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The city was busy with loud cars and happy faces. The world started to look better than ever. People appreciated the smaller things.

Below the town were the sewers. Cold and quiet.

Leo laid on his side, staring at the wall in front of him. His injuries were healing, and he was bedridden. After the kraang attack, the turtles took a small health break. The foot were dead, and everyone was too happy to be alive to do anything horrible.

The brothers would visit leos room often to check on him. Every time was the same. Leo would smile a talk on and on about stupid things. But when they left, he was alone with his thoughts, again.

"Hey, leo!" Casey moved aside leos curtains, entertaining his room. "I brought you some water and pizza." Casey smiled and set the food and water down next to leo on his bedside table.

"Thank you." Leo mumbled out, looking at the food.

"Just yell if you need anything, one of us will come as fast as we can." Casey began to walk away.

"Hey, wait." Leo croaked out. His voice fell over itself. His eyes searched desperately for something to lay on. His mind ran wild, questions filling his mind. He wanted to know how everyone was. If they were mad at him still. If they were hurt. "I."

Casey turned around and looked at leo. His eyes full of worry and confusion. Leos heart stopped when their eyes met, he hadn't looked at anyone in the eyes for the longest time. It scared him. He felt ashamed to be alive.

"Never mind." Leo smiled, his hands balling up slowly as he contained his anguish.

"Okay, but really. We are just a shout away." Casey smiled. He knew something was on leos' mind, but he wasn't going to pry.

And just like that, leo was left with himself. His lip slightly quivered before tears started to prickle in the corner of his eyes. He couldn't even say how lost he felt. He felt like a ghost. Not truly there. Nothing felt real anymore. Everything in his life had changed drastically. He wasn't ready for change. He wanted things to stay the same. He found comfort in familiarity.

Leo held his breath, trying to keep his tears at bay. He was failing, but he was trying. Tears spilled out of his eyes endlessly. Pent-up rage and depression were getting to him. He furiously wiped his eyes but to no avail. More tears fell down like rain. His stomach felt queasy, and his hands felt fuzzy. His lips were numb, and his eyes were puffy.

Crying wasn't leos' favorite activity during his bedridden time. He didn't have much else to do either. He had to reflect on his actions over and over again. Thinking of how, he could have done better. Or even preventing all of this from happening. He felt worthless. Like a small bug on the wall, found by a person about to be squashed.

The pressure of his thoughts was genuinely getting to him. His room was his hell hole. But his home. He couldn't leave for no until he was 'better'. H would rather be up and about than laying here in a puddle of his own tears.

He felt like a royal fuck up. How did his family think of him? Were they worried? Were they proud? He couldnt even imagine. His mind immediately went for the worst, he tried to push past those thoughts, but they eventually got to him. He was stuck in this horrible depression loop until he was done recovering. And it felt like years of recovery. Every day went by slower and slower. Leo could have sworn he was going to be broken forever. His shell had an awful scratch that needed healing, the rest of his body absolutely needed time to rest.

He exerted himself to the max and now had to pay for the consequences. Leo didnt think he was going to survive. So now, being here, cooped up in his room, he found himself wishing he did die.

Those thoughts eventually fade when he grasps the fact his family loves him dearly and couldn't lose him. But the pain didn't go away.

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