Chapter 1

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((A/N this takes place after game 32 sea of darkness and has spoilers and references))

Sunlight poured in through the open curtains of the second floor window, the light filled the room of the female detective. Nancy Drew, the young teen girl, finally was out of highschool and ready to continue her career. She recently went to Iceland and was finally back home in her own bed, something she wasn't very used to. As the light flooded the walls she found herself unable to continue sleeping from the brightness. Her eyes fluttered open and she let out a yawn before sitting up. She rubbed her eyes as the sudden light was beginning to hurt.

Soon the girl climbed out of the bed and checked her puppy dog calendar that hung on the wall. She marked off the date and noticed that Valentine's day was that Saturday. A small frown spread on her face as she remembered her mostly mutual break up with Ned over him going to school and her traveling for cases so much. She knew things were better this way but she did still wish she had a date for the holiday.

Covering her mouth with her hand she yawned softly again as she put the pen on her desk. Quietly the girl gathered her outfit for the day and went to the small bathroom upstairs. The bathroom had a toilet and sink with just a standing shower and no tub. Her baby blue towel she always used hung neatly on the handle of the shower door. She locked the door and sat her clothes on a small nightstand by the toilet before she looked in the mirror. It didnt take long for her to brush her teeth and run a comb through her hair. Finally she turned the shower on to a nice temperature and stripped down to enjoy the water.

Once clean and ready for the day Nancy returned to her bedroom and sat at her desk. She wondered what she would do today, being back in town was nice but a bit boring at times. As she reached for her scrapbook her phone began to ring with the custom tone she picked for one of her closest friends Bess. Quickly the girl pulled her phone out and answered.

"Hey Bess." she greeted, sounding tired.

"Nancy! Come quick to Scoop! It was vandalized!" she shouted.

"What?!" Nancy said as she stood up from her seat.

"Just hurry!" the call ended and Nancy was already rushing down stairs to get her shoes and car keys. Carson was already out for work and Hannah was out shopping, which left Togo laying on his dog bed by the couch. His head perked up seeing Nancy rush by to the door.

"Be good Togo," she cooed as she left the house and locked the door behind her. Her blue car was in the driveway and she climbed into the drivers seat and turned it on. Scoop wasnt far from her house, nothing in this town was too far really and if it wasnt just chilly enough, she would probably walk.

Nancy arrived at Scoop and parked on the street seeing Bess and George outside the shop leaning on George's car. As she got out she could see the right window looking at the building was busted badly, but that was all. No graffiti from punks and nothing seemed to be wrong with the door or other window.

"What happened?" she asked as the two girls turned to look at her.

"Nancy! We were driving by to go get breakfast and I saw the hole in the window! So I made George stop and asked Toni about it. She said she doesnt know much but to call you for her while she cleans." Bess explained.

"I'll go talk to her," Nancy told them.

"We'll be at the diner, call if you need us," Bess said, getting into the passenger seat of the car.

"And good luck Nance," George added as she got into the car too and started to drive.

Nancy made her way into the ice cream shop, everything looked mostly the same and normal, nothing out of place besides the glass and brick on the ground. Toni was sweeping glass into a dustpan quietly before looking up at the red head. "Toni, what happened?" she asked.

"I wish I knew Nancy. I woke up this morning to a phone call from Everett saying the store was broken Into, but strangely nothing was taken." Toni explained with a sigh.


"The new hire, it was his first day opening on his own and this happens," she pointed out. "I don't know Nancy it's pretty suspicious."

"Where is Everett now?"

"He's still checking inventory in the back to be sure nothing was stolen. I checked the registers when i got in and they were fine too. I cant help but wonder about that boy though."

"Mind if I look around?" Nancy asked.

"Be my guest Nancy drew." Toni replies as she goes back to her sweeping. Nancy walked over to the broken glass looking at it on the ground, it was obvious the brick did it and so she slid on her gloves and reached down to pick it up.

"Is this what broke the window?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I think so, I told Everett to not touch anything here until you arrived." As Nancy looked at the brick she fliped it over to see a folded up piece of paper taped to the bottom. She let out a curious hum to herself as she took the note off and began unfolding it.

'YouR tiMe is up, GEt out of TOWN or eLse.' the note read with cut out letters from magazines like many other cliche cases before it. So she put the brick in a ziplock bag then into her purse before taking the note over to Toni.

"Toni, this might be serious," she tells her and shows her the note.

"Is this a threat?" Toni asks but before Nancy can reply the back room door opened with a voice following.

"All is counted for," the mysterious boy said. Nancy's eyes landed on the boy she had never seen before. His stature was small and he probably stood around 5'4 or so, a bit shorter than Nancy. His eyes were a pale blue while his hair was dark and contrasted his pale skin. Nancy couldnt help but notice he was kind of cute in his flannel and ripped up jeans, his face looking almost lost like a deer in headlights.

"Good," Toni started, "Everett this is Nancy, the detective."

"Nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you," He told her while stepping forward with a stretched out hand.

"Nice to meet you" she replied, shaking his hand. "I've never seen you before," she added with a smile and soft chuckle which he matched as he put his hands in his pockets.

"I just moved to town, but I heard about your recent cases, the town hall fire and about you just getting back from Iceland, your life seems fascinating. So does this town."

"Yes Nancy is amazing which is why she will solve this case," Toni chuckled. "Now, don't you have questions for him?" she added with a raised eyebrow. Nancy nodded at her as she clears her throat.

"Of course, may we chat in private somewhere?" she asked.

"The back room, I'll keep cleaning." Toni told them and they both gave a quiet nod. Everett lead the way to the backroom he had just left from. It had many stockroom items but mostly dishes, promo stuff, and cleaning supplies. He leaned on the wall behind him when they entered and Nancy took out her notepad and pencil to begin writing.

"So, Everett..." she trailed off looking at his face.


"Everett Price," she wrote as she repeated his name. "Tell me, what happened this morning?"

"Well, first I arrived about twenty minutes before my shift, you know to be on time and to eat my pop tarts for breakfast. That's when I saw the window was busted, real bad. I rushed Inside and saw the glass on the floor and called Toni, I told her what I saw. Then I waited outside not wanting to touch anything." He explained.

"So you didn't snoop? Or check the brick?"

"No, when Toni got in she sent me to check the back and I did. Then you arrived."

"Well, I found this note." She pulled the note out and opened it. She made sure to not let him or Toni touch it and only held it up to them. "I have to ask. Did you write this?"

"Of course not! But I'll do anything to help you find out who did." 

Nancy Drew: Vandalism and RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now