Chapter three

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It's animal kingdom in here, there is papers flying around, doors slamming, some office staff are even pushing others down the corridor. Just because some rich people are coming.

Shaking my head I continue with my work, grateful to not be involved in the drama. Mr. Rogers has not yet called for me, which is a good thing. I get lost in filing documents and booking appointments. It takes a while for me to notice that its blissfully silent in the office, which is odd compared to the amount of chaos that was just taking place.

"They're here!'' Aidan comes running out from his office knocking into one of the company lawyer Patricia. Scattering her folder full of papers everywhere.

Lord have mercy.

''Kayleigh.'' Mr. Rogers head peeks from his office down the hall.

''Yes sir? How may I help you?''

''Can you bring in the refreshments prepared? The guests will be coming up shortly.''


It doesn't take long to gather the sandwiches and drinks into one tray, its a bit heavy but manageable. When I get to the office I'm faced with another problem. The office door is locked, and my hands are full. So here I am, standing in the hallway, thinking about if I should call out to Mr. Rogers and potentially interrupt his meeting or just continue standing here like an idiot until someone comes along.

I must have stood there for about a minute when the door is swung open. My eyes go from the tattooed hand holding the door open to the golden-brown eyes staring back at me. Wow, his eyes are like honey.

''Hey, those for us?'' His voice is low, seductive even. I take a few seconds to respond, continuing to gape like an utter moron.

''Um, yeah, sorry.'' He pushes away from the door, allowing me to squeeze past him. I leave the tray on the table, fidgeting for a moment wondering if I would be required to stay.

''Kayleigh this is Mr. Havoc and his good friend Kael.''


They both nod and I make my escape when it's clear nothing further is needed of me.

Talk about embarrassing, thank God that's over.

The office has mercifully settled down, after a couple hours I decide to go for lunch. The cafe has macaroni pie today and after the week I've had I think I deserve a piece.

The window seat closest to the door is the only vacant spot available so I settle in there.

When I'm done with my pie I still have half an hour of lunch left so I decide to finish the chapter of a new mystery romance I'm reading.

Reading is such a great escape for me, when I'm in a book nothing can get to me, I can create my own realities, I can drown out my sorrows if only for a little while.

I'm taken up in the main character who has just escaped death from a stalker when a tray is slammed onto my table.

''You ruined my chance at a promotion'' Aidan sits across from me and I not to squirm under his hateful glare.

''No I didn't actually.''

''You were supposed to....''

''No, that was your responsibility not mines, I wasn't aware of the document because I didn't get to finish it yesterday. Be thankful the power point is done. Now if you will excuse me, I'm trying to have a peaceful lunch.

Huffing, Aidan takes his lunch and moves to another table.

I go back to my book, because let's face it, they are much better than a lot of humans.

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