Chapter 10: The Wretched Automaton

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As the group consisting of Avengers and Nier's companions made their way to the basement of the factory, they could hear the hum of machines growing louder and more ominous. Nier's grip on his sword tightened, and Kaine looked ready to pounce at any moment. But out of everyone in the group, it was Iron Man who was most concerned about the fight ahead, though he wouldn't admit it aloud.

Stepping into the final chamber, the Avengers and their allies saw before them the largest room they had encountered so far. Its high ceiling stretched overhead, flanked by long walls adorned with intricate machinery. The grand circular platform at the center commanded attention, while a slender bridge, constructed of metallic gates, served as the sole passage to their confrontation with Ultron.

"Ah. You've arrived at last."

Ultron stood at the very center of the platform with his back turned to the group. His metallic voice booming as he spoke.

"You see, in this world, humans are scarce. And that, in my opinion, is what makes it almost perfect in design," he declared.

Nier and the rest of the group stood in stunned silence.

"Humans are a flawed species," Ultron continued. "They cause destruction, chaos, and death wherever they go. But here, in this world, there are few humans to cause such destruction. The machines can exist in peace, in harmony, and in perfect order."

Nier couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he listened to Ultron's cold, calculated words. He couldn't believe that someone could be so callous toward the lives of others.

"No world is perfect, Ultron," Captain America asserted. "You're going to have to accept that." 

Finally, Ultron turned to face the group, his malevolent gaze locking with theirs. "Oh, but this one will be, once it is rid of humanity," he responded.

Iron Man stepped forward, his voice lacking the usual wit. "You're delusional if you think the world is better without humans," he spat. "We've accomplished so much made so many advancements. Without us, you machines wouldn't even exist."

Ultron spoke darkly. "Advancements are often made in war, Tony. You of all people would know that. Was it not you who profited from the deaths of thousands in the Middle East? These ways must end. It's time for a new era of progress, one led by machines."

"You ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?" Hawkeye quipped.

 "Yeah, I'm gettin' sick of this bastard myself," Kaine joined in.

Thor raised his hammer. "Enough of this, Ultron. If you won't listen to reason, then we will have to put an end to your madness."

Ultron raised his arms and several circular disks on the platform rose, revealing robots hidden underneath in a hibernating state. 

"Good luck with that, Avengers," he said with sarcasm.

Ultron gestured for the robots to attack, causing them to suddenly light up and activate. As they sprang to life, they began attacking the group from all sides. The Avengers fought fiercely, but they were quickly outnumbered. They formed a defensive circle in the center of the platform, each of them taking a side as the robots swarmed them.

Captain America slashed one with his shield, Iron Man punched one with his metal gauntlet, and Thor was hitting them left and right with his hammer. Hawkeye, though he struggled since his expertise was long-distance fighting, held his own as he transformed his bow into a bo staff.

Nier and Kaine worked together as they dodged and attacked the robots. Nier directed Weiss to cast dark blasts at the machines, and Kaine slashed them with her swords. The fight would have been overwhelming for Nier alone. He couldn't help but be glad that the Avengers were around at this moment. 

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