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It was early in the morning, the soft glow of the rising sun warmed the walls of the famous actress' luxurious house. The place was quiet, the only sound being the soft brewing of the expensive coffee machine, the older woman watching the liquid drip softly into the maire puddle inside the glass. She was mesmerized by the fluid, its color reminding her of the marvelous eyes of the younger blonde still sleeping peacefully on her couch.

Both women had finished their previous day late in the evening, the movie set already drowned by the chilly breeze that occurred at night. They were exhausted, the gold-headed girl from the plethora of scenes she had to play an insane amount of time, and the older one from the hours she spend watching behind the cameras-she only had minor scenes that day- acting as a support for her friend.
Once both of them were in the partly empty parking lot, their tired faces only illuminated by the limited glow of the single street lamp, the younger woman confessed how she was too tired to drive back home. That's how she found herself an hour later laying next to Scarlett's warm body, in  Scarlett's home, on Scarlett's couch, as they watched a movie she wasn't even bothered to listen to, finding the endearing beauty of her co-star far more interesting. She wasn't sure if the older woman had noticed her staring, her blue eyes fixed on the giant screen before them, the tiniest smile reaching her lips.
Despite all of Amy's past tries to concentrate on the movie, the characters' voices always ended up being far less alluring than the blonde's soft breath, or the cute giggle she let out at every lame joke coming out of the speakers. She felt warm, unnaturally warm, as if a wildfire was spreading troughs her limbs all the way to her rosy cheeks.
Somewhere between the warm and the laugh, the younger woman found herself trapped under the sleepy blonde, her body heavy as she snored softly, head resting against the younger woman's large chest. Amy did not dare to move, eventually dozing off too.

The silence was soon broken by the loud beeping of the coffee machine, signaling that the drink was ready, startling the older woman who rushed to unplug it.
God, she really hoped the strident sound hadn't awoken the other woman. She slowly turned her head, her panicked gaze falling on the gold-headed girl fortunately still sleeping soundly on the spacious couch. She let out a relieved sigh while she slowly lowered the cord into the marble counter, her eyes still lingering on the younger woman's fair facial features, always finding something new to marvel at since she first laid eyes on the gold-headed woman's face. All about her face screaming literal angel, from her swollen lips to her big doe eyes and high blushed cheeks. Hell, her hair shined like liquid gold, and her eyes, she could spend hours looking into those dark eyes. The maire pairing so well with the gold, like the shining stars in the middle of a cold night. That's how she saw Amy, a magnificent star glowing shamelessly through the darkest sky.

She went back to her cooking, the tempting smell of freshly baked sweets filling the air. The room felt warmer, illuminated solely by the harsh kitchen lights reaching the open living room, bathing it in a flickering glow of white and yellow. Once the blonde put the last pancake on the overfilled plate on top of the marble counter, just in time to be greeted by the sight of a very hungry and sleepy young actress making her way toward the kitchen.
"Hello, sleepyhead." Scarlett smiled softly, her gaze lighting up as she slowly traced the curves of her drowsy face, imprinting each and every freckle to the back of her mind. Amy mumbled an incomprehensible salutation, dropping all her weight on one of the black leather barstools at the other side of the counter. The blonde giggled.
"I prepared breakfast for us!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, pushing the plate of pancakes and fruits toward her, some of the berries falling out.
Dark eyes opened wide as Amy looked up at her friend's face. "You did that for me? I usually eat cereal in the morning."She awkwardly stumbled, gaze still wide, blues meeting the browns and something sparkled.
"I don't usually eat such breakfast too, but you're here and I wanted to treat you right." Scarlett simply stated, a warm smile on her lips as she urged her to taste the delicious food. "We want you to come back, right." She winked.

Later that day, the sun was setting high in the sky while the air warmed up to reach an almost uncomfortable heat. Both women were on set, one preparing for a future scene, script in one hand and iced coffee in the other; the other one watching her fondly from her spot on the younger actress' trailer's couch.
After their shared fulfilling breakfast, the blonde had driven them to set, letting the younger woman pick the playlist which foreseeably ended up in a Taylor Swift karaoke party.
The gold-headed girl stopped in her track, her eyes still on the paper as she spoke up toward the other actress, her lips stretched into a playful smirk. "My mother told me you've been raiding her bakery for the past two weeks." There was a silence, the blonde opening her mouth to speak but no words coming out, Amy raised her head to meet the wide-eyed stare of her co-star.
"She makes the best cookies," Scarlett mumbled sheepishly, pursing her scarlet lips as the blood quickly rushed to her cheeks.
The younger woman delicately posed the script on the small coffee table nearby, her gaze trailing on the blonde's flustered face, her stomach twisting in a weirdly satisfying way as their eyes locked, she didn't know why.
The tension was broken before any of the women could act on it, the British actor stomped through the door, his loud voice already booming against the walls. "Lia! I completely forgot we had to film together again today, I'm totally screwed." The man froze at the entrance, seeing that his friend was accompanied. "Scarlett, You're here." He trailed, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Again."
The gold-headed girl stared at him dumbfounded while the blonde raised to her feet swiftly, a hand reaching for her bag left at her side. "I was just leaving." She rushed, already making her way to the door but was immediately stopped by two conjoined voices. "No, no, no. Stay, please." "No, stay. It's okay."
The brunette boy silently walked backward out of the door leaving an awkward silence between the two women.

A chapter with only Amy's pov since it's mainly her story.
I spent so much time on that chapter, I'm so lazy help.

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