Surpirse, surprise.

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I had already drank 2 bottles of water and practised parts of the group dance and he still wasn't here...why does he always take so long ??
I heard the door swing open and bash against the Ocean blue walls, heavy foot steps were coming and then a loud THUMP! A voice stated singing albatroaz and I could guess that it was obviously Hunter. I was in a side split position stretching my legs watching him pack his shoes and jumper into his bag, he ran over to me and picked me up, spun me round and hugged me as tight as he could( I know that because I could barely breath)
We talked while stretching for at least 20 minutes about his dog, his holiday, his new shoes, his new tricks so basically just him. I dont mind it when we only talk about him but when we only talk about him all the time it just annoy's me. Just as we were about to go and get a drink West, Roxanne and Kyle walked in and greeted us with a loud "what's up guys!!"
Me and Roxanne were just talking about how she got her hair died and her nails done and her aunties wedding, then all we could her was "oh !! That is sick man!" It was Hunter showing West and Kyle his new head slide into a front walk over then a back flip. 5 long boring minutes and a lot of tricks later I asked where Giselle was, Kyle told me that she was helping her mum at the grocery store but she would be here soon.
We were all pretty tired out and thirsty so I suggested that we went over to the little café next door, which is what I wanted to do anyway before everyone else came. So we all went over to the little cafe next door and got our favourite drinks berry blast and peach punch.We waited for Giselle at our usual spot up the back with the colourful sofa's and the jet black table. We were all just talking about hunter's holiday (again) when my phone vibrated and made us all jump, it was Giselle.
"Hey Giselle what's up we are all just waiting in the café just now for you "
Giselle~"you's are all we cuties, I will be there in about 15 minutes ok ? You can go back to the studio if you want ! Ok love you's bye "
We decided to head back to the studio only to see Ms.Mazie waiting for us in studio A.
She asked me and Hunter to follow her into her office, we followed her to the sound of "uh-oh" from everyone else in a sarcastic way.
She started talking to us about how good we are at dancing and that we have a chemistry together when we dance and after a long conversation about how strong we are she said to us " I would like to give you the duet for regionals!"
We were both over the moon to hear this at one point hunter actually started doing back flips off of everything.
We walked into studio A pretending like it was nothing but Everyone knew that we were hiding something...
"We got the regionals duet!!"
We all jumped with joy and screamed at the top of our lungs, my lungs felt like they were going burst. But of course the moment would end, they always do.This one ended because the "cool kids" walked in, Freya and Skylar.
Freya~"Aw look at the little kiddies hugging like best friends"
In my head I was thinking shut up Freya everyone knows that your a kid yourself and that your just jealous!
Skylar~"hey Cadence you look beautiful today"
Cadence~"get lost Skylar you freak!"
We just ignored them and started to make up our duet and finally Giselle arrived we greeted her for about 5 seconds, dragged her over and started practising our trio which we had to perform tomorrow.

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