Chapter 1: The Orphan Got Too Reckless.

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Okay, you're going deeper into the alleyway, that's good. All the time you've spent running through these damn gutters is finally paying off. But there's something I want to know... Do you have it?

Y/N: Of course, I do... Always!

Good, you're going to have to put it on, but first, head into that abandoned building-... maybe I need to be more specific. Hmmmm... okay, that one right there; the one with the nonfunctional neon sign that says, "Wayne Medical & Pharmaceuticals." Wait a minute, Wayne? Like Bruce Wayne!? I didn't know he was the type to just abandon a building of such importance. No that's not like him at all. This must have been a building his father built when they were still alive.

Y/N: Damn shut up!

I will beat the absolute shit out of you if you don't watch your damn mouth.

Y/N: Keep dreaming.

Upon finally entering the ruined facility, you stumbled up the three flights of stairs, all the while you put on your hooded cloak. When that was done, everything around you seemed to take on a tense atmosphere that left you on edge. You're not alone in here.

Y/N: Wha-!?

Immediately sensing imminent danger closing in on you from your left, you ducked and rolled forward on the ground before frantically picking yourself up. After you did that, the person who attempted to attack you stood a few feet in front of you. Of course, throughout your lifetime living in this shithole of a city, you heard of and knew about the Batman and his "Bat-Family." it seems that you had not known of this newer addition to their group, a short-yet-lean young girl who was around your age. "Orphan" was what she went by, and although she wore what you would expect one of the "Batgirls" to wear, her costume was much grittier than the ones of the previous batgirls which he was accustomed to. Their size difference was tremendous, she stood 5'5" and you stood an astonishing 6'11". Not only that, but your builds were also polar opposites.

You're ignoring me, aren't you? Makes sense.

Y/N: What do you want!?

You asked her casually, and you sort of expected her to answer, but she didn't. Instead, she continued to stand there, examining you thoroughly as if she were trying to make sense of an open book.

Orphan: What are you?

Her voice was tomboyish in nature and gentle in tone, a sharp contrast to your gravelly and lower tone of voice.

Y/N: I'm me, and who are you? No one has spoken about some new batgirl named "Orphan".

Orphan: All you need to know is that I'm the new batgirl. And you are a wanted man... a vigilante? Really, man?

You scoffed at her sly remark- who was she to act superior to you in that sense? Batman HIMSELF started off as a vigilante who was wanted by the GCPD before he was officially considered an ally of said GCPD and the official Dark Knight of Gotham. Sorry, I went off in a tangent, and it seems you still haven't calmed from your shit day. So, you recklessly grab and shockingly pick up a heavy 600-pound steel shelf that's stacked full of containers of pills with ease and throw it at Cassandra.

Y/N: Cassandra?

Yes, you heard that right, Orphan is really a 19-year-old girl named Cassandra Cain who has a very interesting story. One that I forget because it's just very confusing for me, so I'll just tell you that she is the daughter of Shiva and is probably one of the most difficult members of the Bat-family which you could face off against one-on-one. Then again, you have "those" powers that can help you take care of her much easier.

Go on then, deal with her like you would deal with a mugger that you encountered every once in a while, when you were doing your hobby; teach her the consequences.

Cassandra dodged the incoming steel shelf that was thrown at her, the wall it crashed and practically broke through crumbled down. She was about to retaliate when you had suddenly appeared in front of her and delivered a rib-breaking punch that sent her flying up into the air. 

By everything that is holy, you practically beat her too near-death. Each punch, each kick, each elbow, each grapple, each attack you hit her with caused her immense pain and by God was blood spilled everywhere.  When the dust settled and everything came to a halt, you stood over her unconscious and writhing bloodied body, the mask she wore had been torn off and her young and otherwise beautiful face brought you back to your senses and the realization of what you just did hit you like a semi-truck.

Y/N: Oh my fucking- NO NO NO!!!

Yep, very unfortunate indeed. But if it makes things any better for you, someone is coming to help thanks in part to the fact that while in the middle of being mercilessly beaten by you-


Cassandra sent out a distress signal to batman, and he's already on his way in the batmobile. I think you know what you need to do now- run.

Y/N: Son of a- look Cass, I'm so sorry things had to end this way, but if it makes you feel better, you look very beautiful. Now I'll see ya later, and that's a guarantee.

After that, you ran off and jumped through a window, landing on another rooftop and beginning to traverse through the cityscape.

Finally got around to writing part 1 of this promising male reader story. To be honest with all of you, I was very lazy, but now that this is done, I'll get on to writing the next chapter of my OTHER story. But anyways, sayonara mis amigos, and hopefully, I'll keep on writing more chapters and stories.

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