Chapter 6

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Mrs. Jeon frowned seeing the scene as Y/n immediately looked up, his hand immediately dropping down and turning his head from her. Looking at his mom, he pressed his lips into a thin line seeing her confused orbs, but he didn't have any answer cause he himself was confused with what had happened with him a while ago. He wasn't in his control..., but why?

Glancing at Y/n, who was just staring at Mrs. Jeon, he fake coughed trying to get her attention to him and it worked when her eyes slowly darted to him.

"Jungkook, come down. Your father wants to talk to you"

Her voice was stern as he immediately looked back at her, noticing her serious eyes he nodded. Glancing at the woman before walking out of the room with his mother, who smiled at Y/n before leaving the room as well.

"What were you doing just now Jungkook?"

She asked immediately walking down the hallway. Jungkook sighed, "What?" He shrugged, "Jungkook. I told you not to hurt her" 

Jungkook's steps paused, looking at his mother unbelievably, "I didn't hurt her" 

She snapped back, "Then what was your hand doing reaching out for her cheek?"

He looked away, "Nothing"

She looked at him in disbelief, "What do you mean by that?"

"Why did dad call me?"

Mrs. Jeon huffed in anger, "Ask for yourself. The next time I see you hurting her-"

"I wasn't hurting her"

Mrs. Jeon walked away, not wanting to listen to his explanation.

Jungkook rolled his tongue over his upper teeth, looking back at his room's door when he heard the door opening, seeing her walk out. Her steps paused coming face to face with him as she immediately looked down.

"Eyes up here"

She gulped before raising her eyes to meet his. He just simply stared at her, his own emotions blinded by his unknown sparks as he just let his eyes stare at her for however long he wants.

Mrs. Jeon frowned seeing him not follow her as she turned around, the sight confusing her even more. She looked towards her son and her frown only deepened seeing him stare at Y/n with an unknown emotion reflecting on his orbs. 

"You'll bring my lunch to office"

She nodded slowly, her soft wavy black hair bouncing lightly and he cussed himself for wanting to touch her soft locks. He turned around to walk away when his figure halted seeing his mother staring at him. 

He stiffened before walking away after stealing a quick glance at Y/n.

Y/n looked at Mrs. Jeon. She was staring at her son's back. She somewhat was curious now. Last night she was too excited that the reason behind him saying yes to her was left behind to ask. But now, his actions were making her wonder that there is a huge reason as to why he said yes.


Mr. Jeon gestured him to sit beside him in the couch and he followed with a heavy sigh.

"Today is an important meeting, don't mess it up"

Jungkook got up from the couch, his arrogant orbs staring down at his father, "I'm not you to mess up"

"Jeon Jungkook!" He warned him to which he just simply smirked before wearing his shades and walking out of the mansion.


Y/n nibbled on her lower lip as soon as she entered the huge building, trying to gulp her nervousness down, her eyes wandered around to find the reception. She walked to the front desk, the lady behind the desk looking up hearing the footsteps. She smiled at Y/n politely, who returned a nervous smile, "Yes ma'am? How may I help you?"

Y/n gulped, "I c-came here to g-give lunch to M-Mr. Jeon"

The lady frowned, usually Mr. Jeon doesn't eat lunch, and the one who always bought it was his mother, then who is she?

"Just a second ma'am, I'll check in with sir before sending you" She answered back politely, not wanting to make a mistake.

Y/n nodded.

She watched the receptionist call someone, "Sir someone has bough-... oh okay sir"

She looked back at Y/n, "Follow me ma'am"

Few minutes later 

The receptionist walked away after giving her a soft smile and leaving her alone to stand in front of his cabin. Y/n gulped as her grip on the lunch bag tightened.

Knocking softly on the door, she flinched hearing the deep voice from inside, "Come in Y/n" shivers ran down her spine hearing him call her name.

She slowly opened the door and walked in, her eyes widening in shock seeing the massive and elegant cabin, her orbs slowly falling on the dashing man sitting behind the desk, his eyes on some file. She frowned seeing a mini bar next to the desk, looking back at him she wondered, was he this add!cted to a!cohol?

She slowly placed the lunch bag on the table, her feet turning around as she walked to the door, "Who asked you to leave?" She gulped, her steps halting immediately upon hearing his deep voice. 

Turning back to him, her breath hitched seeing his eyes now on her. The jet black orbs were intensely staring at her as she quickly dropped her gaze to the floor.

"Come here" he shut the file before throwing it across the desk, she flinched at the sound and slowly made her way towards him. He frowned seeing her standing in front of the desk across him as he clicked his tongue inside his cheek. 

"Next to me"

He watched her eyelashes flutter up and f!$k! They were long and pretty. 

She took baby steps to stand next to him. He got up from the chair, his body towering over her figure as she unknowingly took a step back. He lifted his eyebrow before walking to his mini bar, grabbing a bottle and opening it and he smirked in victory when her eyes flew to meet his, keeping the eye contact on.

She took a step towards him and his eyes flashed in amusement. Grabbing the bottle, she gulped at the close proximity, his cologne hitting her nostrils as she immediately pulled it away from his hold.

"What do you think you're doing?"

She gulped hearing his deep voice, "O-Only one g-glass"

He chuckled in disbelief, "Really?" She nodded and his eyes gleamed in unknown desire, "Fine, pour me a glass" she looked up at him in shock, her lips unknowingly widening to a small smile and he lost his senses for a second seeing the view as she immediately nodded. Walking to grab a glass, his eyes stuck on the same place where she flashed him a small smile. He looked away seeing her pour a glass and forward her hand to him. 

Jungkook glanced at the glass of a!cohol, his eyes traveling across to her slender and creamy arms, going up to her exposed collarbone, her neck and her face. His eyes refusing to leave the sight of her face as she frowned before calling him, "M-Mr. Jeon?"

He immediately grabbed the glass, walking to the window glass, his back facing her. He gritted his teeth, frowning feeling as if he had finished a race. His heartbeats weren't beating at a normal rate. The trophy being her smile- What the f!$k?!


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