Not my fate but hers...

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*sigh* I put my slip into the folder next to the clock-in machine. "Ughhh I'm wiped." I say aloud. "At least its not overtime again.", I think as I press the button to the first floor. *elevator music* what the heck? "I didn't know elevators still had music." I say aloud. *music stops* what the- *heavy breathing* THE HECK. I whip around to see what just breathed in my neck. -Theres nobody there- okayy im probably just tired. *ding* I step out of the elevator as its entrance opens wider. I walk down the main corridor, and into the parking garage. "Crap", I mutter as I pat my pockets". I left my keys inside. I turn back around and start heading back to my office. As I reach the door I to see my keys laying 4 feet in-front of me. "Thats weird I must've just dropped them."

I unlock my car and get in. As I'm nearing my home I come a cross a new road. "Ah sweet!", "They paved a shortcut!" I drive onto the new road and start to realize how dark and humid its is. The farther I drove the less hope I had of a turn. Up ahead there was nothing but fog. "What is going on I've been driving straight for 30 minutes. There hasn't been a single building or turn!!" I slam my palm on the horn *BEEP*. As I did this I saw a light, No two lights, headlights!! The lights grew brighter and bigger. But the car never slowed. "What the hell my lights are on, what is this idiot doing?" *BEEP* 5...
*BE-BE-BEEP* 4...
"WHAT THE-" 3...
*BEEP* 2...
"AHHHHHH" 1...

"Jules? You alright love?" I look up breathing heavily to see my mother across the table. "Wh-what? Oh yeah I'm good ahaha 😅", "you sure? You were zoned out pretty hard, your breathing started getting really heavy." "Yeah j-just thinking." I reply. "Okay well finish your cereal you don't want it to get soggy". I take a bite and think. *Wh-Who was that... I don't have a job, car, none the less a license, that isn't even the way to my house... that wasn't my voice either..*

later that day I heard my mom watching the news, I opened my door and walked out of my room and into the living room.
"breaking news. Awful wreck kills girl coming home from work other drive unknown no body or evidence has been found, only the two cars and the decapitated girl" a shiver ran down my spine. The car from whatever that was this morning.. was on the Tv completely wrecked. Along with blood stains wich could only be the girls...

Who's death did i just witness...

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