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"Yujinnie say Mama" his mum always teaches him how to call mum and Yujin will mumble back to her trying to imitate. "Clever baby Yujinnie" his mum compliments. On the same evening, Gyuvin couldn't visit Yujin as he was extremely unwell.

Sleeping Gyuvin continues to call Yujin in his sleep. The boy just wants to play with his little brothers however he can't move out of bed and neither will his mum let him go at this stage. Gyuvin will cry and beg his mum but all the answers are the same a firm NO that the kid becomes to hate. "Mummy, Yujinnie is looking for Gyuvinnie" Gyuvin is not giving up no matter what and he needs to see Yujin every day. "Baby, if we go see  Yujin now he will also get sick and very unwell so please understand" his mum tried to explain in a way that could possibly convince her son as she knew so well that his boy could not see Yujinnie being in pain. Gyuvin gives up and not wanting his baby brothers to get his sickness he drags his heavy feet back to bed and closes his eyes.

"Gyuugyuuu" Gyuvin could hear someone trying to call his name "Yujinnie? Is that you?" Gyuvin asks still having his eyes shut Then he hears the same word again "Gyugyuu". "Yujinnie?" Gyuvin says opening his eyes lazily only to find Yujinnie on his bed trying to wake him up. "Yujinnie!? Yujinnie!!" GYuvin shouts in excitement as he holds the baby in his arm showering him with kisses. Yujin giggles as he continues to say Gyuugyuu. It was Gyuvin's happiest memory, his name was the first word Yujin said.

Time went on and the bond between the two boys grew stronger and stronger, Meeting one another has become one of their daily routines and it was a MUST DO!!

Gyuvin who is a social butterfly makes lots of new friends while Yujin the shy and quiet boy enjoys his own accompany and all he has has always been Gyuvin, his friend, and his brother. Occasionally, Yujin feels that Gyuvin is drifting apart from him. He understands very well how much his hyung likes hanging out but he also knows that he matters the most to the older boy and there is not changing it.

On Yujin's 14th birthday, he asks Gyuvin to hang out with him all day. "Hyung, I have you to myself all day tomorrow and you cannot say no" Yujin messaged Gyuvin. Gyuvin noticed his phone notification had gone on and when he checked it was none other than his beloved baby brother, he smiled staring at his phone. "Gyuvin! So are we still hanging out tomorrow morning" Mira asks, one of Gyuvin's closest female friends. "Will have to say no Mira, some other urgency" Gyvuin answer still looking at his phone as he types something. "It is Yujin is it not?" Mira ask only to get ignored by his friend. Meanwhile, Gyuvin happily type back to Yujin saying "Anything for you, my prince".

Yujin : Mum will prepare dinner for all of us but I want to hangout with you to the park

Gyuvin : Sure thing, I will pick you up at 9. Should I bring a soccer ball?

Yujin : Yes!!!

Gyuvin knows how much Yujin enjoys playing soccer and he wants the boy to have everything he likes on his birthday. Gyuvin has always wondered how mature Yujin is for his age. Yujin likes to stay private and he is neat, opposite to Gyuvin himself who is bubbly and kind of messy type. Gyuvin sometimes wonder what is going on in Yujin's mind especially when the boy gone quiet wiht a grin on his face but to this day Gyuvin haven't got his answer.

Gyuvin : see you tomorrow morning.

Yujin : See you hyung

Gyuvin : Oh! by the way is Yejun coming along?

Yujin : ....nO?

Gyuvin : okay then, see you.


Yujin wakes up early to get ready to hang out with his Gyuvin, he wears his favorite white T shirt that Gyuvin gave on his 13th birthday.

To Yujin, Gyuvin is someone who is cheerful, caring, and thoughtful. Most importantly, he is someone who loves him the most outside of his family, Yujin can be anything and Gyuvin will cherish him the same no matter what. All that Yujin cares is the live in the moment and enjoy your time with all the people you love and cherish cause you never know what tomorrow might bring.

Gyuvin : sleepyhead, are you up?

Yujin : waiting for you slow poke!

Gyuvin : be there in a sec

Gyuvin runs out of his house as he replys to Yujin's message. Yujin soon hears a familiar food step at their front door where he has been waiting to see his favorite person. Before Gyuvin could ring door bell Yujin opened the door slightly surprising the teenager boy. "Look who decides to get up early today!" Gyuvin tease with a big grin on his face as he cup Yujin's cute cheeks in his big hands. Yujin lightly slaps a pair on hands that landed on his face, squashing. "Let go!" he command only to receive a peck on is forehead from the latter. Yujin says blushing slightly "Hyung, you gotta stop doing that. I am now 14 and you are like 17 so people can misunderstand". "Like I care, let them think whatever. I will kiss you even after you are married. You are mine Yujinnie" Gyuvin replies slightly jocking. "Since when am I yours?" Yujin throw back at Gyuvin making the latter smile as he reply "Since birth". Gyvuin then realise he had forgotten to bring soccer with him, he looks around the house expecting to find one on Yujin's yard. "Looing for something you forgot to bring?" it is now yujin's turn to tease. Gyuvin could not answer, he just scratch the back of his neck feeling abit guilty. "It's okay hyung, I have plenty" Yujin reassure smiling.

The two boys head off to the park where they usually play soccer, There were not many people since it was quite early on a Saturday morning. The two boys enjoy playing soccer on the empty spacious green grass. Mira happened to be at the same park where Yujin and Gyuvin were playing, she could hear a familiar voice shouting and laughing out loud. She approaches and sees two boys playing soccer in open space with a big smile on their faces. Mira thought to herself "Gyuvinnie, I don't think Yujin is just a brother to you". Mira once had feelings for Gyuvin who is her age, a caring teenage boy but once she learns that she will never be as important as Yujin in Gyuvin's life she decides to stay by him and be there for him when he needs someone to lean on. Gyvvin is an important person to Mira after all.

Yujin could feel someone watching him as he turned around he could see one of Gyvin's friends and a girl at that. "Hyung, your friend is there," Yujin says under his breath slightly disappointed. Gyuvin looks around to find where his friend is as Yujin doesn't give him any direction. Once he finds a familiar figure he waves with both his arms spread calling for her to join them. Gyuvin fails to notice the birthday boy's disappointment rather he runs toward Mira and pulls her to where Yujin was standing. Gyuvin could not find Yujin on the same spot, he turns he head a few times then notice the boy's back as he walks back to the main road. "You should go Gyuvin, I have to go soon anyway and I don't have time to hangout right now" Mira insist understanding the situation. Gyuvin pats her head and promise to buy her ice cream next time. It was quite impossible not to fall for a fine and caring boy but Mira has always try her very best to get over her romantic feelings toward Gyuvin. She knows too well that there is no place for her in his heart, not when Yujin is still there.

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