CHAPTER 17: Prom Night is in Full Swing as the Mating Season is Coming

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A/N: This is my first time writing a little bit of lemon in this book so I apologize if it's bad

Kanan POV

After yesterday's events, I was walking through the town plaza so I can meet up with Keigo when I've done some shopping for a certain event that's gonna happen tonight. After a while, I've just seen Keigo sitting on a bench as his back was towards me. I'm going to sneak up on him without him noticing. I'm standing behind him while I was looking over his shoulder and his right wing to see what he was doing on his phone. "Whatcha doing?" I said as I made Keigo jump a little from his seat. "Oh. Hey songbird, nothing much. I was just waiting for you" Keigo said.

He stood up and he came round and grabbed my free hand. "So...are you getting excited for tonight?" Keigo asked. "Yeah, I am" I said as I was holding his hand. "Oh yeah. I nearly forgot to mention that a certain time that's about to start soon so I'm just letting you know that I might get really needy...if you know what I'm saying" Keigo said as he was rubbing the back of his neck really nervously. "Yeah, I know what you're saying and I'm letting you know that I'm ready for anything lovebird" I said to him as I was hugging him. "Thank you so much songbird" Keigo said as he kissed my forehead.

When the two of us got back to our house, my dad came out of the kitchen when he saw us. "Hey Kanan, Keigo. Did you two get what you need for tonight?" my dad said. "Yeah, we have got everything that we need Brian" Keigo said. "Good, I was about to prepare some lunch for the three of us. How about taking those bags upstairs and when you come back down, lunch would be ready on the table" my dad said. "Ok" me and Keigo said.


Keigo POV



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After a while of getting some stuff done that needed doing around the house, me and Kanan were getting ready for this special event

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After a while of getting some stuff done that needed doing around the house, me and Kanan were getting ready for this special event. Once I've finished getting changed, I went downstairs to see Brian finishing sorting stuff what was on the table in the living area. "Hey Brian. How's this tux looking on me?" I said. "It looks really great on you, Keigo. So don't get nervous about any of this" Brian said. "Ok" I said as I was trying to calm my nerves down a little.

After five minutes of waiting downstairs as the two of us were waiting at the door, we heard Kanan coming down the stairs. Once she made it downstairs, I'm looking at her in admiration when I got a slight blush creeping on on my face. She's looking really beautiful in that dress that she's wearing. After Brian took some photos of us, the two of us were heading to the destination for a great evening at the event. 

Once the two of us had a good time there, it's suddenly midnight. One of her friends is going to have an after party at her house and everyone's invited to her house. Me and Kanan were about to head there to continue having some fun.


Kanan POV

After the event a couple days ago, me and Keigo were going to be having a week off from school {except for the time when me, my dad and my friends fighting some monsters}. The two of us were at home while my dad is in a meeting at school as me and Keigo were sitting on the couch, watching some TV as the two of us were cuddling up to each other. 

A little while later, the two of us were in my room. No one was around the two of us since my dad went to visit his friends and bandmates back in Amber Beach.  This feels kinda weird since it's not the first time that we've been together at all but this time it felt can I put it?

Lustful in a way? 

I think it's because I've had a thought in my mind for a while now.  The two of us known each other for a really long time now. We do trust each other. We really love each other since we're engaged for a while now.

That's when I felt Keigo's hand as he placed his hand into my hand. "Hey, Kanan..." he started to say as I turned around to look at him. "There's something on my mind that I really need to say to you..." Keigo said.

"Go on. I'm listening to what you have to say" I said as I looked at him.

"Kanan...we've known each other since we were kids. We really do trust each other since we're engaged. And there's been something on my mind that I can't get out of my head. It's been taking over and it's really hard to concentrate cause of it. Do you...maybe want to take it to the next level?" he asked as I was blushing like the color of his wings.

"I was thinking the exact same thing. I think that I'm ready, are you?" I said.

"That's why I've asked you first songbird" he said as he smiled a little.

I took off my shirt as the two of us started to make out on the edge of the bed and I sat on his lap as the kissing was getting really heated by the second as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

The two of us let go of the kiss. Keigo was pinning me down on the bed just as he took his shirt off as he was showing his fit body and he went to attack my neck as our bodies were grinding against each other.

A/N: I really think that you know on where this is going...


Me and Keigo finished our intense make out session, the two of us were laying down on our backs on the bed, panting like we just finished a marathon.  

"Did we just..." I started to say as I was looking at him.

"Yeah...I think we really did" Keigo said.

I was cuddling into Keigo's chest. Keigo kissed my head as he was hugging me back. The two of us fell asleep afterwards.