Chapter 1: Second Dimension Beast Store

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Su Bai sat bored behind the counter to his new beast selling store, "Second Dimension Beast Store".

Su Bai was originally a person from modern earth but one day while sitting at home a light shot down from space and sent him to the world of beast masters.

The light that hit him turned out to be a system that had been looking for a suitable host and had locked onto him after finding out he met the binding conditions.

The system after binding with his soul let him know that it is the, "Supreme Second Dimension Beast Master Store System".

The goal of the system is to create the ultimate beast master store that will change the paradigm of the world of beast masters.

After seeing no customers coming inside Su Bai called out his system panel and read up more about the functions he had access to.


Supreme Second Dimension Beast Master Store System:

Host: Su Bai

Beast Master Level: apprentice 1 star (out of 9)
(apprentice, junior, intermediate, senior, elite, domain, overlord, world, etc.)

Floors Unlocked: 1st, 2nd
Floor 1: Storefront, affinity tester
Floor 2: Bedroom

Unlocked world species: Toriko, HxH, Bleach, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Slime, Yugioh.

Su Bai was very satisfied looking at all the different worlds that were unlocked from the start, just pokemon world alone has over 1000 species of pokemon he didn't believe someone couldn't find a matching creature from all these worlds.

The system told him that by undergoing an affinity check the most suitable creatures will be selected for the beast master and he cannot sell a non match creature to any beast masters so affinity is very important.

After about 30 minutes of Su Bai reading up on his various abilities that come with being store owner a ding was heard as a pretty young woman entered and started looking around.

Su Bai sat up and smiled as the young woman came up to him.

"Boss, I am looking for a beast master of the grass element to create my initial contract with, what do you have here?"

Beast masters can create beast contracts once for every rank they achieve, the initial contract means this young lady is an apprentice 1 star as you can't rank up beyond this level till you have a beast contract.

Your first contract is arguably the most important, this beast is also called the life source beast as it is linked to your future potential as a beast master.

If your first beast dies you can never rank up again in this life, besides that your rank will be limited by how high your first beast can rank up to, so this will also determine your upper limit if you can't figure out how to evolve your first beast.

For example if your life source beast becomes an overlord beast you can rank up to 9 star overlord at the highest, if your beast becomes a world level beast your highest level is world level 9 star, etc.

"First we should check what is suitable for you, inject some soul power into this crystal ball and it can tell us what the most suitable beast that I have is for you."

The young woman looked curiously at the crystal ball and injected a little soul power into it, from what she knows this kind of equipment is only in high end academies or other groups so she had not seen this type of instrument before.

After a second a cute green frog with red eyes and a back with a bulb appeared inside the orb.

After a second a cute green frog with red eyes and a back with a bulb appeared inside the orb

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Su bai looked at the girl with a smile and started speaking.

"Congratulations, it looks like you have a good affinity with this bulbasaur which is an excellent pokemon."

The girl thought that this bulbasaur looks really cute but she asked about the word pokemon that the boss said.

"Boss what does pokemon mean?"

"This bulbasaur comes from the Pokemon world and all the creatures that live there are collectively called pokemon."

The girl nodded this time, as a student of the beast master academy nearby she knows that various worlds exist which all have different varieties of beasts and often have unique names for beasts.

"Boss what is the potential for this bulbasaur?"

Even if it is cute, this is her life source beast after all and not a normal contract so she has to be careful.

"This bulbasaur can grow up and reach intermediate rank without much training."

The girl looked disappointed that it can only reach intermediate, which is too low for her.

Su bai saw what she was thinking and spoke again.

"Although it can only reach intermediate that is only a superficial understanding of this pokemon."

"Many pokemon have in built evolution mechanisms to automatically evolve into higher forms of life once they reach their peaks, bulbasaur can do this process twice."

"All pokemon have fighting ingrained in their genes, so if you let bulbasaur fight enough it will automatically evolve into ivysaur which is a senior rank creature. Let ivysaur fight enough and it can become venusaur which is an elite creature."

The girl cheered up hearing that all she had to do was let it fight enough and it would evolve into an elite species.

"This is the normal evolution process of a bulbasaur over its lifetime, its also not like you cant rank up farther but it will be vastly harder than reaching elite status."

The girl understood that going beyond elite is to break racial barriers so it's understandable to be much more difficult.

"By the way boss what pokemon will it become if you break its racial barrier?"

Su bai shook his head.

"It will still be a venasaur but will become larger at every rank."

"At domain rank you can call it a king species venusaur and it will be about 10 feet tall, at overlord rank you can call it an ancient species and it will be about 15 feet tall, at world rank it would be a super ancient species and be about 30 feet tall."

The girl nodded in shock hearing that the little frog in the crystal ball can get 30 feet tall.

World of Beast Masters: Beast Master StoreWhere stories live. Discover now