chapter 5

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2 weeks later

While me & Christian are at home with our baby Theodore Christian does everything he can to help me with our babyboy While I'm on the last day of bed rest I look at Christian Christian Christian looks at me & he sits on the bed next to me yes anastasia is everything okay I nod yeah everything is okay it's just I was thinking that maybe we could take Theodore to meet your mom & dad & Mia & Elliot Christian looks at me & he smiles yeah that's a good idea anastasia but I want to make sure that you are better enough to no longer be on bed rest I smile well I got a call from doctor greenfield & she said that I don't have to be on bed rest anymore because everything should be feeling all better now Christian looks at me and does it does everything feel all better I nod my head yeah everything feels all better looks at Theodore smiles at him aww he is so cute when he is sleeping Christian smiles I looks just like you when you are sleeping all peaceful Christian kisses me & I kiss him I was thinking maybe we could go today to see your mom & dad so they can meet their grandson Christian smiles yeah we can go today do you need my help getting dressed anastasia I look at Christian nope I will be fine Christian I get up out of bed & I go to the bathroom & I get myself clean after I get ready I come out wearing my new favourite hoodie that Christian got me after I gave birth to Theodore & I wore this on the way home from the hospital smells it Christian does it smell like baby sick to you then Christian smells it no anastasia it just smells of baby I walk around the house making sure that we have got everything Theodore Christian looks at me while he is holding Theodore anastasia its okay we have got everything is fine we have got everything that Theodore needs I look at Christian yeah Ik we do I'm just making sure that we have everything because I don't want to miss anything Christian looks at me & puts his hands on my shoulders anastasia breath just as Christian says breath I breath looks at Christian he smiles at me feeling better anastasia I nod my head yeah I'm feeling better Christian helps me take Theodore all the important things he needs to the car while I carry Theodore in his car seat while Christian opens the car door for me & Theodore then Christian helps me with Theodore I sit in the back of the car with Theodore because he is a baby while Christian sits in the drivers seat driving us to go see his mom & dad on our way there Theodore wakes up crying because he is hungry I carefully take Theodore out his car seat & I feed Theodore his milk after a while Theodore falls back to sleep kisses Theodore on his head then I put Theodore back in his car seat I quickly agust my clothes back to the way they was again just as we get to Christian his mom & dad's house Christian stops the car & turns to me anastasia we are here & have you agusted your bra & clothes back to the way it was I look at Christian yeah I have I get Theodore out if the car carries Theodore in my arms while Christian gets his bag of stuff I look at Christian Christian let me help you Christian looks at me no anastasia I'm fine your carrying Theodore anyway we walk into his mom & dads house grace comes over to us she hugs Christian & kisses him on the cheek then she hugs me & says anastasia how are you darling I look at grace I've been fine & Theodore has been great then grace looks at Theodore aww this little man has been a good boy for his mommy & daddy Christian smiles so where is everyone else grace smiles everyone else is outside in the back waiting for you two & waiting to see Theodore as me & Christian walk through the house & into the back Mia comes running over to us yelling ana Christian your finally here Mia hugs me & I hug her then Mia hugs Christian & Christian hugs her Christian smiles its nice to see you again Mia she smiles at Christian it's nice to see you to Christian then Mia looks at Theodore aww is this him my little nephew I smile at Mia yeah it is his name is Theodore Mia smiles aww he is just so tiny & cute I smile yeah he is Mia looks at me in the eyes so tell me are you planning on having anymore kids I blush a little bit Christian looks at me then he turns to Mia Mia give ana time it was not that long ago we had Theodore we are taking things one step at a time Theodore was only born 2 weeks ago after everyone meets Theodore it starts to get cold outside I look at Christian whispers its getting cold I'm going to take Theodore inside Christian nods okay anastasia do you want me to come with you I smile if you want you to but I will be fine just me & Theodore 2 hours later while Im in Christian his old room with Theodore I carefully cuddle Theodore while I'm laying on the bed then I hear the door open looks at see Christian standing there he smiles I thought you two was up here I look at Christian with a smile yeah because I thought why not bring Theodore in here Christian shuts the door & lays next to me on the bed cuddling me & Theodore carefully Christian kisses me on my head then he kisses Theodore on his head anastasia thank you for gifting me with such a cute babyboy I smile thank you Christian for always being right by my side & cheering me on to be the best mommy that I am to Theodore Christian smiles at me & I smile at him after I put Theodore down for his nap Christian cooks food for the both of us while we eat dinner we both sit down to watch a movie together after dinner after we have cleared everything away I feel Christian his arm behind me while we cuddle up on the couch together

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