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Getting back into routine was the hardest part for Trevor. It was difficult, after nearly dying, to pretend he was still one of the living after all. He just wanted to collapse into a heap of nothingness in Peter's room and disappear. Abandoned. Again. But this time, unlike his mother, it had been by choice. Sometimes, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The answer was usually both, all at once, in sudden, unpredictable barrages.

Devon didn't know what to do but he made one single move that made all the difference; he began living with Trevor. He one hundred percent could not afford to live in the hostel but they would figure out what to do next once Pete's accommodation payment ran out. Devon understood that Trevor needed to be close to school and he was alright with living away from him if absolutely necessary; he just hoped he didn't have to.

He and Trevor spent many evenings and nights together.

With Tristan, Devon could vaguely remember listening to him brag about his grades and his various sexual exploits on a daily basis. With Peter, Trevor remembered things had been much more laidback, aside from the worrisome moments where his inebriated state brought out Peter's ore aggressive side. Sharing pizza, talking about random, casual things. They'd had some deep conversations; Trevor and the stoner but it was all triggering now. The good memories turned sour too quickly and yet he couldn't kick the blonde out of his mind.

It was Sammie who locked Peter's room and made it a no-go area, including for her partner. The gloomy feeling among them all was perfectly natural but Nova and their alters, Trevor and Lin all had memories in that room that often replayed at the sight of the door alone. She made the rule law and did her best to get them away from that dorm to choose a new hangout spot. It was Peter that had brought most of their group together but she was tired of watching them torture themselves with memories.

Trevor went little a lot more since it happened. He did his best to hide it from Devon at first, certain he could handle it himself without bothering the guy but gave in eventually, his smaller self wanting to be around the man with the large, pretty hands and cool hair.

Devon never pushed him away. He was always welcome no matter how he felt. It brought a warmth and familiarity he had never really known.

He should have been happy. Devon was there. His crush of months was living with him, cuddling him, whispering that he loved him at the most silly and random times like when he was playing with the laundry or glaring hard at an assignment or whining for attention. Devon wanted to take care of him. Trevor just wished he could get out of his funk enough to appreciate it better and return the favour.

One night, they were in the living room, a pizza between them. Trevor hated himself for it but the scent brought back memories. His ex-friend had the food in his nickname for a reason, after all. He smiled with fondness and bitterness battling for the top spot and sunk glumly into the chair, struggling to keep the tears from his eyes.

"Hey... Hey, no, are you alright? Is it the movie...?" Was there a movie on? He hadn't noticed.

"No... Sorry, I just..." He tried to explain himself, feeling daggers stab at his chest every time. So he gestured to the pie and Devon huffed, making Trevor instantly worry he'd upset him. "Shit. No, no, I'm sorry. This is great. It tastes wonderful, I'm not trying to be a bother-"

"You aren't. You're never. Okay?" Trevor nodded with a soft hum as he was pulled into those strong swimmer arms, not believing a single word. A beat passed and then Devon kissed his forehead gently, pressing his cheek to Trevor's temple. The ginger felt like he was being nuzzled by a dog. A warm, fuzzy dog that made him feel like he was home. The urge to cry was suddenly replaced by the urge to sleep as Trevor sunk into Devon's body and scent, their heartbeats becoming one. "Want me to throw it away?"

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