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to put it simply, you were absolute losing your shit. even in your completely unwell state you rushed around your house in panic, frantically cleaning and picking up all you could carry. it was when the doorbell rang when you really started panicking. 

"i'm coming!"

your attempt at a confident response was a failure as your voice shook greatly. your hands trembled as you opened the door slowly, your stomach diving into flips as you took in the presence of him.



he said with a smile before letting it fall as his eyes scanned you. 

"are you okay? you're awfully red and out of breath- do you have a fever?"

your cheeks flushed red as you realized you had completely worn yourself out in attempt to make your place look clean.

"i'm fine! just a little tired. please come in!"

you opened your door wider to welcome him inside which he accepted with a smile, a plastic bag swinging by his side catching your attention almost immediately. 

"rather curious aren't we?" 

he had spotted your not so subtle attempts at trying to discover what he had brought over.

"i brought some stuff that i thought might help you feel better. mostly tea, benadryl, some snacks- stuff like that."

you couldn't help but turn even more red at his kind gesture, silently praying he would assume your flushed cheeks were due to your illness.

"thank you, intak. i'm sorry this is the way we had to have met."

"don't apologize, love."

he said as he placed the plastic bag on your counter and pulled out a few bags.

"just let me take care of you, okay?"

you practically died right then and there.


you nodded.

"have any preference in tea?"

he questioned as he pulled out a few boxes of tea bags.

"or does anything work for you?"

"anything is fine, thank you."

you said before starting to head to grab a mug which, he of course, stopped you from with a click of his tongue.

"i told you to let me take care of you."

he teased as he pointed at one of your kitchen stools making you groan.

"but i'm capable of doing it myself, it's making me feel bad for making you do all this."

you admitted even though you (not so) secretly enjoyed the attention.

"i know you're capable of doing so, but that won't stop me from helping you."

he said as he started boiling water.

"just rest that pretty head of yours for once and get some rest. i promise i won't burn the house down."

that's when you realized. this was intak's first time actually seeing what you looked like.

"oh my gosh."

sure you had sent him a few small faceless selfies, or pictures with part of your face, but this was his first time fully seeing you.

"what's wrong?"

your face was completely red now. of course the first time intak got to see you was when you looked your absolute worst. 

"i'm a mess."

you whispered unconsciously.

"that's fine."

he smiled as he handed you a newly made cup of tea, his hands slightly brushing yours as you gratefully accepted the mug.

"there's nothing wrong with that."

you smiled in thanks before lifting the mug to your lips, intak's hands stopping you just before you could take a sip.

"it's rather hot, make sure not to burn yourself."

he said before removing his hand from yours, his touch still lingering. 

god, what was this man doing to you?

𝐓𝐑𝐘 𝐌𝐄 ∙ intakWhere stories live. Discover now