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Leo woke up to a cold chill. He had passed out not long after Casey checked in on him. He started to shiver as he became more awake. He looked at himself and saw no blanket. He must have kicked off his blanket in his sleep. He looked over and saw it on the floor. He sighed heavily, disappointed.

Leo slowly sat up, holding his stomach. His head began to throb as his blood rushed to his head. This was one of the reasons he didn't want to be bedridden. Moving began to be a difficult task for him. He begged Raph to let him walk around. But everyone had insisted a few days of rest. Even if it was a few days, it felt like it was forever. He couldn't tell time unless a clock was in front of him.

Leo shifted himself and stepped onto the floor to retrievehis blanket. The floor was freezing. Leo frowned, even more upset now. He leaned over and grabbed his blanket. His blanket no longer held warmth. It was just as cold as him. Even though it was cold, he was happy to lay down covered up. But his happiness didn't last long.

Leo stared at the wall. 'What time is it' he thought. He rolled over, painfully slow. He grabbed his phone on the bedside table. But he quickly got distracted. He looked over at the table again. The pizza was now gone with a note saying,
'Just give a shout! We didn't want you to have cold pizza! -mikey
Leo didn't even have to read it to know it was from mikey. It was colorful and had a drawing of mikey on it. He smiled. His water was still there, though. He was dehydrated but couldn't bother to sit up.

Leo turned his phone on and saw it was 4am. 'What time did i fall asleep?' Leo rubbed his eyes and turned off his phone. He placed it back onto his table and looked up to the ceiling. 'Maybe i could fall asleep again.' Leo tried to shut his eyes, but they wouldn't stay shut. They would open the every time he tried to sleep.

It was getting frustrating at this point. He didn't know how long he had been up. There isn't warm sunlight to feel in the morning. Just darkness and a cold chill. He curled up into his blanket. He wanted to sleep, so his thoughts would calm down. He failed miserably over and over again.

The cold ate at leo Alive. No matter how much he shivered, he couldn't stop. Leos blanket even got some heat back. The heat from his blanket kept him warm enough to feel content, but still frigid. Leo hated the cold so much that it was hard to be comfortable in. He tried to ignore the cold draft coming through his room. But the cold bit at his skin.

As leo started to feel drowsy, a loud clang in rang throughout their home. Leo shot out of his bed, his body in pain and agony. But his heart was pumping out of his throat. His adrenaline caused him to feel less pain. Leo thought of everything that could have happened from that noise, mostly just intrusive thoughts. He sprinted across the main part of their home, and the noise started to get louder. The noises were every now and again. But every time leo heard the noise, he would flinch, and his heart would jump. As he got closer to the kitchen, the clearer the noise got.

Leo ran into the kitchen, quickly grabbing onto the doorway.
"Is everything okay!?" Leo gasped, winded a bit. His chest wouldn't expand enough for him to breathe. Raph turned around, his face fell when he saw leo.

"LEO-Leo." Raph tried to lower his voice but quickly dropped everything he was doing and ran over to his brother.
"Are you stupid? Oh god- come on." Raph practically dragged leo to a chair and set him down. Leo was finally calming down from his adrenaline, but the pain was returning fast.
"Im sorry, Raph. I thought something happened.." leo rubbed his face, groaning. "Im sorry." Leo moped.

Raph furrowed his eyebrows. He was a little harsh. He recognized this. He didnt mean to be so harsh. He couldn't help but worry. He sighed lightly.
"It's okay, leo. I just.. I worry too much. You need to rest some more. You aren't ready to move around freely." Raph tried to explain himself. He looked at leo. Leo didn't look back.

Raphs eyes wandered the kitchen as he tried to think of ways to comfort leo. He was never the best at comforting leo. Leo wasn't like mikey or donnie.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. How about you take some medicine and we go back to your room?" Raph smiled and lightly patted Leo's shoulder.

"I don't want to go back." Leo looked up at Raph. His eyes broke Raphs heart.

"Dont give me that younger child look." Leo only blinked at Raphs statement.
"You guys know it works." Raph sighed and smiled at leo.

Leos eyes lit up, he threw himself onto Raph.
"OW- thank you!" Leo let go fast, lifting his arms hurt more than he expected.

"But-" Raph brought up his hand, pointing one finger in the air. Leo frowned immediately.

"I should have seen that coming." Leo slumped dramatically. "There is always a 'but'" leo used his fingers to air quote Raph.

"Awe, come on now. You didn't even listen to what i had to say!" Raph threw his hands up.
"All i was gonna say is that if you want to go anywhere, you need someone with you to help you." Raph explains, but leo shushes him with his finger.

"Im not an old man, Raph. Im not gonna fall and never get up." Leo laughed but started to gag. He leaned over the table and had a small coughing fit. He wheezed a few times but eventually caught his breath.

"Need i say more?" Raph's chasm was clear as day paired with a smug look.

"No.. no, you don't. " leo cleared his throat but smiled eventually.

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