14- messages

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Miss Bell
Thanks for last night Chal :)

Of course, whenever you need. Tell me how things go with Thomas.

Miss Bell
Well he wasn't home when I arrived, thank god but I did find something else...

Oh, something bad?

Miss Bell
A video of yesterday night has officially gone viral...


Miss Bell
Yeah me and Thomas' fight was filmed and then put on the internet because people love drama

Are you okay?

Miss Bell
I'm fine, most people "took my side" on Twitter but they started being really mean to Thomas and insulting him.

Doesn't it feel good?

Miss Bell
No, I don't want people to spread hate like that, even if Thomas is a scumbag I still dated him for more than two years so he's not all bad.

Isn't he?

Miss Bell
I'm putting up some of my stuff in the suitcases I have but I won't be able to take everything out of the apartment alone, I called Tom and Zendaya for backup, maybe if you're available you could come and help us?

Yeah sure
You know you could've asked this morning and we would've came together to save time

Miss Bell
I didn't know if Thomas was gonna be home, couldn't risk it he really hates you

Really? Hadn't noticed

Miss Bell
Alright bring your super strength to 162 Georgia Av

I know you're trying to flatter me but everyone knows I'm not strong

Miss Bell
Well you're stronger than me so you'll be in charge of the piano

Nah you're great and everything but that's way too much for me

Miss Bell
Haha I'm kidding Chal relax, my real piano is in Washington, this one's electrical even I can lift it

You're funny

Miss Bell
I am thank you
See yoouu

Such a flirt - Timothée Chalamet Where stories live. Discover now