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Up above the city of Gotham is Angerona hovering above the clouds looking down on the city she's about to destroy.

She thinks of all the people that are about to die because of her and feels nothing. In the grand scheme of things their lives mean nothing to her.

She smiles, "Let the chaos being,"

(3rd POV)

Man can walk upon the moon. He can build fine cities-Explore the Ocean depth-And make the Deserts bloom. But when the great Rock plates grind together, and the very Earth itself moves-All man can do is suffer.

At Wayne Manor, Bruce walks over to the entrance to the Bat cave. He walks by Alfred who's carrying cleaning supplies.

"Time to go, Alfred," He tells him as opens the Grandfather clock.

"Very good, sir. And while you clean up crime in Gotham City-I'll clean up the family silver,"

Bruce smiles and walks down the stairs. Once he's in his suit he walks over to the Bat computer and calls Barbara Gordon aka Oracle.

"Oracle, any luck with your computer searching for Angerona Wilson?"

"Negative, Batman," Barbara tells him, "All I could find is a hospital record which states that she died from a cancerous Brain tumor. Why the sudden interest in a dead girl?"

"Because the description Penguin gave me for Hël matches her," Batman tells her, "She and her mother have always been good at covering their tracks, keep searching,"

Barbara nods, "I'll put phone taps on some of the Falcone's old henchmen and see if--,"
Batman frowns as the image flickers for a moment. There's a deep and unsettling silence as the call cuts off... And then all hell breaks loose. The monitor turns red as it sounds off an alarm.

"That's the structural alarm-The seismic sensors!" He exclaims before...


A roar like a turbine from hell fills his ears. The stone floor of the Bat-cave lurches beneath his feet sending him to the ground, as thousands of tons of solid rock are violently shaken.

The computers automatically retract into their protective recesses. Kevlar canopies seal them in.

Typically, his first thought is for the safety of others.

"Alfred! Damian!" He exclaims as he runs for the exit but he is forced to jump back as the giant penny rolls over. It destroys Jason's Robin suit memorial on its way.

If the cave is so badly affected... What about the house above? Batman thinks to himself.
Then the whole world seems to implode as giant fissures open in the ground.

"Batman? Batman?" Barbara calls out as the call cuts out. She tries calling again, "All the lines to the cave are down, but how?"

Suddenly the building starts to shake violently.

"What's happening?" She asks herself before she's launched out of her wheelchair causing her to hit her head on the table knocking her out.

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