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We practised our trio over and over again until it was almost perfect, we were practically asleep by the time we had went over it a few times (loads of times)
And we were all laying on the ground panting. Kyle and West were falling asleep because they were really bored watching us dance. Hunter was watching us the whole time eyes wide open, jaw dropping, sitting up straight. He started applauding and that made West jump and Kyle fall of the bench. Giselle started attempting to laugh but she was so out of breath that all that came out of her exhausted lungs was a little squeal.
So basically Hunter was the only one with energy running through his veins, he looked like he could run around the whole studio at least 3 times and only break a single sweat.
He came and lay next to me and stared at me for a few seconds with his glowing eyes and his minty fresh breath.
Cadence - "Don't stare at me, I look disgusting and worn out !!"
Hunter - "Don't say that you always look fine and it doesn't matter what you do because you will always be beautiful "
I felt my face warming up and I guessed that my cheeks were now rose red instead of peach pink. He intwined his fingers with mine and we lay there for a while, I wish that this moment could last forever. But as I have said before these moments will end they always do. Roxanne stood over me and blew in my face so I would look at her, she took my hand from Hunters and pulled me up off of the ground really fastened I felt like I was going to fall back down because I was so dizzy.
She then let me go and dragged herself over the West who had sat back down and dropped onto his lap.
Giselle was still laying on the ground, I think she was waiting for her Prince Charming to come and sweep her up in his arms and carry her to safety (the bench) but her Prince Charming needed to be saved himself doe he had fallen asleep on the cold,wooden hard floor after he had fallen off the bench.
I went over to Kyle and kicked him lightly so he would see her waiting for him, but the lazy arse he is he just stared at her and dropped his head back down like it had a ton of bricks on it that would let him get up.
I helped Giselle u land walked her over to her sleeping beauty (sleeping ugly more like)
and shouted in he
Is ear to get him to move . I told Giselle to kiss him but she refused to when he was like this, so Hunter said he would do it for her (as a joke )
Hunter bent down and leaned closer and closer until Kyle opened his eyes and released what was happening. He tried to sit up before he was kissed by Hunter but ended up banging heads with him.
Now we had 2 sleeping beauty's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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