Trans Tomura [Requested]

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     Tomura never gave much thought to any surgery of type to get rid of his chest. He never cared enough, never thought of it as a weakness of his gendered birth. Never bothered to do anything others would regularly do, not even a practical bra, the same three worn-out ones since his teen years, and even then rarely wore.

     Walking around the base, Tomura didn't bother this morning waking up and just threw a shirt onto himself walking out of his room, skipping breakfast for the third time this week. And texting the purple mist, Kurogiri, to warp him to the base, using his free arm to lazily look around for his backpack. Knocking over cups and papers in his attempts, finally feeling it and pulling it with him, placing a deceased hand onto his face as he looked up to step through the gate. the rest of his colleagues scattered about in the bar.

Magne, and Twice.

Mustard, and toga.

Mr. Compress, and Kurogiri.

Dabi. Alone, laying down on the floor, already on drugs.

And Spinner, also alone, sitting on a bar stool, sorting out some paper.

     Tomura walked over next to his lizard colleague peaking a look down at the papers, they were personal finance things, such as rent notices, and bills for basic uses. And all that stuff you shouldn't be doing at the workplace.

     "You know that the bar is for drinking not paying overdue fees." Tomura dropped his backpack on the counter making sure it was loud enough for Spinner to jump in which he did.

     "Don't drink. And shit to do, and this meeting is horribly early for you to schedule." spinner argued back looking up at Tomura.

     "Argueing back at your boss? Strike two. Doing personal stuff like this at your workplace was strike one."

     "Fine. sorry" Spinner rolled his eyes moving papers into a pile to shove back into his pocket

     "Never said you needed to stop, but oh, how so loyal of you, back to only strike one. Arguing back has been removed", Tomura grinned behind his mask, finally sitting down. Spinner finished crumpling the papers so they would fit in his pocket then looked back at his boss. Noticing how his shirt formed rather weirdly around his body. It was a loose shirt, and rather than going straight down it went, forward in a way, making it appear he had a bigger chest. Spinner shook his head mentally, looking away, once Tomura turned to face the other way on his stool.

After the meeting.

The league members slowly walked out.

Twice, and Magne.

Compress, Mustard, Toga.

Dabi, slugging away, hunched and droopy like he had just been revived.

     And spinner who... Didnt leave. Tomura noticed that Spinner looked like he was paying attention during the whole talk of plans, but also not. Like he was thinking deeply about part of the plans, but not hearing the rest, Tomura flicked his forehead

     "You awake in that small loyal brain of yours scaly?"

     "Fuck off-" Spinner rubbed his forehead, looking back up at Tomura.

     "Insubordinate again? My my my. Strike three. Now gotta punish you"

     "But you took off a strike earlier?!" spinner huffed "and you're making it sound weird. Stop it asshole."

     "Yeah well, not paying attention was strike two, and it's only sounding weird when lizard people want it to sound weird. So shut it." Tomura chuckled

     "Don't make me do freaky gross shit okay? And gross shit in general" Spinner retorted standing up and crossing his arms

     "Punishment is you stuck with me next mission in which ill degrade and make fun of you during the mission" Tomura took the hand off his face shoving it into his backpack. Spinner was the only one who Tomure freely took his hands off without hesitation. He likes him. He plays games. Tomura is nice to the league, relatively nice, he will make fun, but rarely truly mean things.

     "Fun, find good results though, might want to get tips from the chain smoker" Spinner sighed

     "What were you paying attention to while I was speaking?" Tomura asked, waiting for Kurogiri to come back from the purple curtains behind the bar.

     "Oh" spinner was now concerned that he will be termed as a creep and dusted by higher up.

     "Oh, what? Come on tell me or its strike four, five, and six"


     "You were thinking about ass?"

     "No! You!"

     "You were thinking about my ass? Gross. Remind me not the turn my back around you."

     "No not your ass! You are an ass!" spinner flushed slightly yelling back

     "Yeah, sure." Tomura scoffed looking slightly concerned

     "You really want me to tell you what the fuck I was paying attention to?" spinner huffed, in the moment of trying not to sound like a creep, but failing as he went to grab at Tomuras chest hurriedly pulling away right after grazing hit with his four fingers now looking away realizing what he did. "Sorry was trying to.. Punch... you"


     Tomuras eyes widened when Spinner went to grab at his damn tit, only grazing it before Spinner seemingly realized what he was doing and hurriedly retreated now looking like a guilty embarrassed pet. "Looked like a grab. That's fucking- I. yes I have Tits? That a problem for you, you damn overgrown chameleon"

     Spinner looked down "No it's not a uhm! Girl..? can still be a villain I just thought-!" Tomura grabbed his snout, his muscle memory retracting a finger away before all five touched.

     "Don't go rerouting your brain. Aint a damn girl, ever heard free choices?" Tomura glared at him.

     Spinners became more flustered him staggering a bit as Tomura grabbed his snout, looking down at Tomuras chest, then back up to meet him in the eyes. "Sorry sir?" he let out slowly. Even if Tomura was only taller by an inch, Tomura had pushed him down making him bend so his head was at least a foot below Tomura's, "still uhm dudes? Or am I getting killed and don't need to worry about those bills and overdue rent?.." spinner chuckled slightly as Tomura loosened his grip a bit

     "You moved a rank, and giving you a bonus this week, expect it in your weekly envelope" Tomura let him go hitting him playfully on his head. Spinner got up, staggering a bit, looking back at Tomura surprised by the outcome but nodding his head. As Kurogiri finally came back, glancing a look at Tomura, who nodded, as a gate opened. Tomura walks out. Leaving spinner to think about how grabbing Tomura's tit made him level up.