Chapter 2 reunited

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After couple days the show didn't make a big hit but to a small community thought i was good.
Itsuki was invited to the cast party since Itsuki wanted to meet the actor.
Itsuki's outfit

Itsuki's outfit

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Her shoes

Her hair style

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Her hair style

Itsuki and her mom's cousin yuri walked over kana and the blond

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Itsuki and her mom's cousin yuri walked over kana and the blond.
"Thanks for your hard work filming the show." Yuri said, Making kana turn towards her."
"Sensei...!" Itsuki blocked out the rest of their conversation as she stared at the blond.
'He looks so familiar! I definitely should talk to him.' But while she was lost in thought a male had just walked away from aqua. She straightened her dress and fluffed her hair then walked over.
"H-hi your performance in the last episode was super good. I was brought to tears, it was so good!" Itsuki complimented as Aqua's eyes widened as if he saw a ghost looking at itsuki's eyes that resembled Ai's so much.
"Oh thank you. I was just trying to make kana shine." Aqua said, blinking as he stared into her eyes.
"And you did just that. But I think you should get some praise as well. I thought you really brought out the creepy aspect of the character you played."
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it. Aqua said with a smile."
"You look very familiar. Like we've met before but I just can't seem to remember."
"Aquamarine horsino."
"Omg i can't believe i didn't recognize you! I haven't seen you in any other films besides the one from when we were kids!"
"That's because I dropped acting but I started up again for this only. This isn't something I wanted to do."
"Oh? Why not, you're such an amazing actor."
"For certain reasons. But I see you took the model/ actor route besides being an idol."
"Well i just didn't want to at first because of certain reasons but hopefully the entertainment i want to go for opens back up for idols."
"I don't think you should be an idol." Aqua said, making Itsuki's eyes widen.
"What why?"
"It's dangerous. You saw what happened to Ai. She died to a crazed fan and what if you don't succeed then you are not making money."
"Well I think I'll be able to make it. Plus i'm a black belt in karaty if someone were to try anything i know a hundred ways to take them down. And besides I got people who want to see me as an idol." Aqua stared at Itsuki with shock as the stars in her eyes shined.
Aqua could see that she meant the words she said.
"Anyways how about we exchange contacts. I know that's a bit straightforward but I want to actually keep in concat and hang out one day." Itsuki said, holding out her phone to him. Aqua agreed and put his number in her phone.
"So what high school have you chosen to go to?"
"youtou high school." Aqua said making itsuki smile.
"Oh me too, what course are you going for the performance course right?"
"No the general education course."
"Wow, what did I expect you'd say? I'm going for the performance course of course. What about your sister ruby?"
"Ruby is going to the performance course too. You might be in her class."
"I sure hope so. Don't worry, me and her will be the best of friends! If you ask nicely I'll be your friend too if you ask nicely." Itsuki said with a wink.
"Do whatever you want." Aqua said, taking a sip from his drink.
"Aww you're no fun aqua you're supposed to be like. "Hey Itsuki, would you mind being my friend too!"  Like that." Itsuki said, making a pouty face.
"I'm not doing all that." Aqua said, looking away from itsuki. She then smiled and stepped in the direction he was looking so he was staring right at her as her eyes shined.
"Will just have to see about that won't we. Aqua-kun." She winked then started walking away.
"I'll be sure to contact you. Aqua-kun." Itsuki said in a teasing voice as she waved and walked away. He watched her leave as he covered his face hiding his blush while itsuki fanned her face calming her blush down. Till someone walked up to her stopping her.
Itsuki suzuki pleasure to meet you. How do you feel about being on a dating show. The ash blond haired male asked.
The next day at youtu high school entrance ceremony
"For these nest three years, let us together-"
After the entrance ceremony
Itsuki looked around for aqua and saw him with his sister running up to them.
"Aqua-kun!" She called as she stopped in front of him.
"Good morning!"
"Yeah morning."
"Boo so dull." Itsuki said with a frown then looked over at ruby who was silently holding in a breath.
"Hi ruby-chan it's nice to meet you again! You're even more prettier than when we met the first time!" Itsuki complemented.
"Wow, Itsuki Suzuki, Japan's prettiest girl, called me pretty! Best day ever." Ruby said as her eye with the star shined bright.
"Aww stop, you can treat me like a normal person. Let's be best friends kay?" Itsuki said, winking as her eye that was open shined. Ruby was taken back by Itsuki's charm since it reminded her of how Ai acted. Aqua turned away hiding his small blush. Good thing the two girls were to busy talking that they didn't notice. They all left the gym walking around the campus together.
"So, performing arts there's just class F?"
"Yep, let's walk together part way at least!" Ruby suggested.
"You can do that right Aqua?"
"Sure." Aqua responds, making Itsuki giggle.
"Congrats on starting school here, Aqua! And, ruby..."
Itsuki turned around seeing kana. They didn't end on good terms after she said those mean things about Ai.
"Here at youtou high? Though the class schedule is more flexible compared to other high schools, you'll still have to repeat a year if you get failing marks or don't attend class enough, and the curriculum itself isn't that different. But...!" Kana turned and pointed at a male walking by. "That guys an actor. Those two are members of the leading idol group. And that girl with a big bust is a pinup model. There's a voice actor and streamer. A fashion model and singer. Over there on a bench is a kabuki performer and actress." She then turned back towards them, pointing at itsuki. "And Itsuki here is a model/actress. Everyone here's an entertainer. Out of all the high schools in japan, this one has the most people who're in the spotlight. I'll give you a warm reception, my juniors. Welcome to the world of show business!" The three only stared at kana after her explanation.
Inside the halls
"Now i'm getting nervous." Ruby said.
"Oh, Don't be. This isn't a training institute or a film studio- it's just a regular school. Just act like you normally would." Kana spoke as she took them to ruby and ituski's class.
"And don't worry I'll be with you too!" Itsuki said, smiling at Ruby as she clung to her arm.
"Thank you itsuki-san!" Ruby said, clinging to Itsuki's arm, making her giggle.
They then stood in front of the door. Itsuki gave ruby a smile then she opened the door.
As soon as the door was opened ruby's eyes widened as a gust of wind blew her hair as she stared in amazement.
'Wow!' She stared at all the beautiful people in the room. 'On my right, beautiful girls! On my left, hot guys! Compared to my local middle school... this place's in a different league!' Itsuki linked arms with ruby who was blushing and looking at the ground. 'That said, I've got mom's genes, so I shouldn't be outshone in terms of looks.' They both then found a seat in the back. Itsuki sat in front of Ruby since someone was already sitting next to ruby. 'I won't let this place overwhelm me!' Ruby thought as she opened her eyes and looked over, seeing it wasn't Itsuki next to her but a girl with pink hair as well as her eyes.
Once itsuki was settled she started to hear the whispers.
"Woah no way itsuki suzuki's in our class."
"I literally have every one of her fathers songs in my playlist."
"She even more good looking in person!"
'I still can't get used to people saying things like that. Old me would have ran and hid in the library. At least it's all nice things and not bad.'
Ruby's eyes widend as she stared at her seeing all the attention itsuki was getting then turned seeing the girl with a big chest and pink hair next to her.
'That girl... just wow!'
The pink haired girl stared at ruby's eyes while she stared at the girls chest till they made eye contact.
"Oh, goodness me. Sorry for starin'. It's just you're very pretty. The performin' arts department really is amazin'." The pink haired girl said with a blush on her face.
"No, no. you're amazing yourself. Are you a model?" Ruby asked finally looking at the girl's face.
Well, gee, i guess i am.
"I'm Minami kotobuki. Nice to meet ya."

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