Y/N Side Adventure 1: Saturdays are for the boys

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(Third Person POV)

//ALERT... ALERT PLEASE EVACUATE DISTRICT 14 FOREIGN INCURSION DETECTED PLEASE EVACUATE. REPEAT FOREIGN INCURSION DETECTED DISTRICT 14 IS NOW AN ACTIVE WARZONE PLEASE EVACUATE// A city-wide warning was triggered following a large breach in the Academy City perimeter. A small army armed to the teeth with top-of-the-line weaponry and armored vehicles had entered Academy City.

Anti-Skill was fast and quickly responded to the perimeter breach setting up a cordon to prevent the invading forces from breaching further into the city. "Anti-Skill! put your hands up surrender yourselves, and your weapons, or we will be forced to open fire! this is your first and only warning." An Anti-Skill officer addressed them awaiting a response.

"Open fire!" The man who appeared to be leading the assault commanded intending to breach the cordon set up by Anti-Skill. Their weapons whirred to life as they unleashed an onslaught of lead completely destroying the Anti-Skill security robots they'd brought along as cover. Their bullets also managed to pierce the Anti-Skill armored vehicles they'd arrived in forcing them to retreat.

"This is the perimeter team we have multiple casualties! send backup immediately AGHHH!" The Anti-Skill officer called for backup before being shot in the back as soon as the request concluded.

The invading forces pushed deeper through District 14 in an attempt to reach District 4. "Keep on your toes men! Anti-Skill are crafty little buggers." Their leader instructed clearly confident in their abilities but not underestimating their adversaries.


"This is Anti-Skill District 4 branch reporting in. We have multiple casualties on our end and it appears the invading forces are making a beeline through District 4 to reach District 1. Please take this into consideration when planning a response we recommend calling Him in to resolve the situation."

"Processing request... We got him on the line we'll send him your way ETA of 3 minutes. Look above and clear a landing zone." Anti-Skill HQ signaled back sending a wave of relief through the remaining Anti-Skill personnel.

T-Minus 3:00

The invading force continues in their steady advance towards District 1 killing multiple Anti-Skill officers and Injuring hundreds more. They seem like an invincible, unstoppable force unyielding in their objective.

Their leader continues forward, his presence is massive on the battlefield and not the slightest bit subtle. His very presence invokes fear. He was a tall man, with broad shoulders rocking the body of a Greek god and armed to the teeth with bandoliers and shotguns. You might mistake him for the Doomslayer just from the sheer power he emanated.

"ARGHHH!!" *BANG* A single gunshot rang through the night barely grazing their leader's face but it was the first injury any of them had sustained all night. And all from one fatally injured soldier.

"Ah... *cough* you do bleed that's reassuring even if I die here someone will stop you before you get a chance to do any harm to the kids in that city." He proclaimed with a fire in his heart knowing that even if he fell today the bastards that shot him would go down with him too. With the final thought in his mind and heart, his soul left this world, content that he was able to do something."

"You bastard! how dare you even think about injuring the boss!" One of the soldiers rushed at his corpse in an attempt to get revenge for the injury.

Before his foot could land their leader stopped him in his tracks preventing him from desecrating the memory of this brave unnamed soldier.

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