my oc :)

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Character's full name: Claire Wallace

Reason or meaning of name: Claire came from Grimes (even though I only like a few songs) and Wallace came from Kristy Wallace from The Cramps

Character's nickname: n/a

Reason for nickname: n/a

Birth date:

Physical appearance: Pale with the ability to tan, no desire to. (she hates hot weather) Her hairstyle is always choppy, never boring. During the beginning of EMH she has black hair just past her shoulders and a lime green undercut. Her bangs exist, but are living off of an IV tube. Her nose is a little hooked and her face is constantly looking annoyed if she has makeup on and so so tired if she doesn't. One of those people that is prettier in a conventional way when she's dolled up. She looks like the type of person that's hiding a zombie bite if she doesn't. Her makeup style is just light foundation for blending, a little undereye concealer, and blush to look alive. Although her personality isn't always a 'typical' feminine one, this doesn't stop her from looking cute when she wants to. A little contrast if you will. She pretty much looks like the biggest bisexual in the world, Eyebrow piercing and all. No bangs, slight widows peak, forehead just a little big. Thin brows. Constantly tightlining her waterline. She never washes that off except in the shower when it completely melts. Her fingers are a little long and gangly making her the designated future guitarist of her friends' idea of a band.

Age: 20 at the beginning of emh, whatever age the cast is at the end

Weight: around 140, she has a bit of a sleeper build going on (gym terminology)

Height: 5'8

Eye color: brown

Skin tone: fair

Distinguishing marks: She just Looks Like That

Hair color: Black, naturally brown. The roots are the slightest bit of blonde due to a rejected dye job

Type of hair: straight

Hairstyle: usually just plain down, later in the series she would cut her hair a little shorter

Voice: Tankgirl 1995

Usual fashion of dress: Punkish, DIY, ripped off sleeves, homemade shorts, boots. Tanktop lord. Mostly black shirts, colorful pants.

Jewelry or accessories: eyebrow piercing, monroe piercing, cat necklace (silver chain with a small silver bedazzled cat head charm)


Good personality traits: Problem solver, listener, DIY-doer, open-minded, non judgemental, honest

Bad personality traits: maybe too honest, her mindset of 'do whatever the fuck you want' gets her in Situations. The most prominent example would be not exactly treating HABIT like an enemy because "he's a demon. That's his job." before she transitions into the "hey wait, that guy has free will!" stage

Mood character is most often in: curious, content

Sense of humor: telling people to do things they should not do. It's always a little funny when they do it. Saying things like "when will you tell your wife about me" loudly in public

Character's greatest joy in life: She doesn't know

Character's greatest fear: She doesn't know, but probably being really close to doing something, only to die and the Thing to be left to some idiot

Why? She is more often than not, right. Her issue is that no one can tell when she's serious no matter how serious she says she is.

What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? Probably the whole HABIT thing because. Hey, what the fuck? She's not scared of HABIT, per se, because she knows that he'll probably just torture or kill her. Then with the whole possession thing? Predictable. But still, like, What?

Character is most at ease when: DIY-ing or sitting and listening to her little jams

Most ill at ease when: Heavy tension in the room, no matter what time. Eyebrow twitching. She's a terrible liar. She CAN lie just fine, but hates to. The type of person to be told 'tell no one' then sit there twitching before she dunks her head in a bucket and screams. Don't worry guys! It's normal. It's super metal.

Enraged when: People keep lying about shit she either knows, can guess, wouldn't care about, or finds no reason for the lie

Depressed or sad when: thinking too hard about all the little sad and lonely cats in the world. However she makes jokes about this all the time. Sitting there doing nothing, "There's probably a little kitty that wishes to be us right now, all alone in the dark and cold."

Priorities: Figure out everything

Life philosophy: Feel however you want about anything ever

If granted one wish, it would be: probably a fruit puch hi-c

Why? yummyyyy

Character's soft spot: Her s/o or like, Alex. Goddammit that her is brother too now

Is this soft spot obvious to others? Alex? No not at all. Probably wouldn't cry when he died. Or care, really. I mean, she didn't know him that long. Her S/O? There comes a time where you just realize everyone should be prepared to die so although it sucks, she gets over it probably. But that's after a ton of shit

Greatest strength: Staying calm and unaffected. Making her brain so so empty. Making people feel not shitty

Greatest vulnerability or weakness: being lied to, she doesn't know what to do because like, what if they're not lying?

Biggest regret: Who really knows their biggest regret?

Minor regret: eyebrows so thin and boring :(

Biggest accomplishment: None she's 20

Minor accomplishment: house :)

Character's darkest secret: None really that are that important, the real secret is how much it affected her. Which is usually not a lot

Does anyone else know? Probably

Goals: find out what is going on to a T

Drives and motivations: everyone is dying

Immediate goals: the same as the regular goal

Long term goals: learn how to play The Lord Is A Monkey on her guitar (original goal pushed until after the events of emh)

How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Gun

How other characters will be affected: they won;t they're dead

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