The Secret is Out

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Persona 5: tmdrago version 2.0

By Tayla Drago

Episode #41 - The Secret is Out

What a surprising time for Witch the mysterious ninja girl to make a scene in front of Ann, Keiko, Morgana, and Jackie only after saving Mika from a Shadow to turn it into a Persona. A nice way to help out someone, and for this special Phantom Thief to remain unknown promises to help them change people's hearts and find Jackie's master 'who's her little sister who's trapped in the Metaverse', in return to do so and stop the man who's doing the mental shutdowns on people and the person causing the deaths of many. Will they take the tasks for this strange other thief on their side? Who knows...

[Ryuji: So, whaddya wanna do about our next big target?]

[Yusuke: Well that's sudden.]

[Ryuji: Well after what that guy said, sitting around doing nothing just pisses me off!]

[Ann: You're talking about Akechi-San, right? I know how you feel. Akechi-san needs to learn...words can sometimes hurt.]

[Keiko: Akechi will soon see the truth in any way.]

[Yusuke: Ah, that high school detective.]

[Ryuji: He'd hafta shut up if we changed another person's heart.]

[Keiko: Then perhaps he'll come around afterwards.]

[Ryuji: Definitely! Your boyfriend is gonna learn the hard way.]

[Ann: But he did mention that the police are starting to mobilize.... Either way, I don't think we should leave Akechi-San be.]

[Yusuke: This is the perfect time to meet and discuss what our strategy should be going forward. Let's gather at the hideout tomorrow.]

Then later, both Keiko and Morgana talk about it on their way to see Yoshi to help him out with his speeches tonight.

Morgana: Mental shutdowns, psychotic breakdowns, someone in the politician is doing this with some help, having a human girl's soul, the girl with powers the same age as you guys, and Jackie's human master to be Witch's sister...Whoever those two are. We have much to talk about and to discover.

Keiko: I agree with you, Morgana, we do. All of us in the group, even Jackie.

Morgana: But how do you feel about all of this? See what I said about trusting people like Witch?

Keiko: But she did save us more than once, but twice now...

I don't think that was the point, for Morgana had to say this to Keiko...

Morgana: Let me just say this to you, Madame Keiko. Even if Witch's on our side to be a good thing, we barely know her a lot...We might have to talk about this as a group. I too want to stop the mental shutdowns and such to be going on a lot. If anything, it might get us a bigger target to go after later. But without any leads from this businessman and his partner, we have nothing right now. I say we do this for Jackie and talk more about this Ninja person to still help out one another. I'm saying this to not be against you at all, Madame Keiko, I just wanted you to not jump to conclusions right now. Not until all five of us agree with it all for sure.

He does make a good point for Keiko to know about it, to try to keep the cool of aiding a lot of people under control a little. It's what Keiko does.

Keiko: (Now that I think about it, Morgana has a very good point there. We trust Witch, we just need to make sure we all know what we're getting ourselves into.) I guess so, Morgana, I'm just saying I don't want anyone to lose someone they truly care about.

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