8- messages

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Kiersey 💌
Hey girl

Alex 💌
Hiii! What's up?

Kiersey 💌
What's up? You what's up? Veronica told me about Chalamet

Alex 💌
Oh come on really?
You guys are unbelievable

Kiersey 💌
She says he's into you!

Alex 💌
How would she know?
There's nothing okay?
We met at an event, we've talked once since then by messages and interacted on social media like 4 times

Kiersey 💌
You could've just meet and never talk again
But here you are
Also how was that event?
You guys said hi to each other, exchanged small talk and walked away???

Alex 💌
Not really

Kiersey 💌
I knew it

Alex 💌
Hey nothing crazy happened
We talked the whole night but he's the only one I kinda know cause he's friends with Tom and Z
I didn't know anyone else and he's really nice to hang out with

Kiersey 💌
You guys flirted?

Alex 💌
He definitely did but it's just for fun
He's probably like that with everyone he meets

Kiersey 💌
That's a lot of probably
I personally think he's into cause you're hot and amazing and come on
Who wouldn't fall for you?
And I'm sure that if you weren't with Thomas, Timothée would be all over you

Alex 💌
Nah see I don't think you're right
It's just social flirting like every guy does

Kiersey 💌
Every guy flirts with you?

Alex 💌
I mean most of the time yeah it's just what they do

Kiersey 💌
Not really no

Alex 💌
There's nothing going on
I'm still with Thomas in case you forgot

Kiersey 💌
Mmh I didn't forget
I wish YOU would forget him

Alex 💌
I told myself next time something really bad happens that's it

Kiersey 💌
We all know it's gonna happen why don't you do it now?

Alex 💌
Because at least in the moment it'll be easier

Kiersey 💌
Alright yeah I get it
Well sorry I'm gonna say this but I hope he messes up soon cause y'all need to end

Alex 💌
So thoughtful
Thank you

Kiersey 💌
Be careful ❤️

Alex 💌
I love u

Such a flirt - Timothée Chalamet Where stories live. Discover now