Chapter 8

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In the morning

As me & Christian both wake up before Theodore does for the first time last time we woke up before Theodore was the morning after we brought him home from the hospital as I sit up in bed I start thinking about going to see doctor greenfield today Christian looks at me smiles goodmorning wife I turn & look at Christian goodmorning husband Christian puts his hand on my cheek as he kisses me on my head we cuddle for a little bit as we then hear the sound of little feet coming running in Theodore climbs onto our bed & he cuddles me while both me & Theodore are cuddling Christian then cuddles both me & Theodore I then kiss Theodore on his head Theodore giggles

6 hours later

After we have had breakfast while I'm cleaning up & while Christian is playing with Theodore I smile as I hear Theodore giggle while he is playing with his daddy after I'm done cleaning while I'm putting the dishes & cups & bowls away I start to feel sick then I remember what doctor greenfield told me last time I went to see her I stand there in the kitchen thinking about how I'm going to tell Christian the news that I have been keeping from him after I dry my hands I walk over to Christian kisses his cheek hey you two having fun Christian smiles & so does Theodore he claps his little hands as he shows me what Christian & Theodore are playing I smile as I whisper into Christian his ear Christian later on we  need to talk about something Christian turns to me it's okay anastasia we can talk infront of Theodore I then whisper to Christian no it's something Theodore won't understand & it doesn't feel right talking about it infront of him Christian looks at me he nods his head understanding while we both go back to playing with Theodore while we are playing with Theodore I feel Christian put his arm around me & kisses me on the head Christian then he smiles at me I love you Christian I smile at Christian I love you to Christian I say to Christian while Im looking down at my wedding ring Christian cuddles me then Theodore runs up to us as he cuddles both me & Christian at the same time

Later on that night

While Theodore has gone to bed Christian comes back downstairs & walks over to me while I'm sitting on the couch watching tv Christian sits next to me so anastasia what is it that you wanted to tell me what you wanted to tell me earlier I look at Christian in the eyes it's ummm I went to see doctor greenfield Christian looks at me & how did it go anastasia about that Christian it turns out that I umm I'm pregnant again Christian smiles anastasia that's amazing we are having another baby our little family of three will become a little family of four I smile at Christian as we cuddle Christian kisses me on the lips as our lips press against eachother while we are hugging on the couch Christian starts playing with my hair so how far along are you anastasia doctor greenfield said that I'm 5 weeks pregnant Christian then lays his hand on my belly I can't believe that we are going to be having another baby as Christian says that I lay my head on Christian his chest while we are watching a movie as it starts getting very late at night I start to fall asleep with my head on Christian his chest Christian looks at me he smiles & kisses me on my head as he picks me up off the couch & carrys me up the stairs to our bedroom as he carefully lats me in bed then I feel Christian his arms wrap around me while I'm sleeping then Christian falls asleep

6 months later

While I'm sitting on the couch watching tv with Theodore obviously it's a kids show because Theodore is only 2 years old a little while later Christian then comes out if his home office Christian walks over to me & kisses my head smiles hello wife I look up at Christian smiles at him hello husband Christian then kisses Theodore on his head Theodore let's out a little giggle Christian hugs Theodore as he lifts Theodore up & sits Theodore on his lap Theodore giggles again as he is sitting on daddy lap I then lay my head on Christian his shoulder I love our little family Christian christian smiles I love our little family to anastasia later on while Christian & Theodore are running around outside playing while I'm sitting on a blanket reading a book while I'm 6 months pregnant with our little babygirl Christian looks at Theodore as they cuddle while Christian lays on the grass with Theodore in his arms I smile as I look at Christian & Theodore then I go back to reading my book Christian looks at me as he smiles at Theodore go get mommy go get her Christian runs with Theodore towards me as I hear Christian says to Theodore go get mommy as they both run over to me Theodore hugs me as I hug him as Christian sits on the blanket next to me & he as I feel Christian kiss me on my head & I feel his hand on my belly as Christian cuddles me while we all stay out in the garden for a little while together Christian then pulls me in & kisses me as I kiss him Theodore gets up & stands & points at the house wanting to go back inside to play with his toys both me & Christian get up I hold my book in one hand while Christian his holding the blanket as we both hold Theodore his hands as we all walk back to the house after we get to the house Christian opens the door & let's Theodore go inside first then Christian turns to me & smiles ladies first I smile at Christian as I walk in while I'm watching tv & playing with Theodore Christian orders a takeout for dinner then Christian walks over to us & kisses me on top of my head & kisses Theodore on top of his head to then Christian looks at me anastasia baby I think it's a good idea if you sit on the couch & rest for a bit at this point I don't even try to argue with Christian as I relax on the couch while Christian plays with Theodore then Theodore sits on the couch next to me his mommy Christian sits next to Theodore so he is sitting in the middle of the both of us we all cuddle up together on the couch as a family of 3 soon to be a family of 4 while I watch TV with Theodore & Christian then I start thinking about when our babygirl is here & both me & Christian get to hold  her & give her a name obviously she will have the last name grey just like me Christian & Theodore do then Christian looks at me & he smiles hey anastasia are you feeling alright baby looks at Christian nods my head yeah I'm feeling okay our baby hasn't kicked yet Christian kisses me on the lips & I kiss him on the lips to then Theodore hugs me & I hug him carefully & kisses Theodore on his head Christian smiles at the both of us as he puts his hand on my belly

9 months & 3 weeks later

While I'm at home asleep in bed I hear phoebe crying I go to get up out of bed to see to her but Christian gets to her before I do Christian looks at me smiles it's alright anastasia sweetheart just rest I'll take care of phoebe & Theodore I smile at Christian kisses him on the lips as he kisses me on my lips looks down at Phoebe in Christian his arms kisses phoebe on her little head just as Theodore comes in & cuddles me saying mommy I smile at Theodore kissing him on his head do you want to be the goodboy Ik that you always are & help daddy with Phoebe Theodores nods his head I notice the way Theodore is so careful with phoebe like she is a very fragile person & it warms up my heart to know that Theodore loves his baby sister just as much as me & Christian love both our kids

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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