gayatri said as she walked beside me with a smile. "Your here awfully early? Why?"

"Early?!" I said stopping in my tracks checking my phone and it was only 6:30! "I am early?"

I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket. Suddenly my senses went off and I turned grab their arm, it was only Pavitr and Stace...

"Sorry, I forgot." Pavitr said pointing to his ears with a smile, he then put his arm around me as I looked at him a bit confused.

"Why are you here 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 early?" I asked crossing my arms as we walked into the school with Gayatri and Stace following.

"I should be asking you the same, but Stace made me get up really early for school." Pavitr said with a shrug.

"Figured, but I'm only early because I thought that I was late..." I said as I heard the bell ring.

I got my phone out of my pocket to see that it was already 7:15, this is the time that I normally start to walk to class so mine as well be a bit early.

"It's already time to go to class?!" Pavitr asked with a sigh. "Time is really going fast, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess I gotta go before I actually do be late." I said as I gave him his a kiss on the cheek and started to walk away.

When I was walking away I definitely did see Pavitr's flustered face but I also saw Stace giving me an angry glare.

What's is her problem?


After class I was on my way home alone with my headphones on, my mom was a cop so obviously she couldn't always pick me up.

Suddenly, my senses went off and my head was in pain... That hasn't happened in a while, that means there... Running?

I turn stopping them in there traces by grabbing there arm pushing them to near by wall.

It was Stace? Why was she running at me? It took off my headphones as she gave me a nervous look. I looked in her hand and it was a taser, was she trying to sneak me?!

"Where you trying to-" I was going to say something but Stace hit my arm off her.

"I wasn't! It was just that your always around Pavi! And you even kissed him." Stace said with an angry expression.

"Well, he's my boyfriend what do be you expect?!" I asked crossing my arms.

"He's mine! Your just a replacement for me?!" She said as she stormed off the other way.

"What in the gacha..." I said under my breath as I rolled my eyes and started to walk to my house.


When I opened the door to my room the lights where off... I don't remember my lights being off? Maybe I turned them off when I left...?

I turned on my light to see someone go in my closet really quickly. Why the hell didn't I sense them!?

I opened my closet to see Pavitr on the floor covering his face.

"Oh shit! You scared the hell out of me Pavitr." I said with a sigh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you were your mom." Pavitr said as he put him hand on him chest with a sigh.

"Well, your lucky I'm not. Why are you here anyways?" I asked and went over to my bed.

"Oh- I was trying to find my hoodie I let you borrow?" Pavitr said as he got up and started to look again.

"Well, I don't have it?" I said with a shrug. Pavitr actually took if from me like a month ago so I definitely don't have it.

"Huh? Do you not have it, I swore that I gave it to you..." Pavitr said as he put his hand on his chin in thought.

"So, where is my sweater? I never actually got that back either." I asked.

"Y-You're sweater?" Pavitr asked turning to me.

"Well, yeah, you said you were going to give it back to me but never did?" I explained as I crossed my arms and tilted my head slightly.

"I don't know where it is! Obviously... You probably have it somewhere..." Pavitr said nervously but I definitely know he has it! I saw it in his room on his bed when I was over there?!

"Mhm... I'll believe you for now." I said.

Pavitr groaned as he laid on my bed. I'm assuming he couldn't find it?

I lay down beside him looking at all his features. He truly was beautiful and I'm glad he's my boyfriend!

"Is something wrong?" Pavitr asked as he looked over to me with a smile.

He knows when ever he smiles it just makes my heart die and do backflips.

I leaned in and kissed him on lips. He and I melted into the kiss and Pavitr put him hands around my waist.

Not breaking the kiss I got closer to him deepening the kiss.

And then my senses went off as my door opened to reveal my mom with her phone in hand.

We jumped back from eachother and sat up looking at my mom.

"Mama! Your home early?" I said faking a smile to pretend that nothing happened.

"Well, I called you like ten times on my way home and you didn't answer. Why?" She asked as she looked over to Pavitr. "Oh, hello Pavitr."

Pavitr waved with a nervous smile and I looked at my phone to see 23 miss calls from my mom. She wasn't lying, what was I don't this whole- Nevermind I know...

"I guess I didn't see it." I said with a shrug.

"Okay, trying as actually picking up your phone next time Y/n L/n." She said pointing her phone at me.

"Yes I will." I said as I smile. She closed the door when she walked away and I exhaled the breath I didn't know that is as holding.

"That was really, really close." Pavitr said while chuckling a bit.

"I know right." I laughed.

"Okay, I think I know where my hoodie is now." Pavitr said with a smile.

"You do? Where?" I asked.

Pavitr got up and checked under my bed to my surprise there was definitely his hoodie down there. Shit! Did I forget to give it back to him?

"Found it!" Pavitr said as he cheered.

"I didn't even know? I thought I gave it back!?" I groaned as I laid back in my bed.

"I told you! But, thanks. " Pavitr said as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked to the door. "Bye!"

"Bye-bye Pav!" I smiled with a wave.

Pavitr left the room and I once again alone by myself and with my thoughts...

The door opens again and I see my mom standing at the door with a smirk.

"Y/n~ is that your boyfriend?" She asked sitting next to me on my bed.

I felt my face get a bit hot as she asked the question. "What are you talking about?!"

"You know what I'm talking about. I saw you to kissing." She teased as she poked my cheeks.

"Leave me aloneee!" I said putting the pillow over my head.

My mom laughed as she was about to leave she said something. "Have a good sleep you love bird." She then left the room and I could tell she was smiling the whole time.

I grabbed my headphones as I laid there for a minute and finally I feel to sleep to the most amazing song in my playlist.

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