Chapter 2: Bulbasaur

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"Boss how much for bulbasaur?"

Su bai answered the system price.

"20 soul stones, it is a creature that can safely evolve to an elite after all."

The girl clutched her heart hearing the price, her savings are only 27 soul stones after working part time for multiple years.

The girl gritted her teeth and decided that she would buy bulbasaur.

"Boss here is the soul stones."

Su bai collected the soul stones and spoke.

"Wait here and I will go get bulbasaur."

Su bai then headed upstairs to his room and released the bulbasaur with the highest match to the girl.

Bulbasaur looked at Su Bai and called out.


Su Bai smiled and picked him up and headed back down stairs.

When the girl saw bulbasaur stars lit up in her eyes, after all most girls are really weak to cute animals.

Bulbasaur was put on the ground and it ran up to the girl.


"Bulbasaur would you like to become my pokemon?"

Bulbasaur nodded and released a contract to the girl which she accepted, so from then on bulbasaur would be hers.

"Boss is there anything else I should pay attention to for raising bulbasaur?"

"A couple things, first you need a pokedex, it records all the skills and information about pokemon which is crucial.

Besides a pokedex, you need pokemon food which is the optimal food for pokemon to eat to get stronger."

"The pokedex is 2 soul stones and the food is 1 soul stone per month, later evolutions will consume more food as well"

"You are lucky that bulbasaur eats very little compared to some other pokemon so you have it quite easy."

The girl gritted her teeth and looked at the boss with ire, this boss was clearly eyeing her last couple soul stones.

The girl still ended up paying for the food and pokedex in the end as she knew that what the boss had said was correct.

The girl spoke one more time before leaving.

"Boss my name is lin qianqian from the elementary beast master academy nearby, could we swap numbers so I can ask you questions about bulbasaur?"

"Sure, and my name is Su Bai"

Su bai then handed her his number and she left the store to go back to the academy.

After lin qianqian left the system popped out.

[First Sale Completed: rewarding, underground floor 1 poke center and mart, underground floor 2 pokemon arena]

[More rewards after 5 sales]

Su Bai looked surprised hearing about the system having hidden missions.

After reading the contents of his rewards Su Bai headed down a set of stairs that had appeared and checked out his 2 new floors.

The first floor had an automatic pokemart and healing center selling Pokémon products for soul stones.

The second floor was a wide arena for pokemon battles.

After satisfying his curiosity Su Bai returned to his front desk and started browsing the internet.

On the side of lin qianqian she headed back to her dorm and scanned bulbasaur to see his info and fed him lunch.

[Bulbasaur is the seed pokemon, it enjoys laying in the sun to photosynthesize nutrients]

[Bulbasaur is a Grass/Poison type pokemon and as such is weak to fire, ice, flying, and psychic attacks]

[Bulbasaur has increased defense against grass, water, electric, fighting, and fairy attacks]

After the pokedex spoke the pokemon resistance type chart appeared on the screen.

Lin qianqian nodded listening to the pokedex speak, this information seems to match what is taught in the academy, but it is so much more detailed than what is taught, so this is not only relevant to the Pokemon world but to every world!

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Lin qianqian nodded listening to the pokedex speak, this information seems to match what is taught in the academy, but it is so much more detailed than what is taught, so this is not only relevant to the Pokemon world but to every world!

The only difference may be that lots of creatures have acquired increased resistance to various attribute damage so this should be the result when talking about damage without any acquired resistances.

Qianqian realized that the boss must be doing charity since this kind of info is worth a lot more than the measly 2 spirit stones that she ended up being charged and decided to pay the boss back later.

A short while later qianqian took bulbasaur over to the pet gym in the academy to train its moves before she goes out with bulbasaur to fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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